The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1371: Chopped off Zhao Xun's hand

"Hurry up and get me back!" Zhao Xun took two steps forward, took Zhao Yun'er's arm, and ordered the housekeeper on the side.

"Father, I won't go back, I won't go back!" Zhao Yuner howled ghostly, trying to break free from Zhao Xun's shackles, and cried out: "Father, I want to marry Big Brother Song, I want to marry Big Brother Song. Big Brother Song, what am I? No dowry gift is required. You just need to marry me, and you know you want to marry me! Okay? Okay? I'm a cow and a horse, and you can do anything you want me to do!

Zhao Yuner cried heartbreakingly, and his face was panicked.

"Yun'er, go back!" Zhao Xun roared.

Unexpectedly, Zhao Yuner's voice was louder than him: "Father, I won't go back, I want to follow Brother Song, I want to follow him!"

Her innocence has been ruined, and no one will want her, she can only follow Song Lian, who she didn't look at very much.

As long as he is willing to marry himself, he does not want anything, he can do nothing!

"I'm pooh! I just marry an ugly monster, I won't marry you!" Song Liancheng waved his hand and pushed Zhao Yun'er out. He also slapped his clothes in a hurry, for fear of something dirty on Zhao Yun'er. Up to oneself in general.

"Mother, Brother Song is your nephew, please tell him, let him marry me, let him marry me. Even if I am a little one, I agree!" Zhao Yuner threw directly, in Mrs. Zhao's Kneeled down in front of him, crying.

Madam Zhao felt a little bit of joy in Zhao Yuner's embarrassed look, but soon she was deeply desperate.

On the contrary, there is no such thing as the joy of defeating Hong.

This Zhao Yuner was raised in her own name as her own daughter. Her reputation was ruined. It would not be so easy to marry in the future. Maybe she will have to be an old girl at home all her life.

Who can blame all this?

Madam Zhao looked embarrassed and broke free of Zhao Yun'er's clothes: "If you want to blame, blame yourself, for doing that silly thing!"

Seeing that she didn't help herself, she still criticized herself, Zhao Yuner wore her hair and cried suddenly: "I knew that you are helping others. I am not your daughter. You will not help me. If my mother is here, my mother must Will help me, my mother will definitely help me!"

Zhao Yuner cried and howled like a ghost. That stern voice was even more frightening in this court.

The scream of "pop" came to an abrupt end. Zhao Yun'er was beaten and turned his head away. There was a clear five-finger handprint on her white face. Zhao Xun raised his hand high and stood in front of her with an angry expression.

"If you want to marry someone, you can! There is an old man Cheng in the west of the city, I will marry you tomorrow!" Zhao Xun roared.

At this moment, Zhao Yuner covered his face, stopped crying, stopped making trouble, stared at Zhao Xun in horror, "Father, what are you talking about? Who are you going to marry me to?"

"I am your father, everything on you is mine, including your marriage, your life! I want to marry you to whomever you want to marry! You want to marry, you want to marry, but you want to marry !" Zhao Xun gritted his teeth, his eyes were full of viciousness, and he looked at the girl in front of him as if he was an enemy.

"Old man Cheng? Isn't it the dead woman in the west of the city, the old man who has been drunk all day long and blinded one eye?" "I heard that the old man is almost fifty years old. At such an age, marrying such a beautiful and beautiful girl. Tsk tsk, it is really wronged!"

"Do you feel wronged? Why don't you go for it? I believe Master Zhao will definitely choose you!" Someone teased.

"Bah, I don't want it, even if I bring back the girl who makes me a bed warmer, I don't want it! I have heard that this incestuous body is very unlucky!"

The people around you, one word and one word, pointed at Zhao Yun'er with sarcasm and ridicule on their faces.

Where did Zhao Yun'er have been accused of that? When he heard that Zhao Xun was going to marry himself to a 50-year-old man who was drunk and blind, he passed out.

Zhao Yuner was fainted, and no one screamed at the court. Master Zhao turned to Zhao Zijie and Song Liancheng who were aside to speak: "On the day of the Qiao Qiao Festival, who among you asked this person to frame the county lord of Anping?"

Song Liancheng preemptively said: "My lord, it is him. He said that he wanted some family members to help him. At that time, I was blind and fell in love with his younger sister. I wanted to please my brother-in-law. After hearing what he said, I loaned Jiading to him. But how did I know that he was going to the county lord of Anping to settle the account! My lord, all of this has nothing to do with me! If the grass miner knew he wanted someone to go, he would go to Anping county. The Lord takes revenge and kills the Caomin. The Caomin dare not give it to others!"

"Zhao Zijie, what else do you have to say?"

Zhao Zijie knelt on the court, with his head hanging on his chest, without saying a word, as if he were a dead person.

"Zhao Zijie, what else do you have to say?" Master Zhao asked again when he saw that he didn't answer.

Zhao Zijie still did not speak.

Just when Master Zhao was about to ask for the third time, Zhao Xun suddenly flew up, kicked at Zhao Zijie, and shouted: "Nizi, Master asks you something!"

At that moment, Zhao Zijie suddenly seemed to be alive. After suffering Zhao Xun’s kick abruptly, he lay on the ground and stood up again in a blink of an eye, looking at Zhao Xun coldly with bloodshot eyes. It's like a bloodthirsty murder.

Zhao Xun's heart shook. Suddenly, a cold light flashed in front of him, and a bright knife suddenly struck him.

It happened so suddenly that Zhao Xun didn't even react, and instinctively asked him to use his arm to block it.

The sharp blade pierced his skin and cut off his bones. A sharp pain came from his arm, and Zhao Xun let out a hysterical wailing.


The crowd discovered in horror that Zhao Zijie chopped off Zhao Xun's arm in a daze.

The blood spewed out, splashing Zhao Zijie's face, even more terrifying.

"It's killing, it's killing!" Only then did everyone react, and the people onlookers made a mess, screaming with fear after another.

Those government officials were also dumbfounded, and there was no response for a long time.

Holding the knife, Zhao Zijie walked towards Madam Zhao step by step, with blood in his eyes, like a devil in hell.

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