The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1391: Never married

Ayu got up and said, "Anping county lord, this is my princess's greeting!"

Gu Xiaowan took it. Before she could see it, she thought of one thing: "Did you not see my Zuo? I asked her to go to the general's mansion early in the morning!"

"What? No, did you have a fork?" Ayu said, and then whispered in Gu Xiaowan's ear: "The county lord, my little lady is still outside!"

"What?" Gu Xiaowan was surprised: "Why did she come to Yushu?"

"My little lady didn't sleep well last night. It was just dawn, and she didn't even eat breakfast, so she rushed over!" Ayu's voice was bitter: "Little Miss, we cried and cried last night, and spent the whole night! Asked! There are countless questions about the slave and maidservant, and the one that is asked the most is only one question. However, only the county owner can answer this question. I wonder if the slave and maid will ask the county owner a question on behalf of the young lady?"

Ayu said with a look of respect and expectation.

"What's the problem?" When I heard that Tan Yushu hadn't rested overnight, Gu Xiaowan's heart also picked up.

Ayu first asked Gu Xiaowan's words: "The slave-servant knew that it was unreasonable to ask the county lord. However, thinking of the desperate appearance of my little lady, the slave-maid felt uncomfortable, so she courageously asked the county lord. Gu Jiasan Son, are you married?"

After speaking, a pair of eyes looked at Gu Xiaowan expectantly.

Gu Xiaowan's heart trembled: "Princess Protector, are you married?"

Gu Xiaowan didn't answer Ayu's words, but also looked at Ayu, and raised the question that she had been thinking about all night.

This is what she cares about, and it is also what Gu Ningping and Tan Yushu care about.


Gu Xiaowan's eyes curled slightly, and she answered, "Never!"

Although it was just two simple words, the two of them already knew what they meant.

Although they haven't seen each other in a few years, they haven't been married. That's a great thing!

"The county lord, my little lady is waiting at the gate now. My little lady thought about it all night and said that she must see the county lord of Anping the fastest time. There are many things to ask the county lord of Anping!" Ayuhe Gu Xiaowan and the other two walked outside with a smile, and the two words they said to each other just now seemed as if they had immediately arched the mountain they were pressing on, and they were extremely relaxed.

When the two came to the gate of Qingyuan, Gu Xiaowan saw a carriage parked at the gate.

Seeing Gu Xiaowan's figure walking out of the yard, the curtain of the carriage was suddenly opened.

Coming out from the inside, a pretty and charming woman in palace costume took the lead out of the carriage.

The coachman who drove the carriage met, and was busy trying to get a low stool to let Tan Yushu down. Where did she know that Tan Yushu now sees Gu Xiaowan, and his excitement is about to jump out. Where can he care about so much? Just from the carriage Jumped from above.

Gu Xiaowan was surprised when she saw it: "Jade Book, be careful!" hurried forward and held Tan Yushu in one hand.

Tan Yushu’s face was dark blue. Perhaps it was the reason for not slept all night. The whole person seemed a little weak, but he squeezed out a smile with Gu Xiaowan: "Sister Xiaowan, Yushu is so anxious to see you, would you be surprised? Yushu!"

"Silly sister, you come to see me, I'm eager to blame you!" Gu Xiaowan took Tan Yushu and walked inside.

Hearing that Tan Yushu did not eat, he said, "Yushu, I have never had breakfast. Would you like to have a chat and eat together?"

Tan Yushu gave a hum, nodded slightly, and said weakly, "Okay, Sister Xiaowan!"

In fact, she can't eat anything now, it's just that because she came to visit so early, Xiao Wan's sister didn't have breakfast, and she felt more guilty in her heart.

"Sister Xiaowan, I'm really sorry, I came so early, so you can't even take care of breakfast!" Tan Yushu said guiltily.

Gu Xiaowan took Tan Yushu's hand and patted comfortingly: "It's okay. I just used it this time on weekdays. You just happened to be here. Our two sisters haven't been eating together for a long time. Let's get together! "

Tan Yushu nodded, and followed Gu Xiaowan to the inner house.

There were not a few people in Qingyuan, and no one came across along the way.

Tan Yushu's heart jumped from the beginning when he entered the garden to his heart, and then slowly fell back to his heart, extremely disappointed.

The two were speechless all the way, and soon arrived in Gu Xiaowan's yard.

Kou Dan came back a while ago and informed Gu Fangxi that the young lady and the main Huguo County had come back for dinner, and the food on the table was changed again, and they were all steaming.

Gu Xiaowan knew that Tan Yushu had something to say with her, so she let the other people down. All of a sudden, Gu Xiaowan, Tan Yushu, and Ayu were left in the house.

Tan Yushu didn't know the conversation between Ayu and Gu Xiaowan just now. Seeing her look lonely, Gu Xiaowan said with excuses: "Yu Shu, I'm going to change clothes inside, you sit down first!"

Tan Yushu nodded gently: "Sister Xiaowan, please!"

After Gu Xiaowan and Ayu winked, they went inside.

I deliberately waited for Ayu to have already talked to Tan Yushu, and then walked out from the inside. Sure enough, I saw that Tan Yushu's face seemed to be coated with rouge at this moment, and the complexion of the whole person was the same as when he came just now. It's completely different, like a new person.

Seeing Gu Xiaowan coming out of it, Tan Yushu stood up directly, with the familiar smile and joy on his face: "Sister Xiaowan, I'm all hungry, let's eat quickly!"

Tan Yushu is a straight-tempered person, and all his happiness, anger, sorrow, and joy are directly on his face. This is also related to the fact that the Tan family is a family of military commanders.

Tan Yexing is an open-minded and straightforward temperament, who has always been straightforward, which also makes Tan Yushu's temperament appear on his face.

Seeing her happy, I think Ayu has told her just now.

Gu Xiaowan was also very happy. Together with Tan Yushu, one person ate a full bowl of bird's nest porridge and a few crystal dumplings. Gu Xiaowan felt full, so she put down her chopsticks.

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