The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1392: He is hiding from her

Tan Yushu obviously hasn't eaten it yet, holding an egg and saying: "Sister Xiaowan, your food is so delicious, I haven't eaten such a delicious thing for a long time!"

Tan Yushu's mouth was full, like a child who had never eaten such a delicious food before, said happily.

Gu Xiaowan was full. Seeing that she was eating so recklessly, she quickly persuaded her: "Eat slowly, don't choke!"

Just now, I heard Ayu said that Tan Yushu didn’t eat anything last night. At this moment, I saw her gobbling down. I knew that she hadn’t eaten two meals. She must have been hungry long ago, but because of a bad mood, wherever she would have an appetite to eat. Always hungry.

Now, knowing that Gu Ningping didn't make a marriage appointment, he was happy now, and felt hungry.

When she was hungry, the breakfast she was tired of eating early on weekdays all felt like a delicacy in the world.

When Tan Yushu felt his stomach and said contentedly that he was full, Gu Xiaowan took her to the yard, talking while walking.

Knowing that Gu Ningping was not married, Tan Yushu no longer struggled so much, and the whole person felt better.

However, when Gu Xiaowan talked about Gu Ningping, Tan Yushu still blamed herself: "Sister Xiaowan, I wanted to tell my true identity to brother Ningping at the time, but at that time my grandfather was in an emergency and had to rush to him immediately. Jingcheng, so I didn’t tell Ning Ping’s brother face to face. I didn’t intend to hide it from him at the time!"

Seeing Tan Yushu's anxiety, Gu Xiaowan said: "I know Yushu, don't blame yourself, you can't blame you for that thing!"

"No, I'm all to blame, I'm all to blame!" Tan Yushu patted his head reproachfully, and said in a voice that was almost crying: "I wanted to see you later, but after my grandfather returned to the capital, he suddenly gave birth. A serious illness lasts for more than a year. My grandfather is just a relative of me. I will stay in front of his bed until he gets better! Later I will come to you, but I know I’ve long been No face to see you! Brother Ning Ping must hate me to death!"

When Gu Xiaowan heard that Tan Yexing had a serious illness for no reason, she was very puzzled, but seeing the appearance of Tan Yushu, I didn't know what Tan Ye's behavior would cause serious illness!

So instead of asking, he answered Tan Yushu’s last sentence: "He never hated you, and never complained about you. For so many years, he has been thinking about you, the jade pendant and veil you gave him. He has always been with him. Do you know what he told me? He told me that the things you give him are just like you, always by his side. Seeing things is like seeing You too!"

As soon as Gu Xiaowan's voice fell, she saw Tan Yushu whimper, cupped her face in her hands, and started crying sobbing: "Brother Ning Ping, Brother Ning Ping ooh"

Then, I saw Tan Yushu wipe away his tears, and said as if he had made a lot of determination: "Sister Xiaowan, I want to see Brother Ning Ping!"

Gu Xiaowan looked at the unusually determined Tan Yushu and nodded.

It is also time to let them meet.

Anyway, if you are unmarried or unmarried, you still have a chance. Gu Xiaowan sent Kou Dan to find Gu Ningping, but Kou Dan returned, did not bring back Gu Ningping, but found Kou Hai who was next to Gu Ningping and was waiting for him.

Kou Hai has been with Gu Ningping all the time. When Gu Xiaowan asked him where he was going, Kou Hai asked three questions: "The slave doesn't know. The third son said that he wants to eat breakfast in the house. Let the slave eat too. Don't wait. The slave went to have breakfast, and then I waited outside all the time, but waited for a long time, until Codan said that the eldest had something to do with the third son, the slave knocked on the door, knocked for a long time, but didn’t hear the inside. There was movement, when the minion went in and took a look, the son was gone!"

Kou Hai also blamed himself on his face: "Miss, the servant will go outside to find the son!" After speaking, he turned around and went out.

Gu Xiaowan stopped him and said, "Wait, let me ask you, did the son go to martial arts this morning?"

Kou Hai nodded: "After practicing, he said that he was looking for a lady to share breakfast with you, but when he walked to your yard, he suddenly stopped leaving, stood for a while, and turned back. Eat in his own house, but the minion prepared a bit. When the minion went in to look for him, the minion found that the food on the table hadn’t moved at all! And, when the eldest lady and the third son came out of your yard, the whole person seemed to be Anyone who has cramps, walks staggered, and has no strength at all!" Na Kou Hai thought that Gu Ningping was ill, and originally wanted to invite a doctor to see him, but Gu Ningping said that he was a bit over-trained just now and was tired, so he went back to rest. It will be fine!

After Gu Xiaowan heard it, she understood instantly.

When Gu Ningping came to look for him, he happened to find Tan Yushu in his house. He didn't go in, but turned back again.

At this moment, he left Qingyuan again and disappeared without a trace. When he wanted to come, he didn't want to see Tan Yushu!

Gu Xiaowan looked back at Tan Yushu, who was still waiting expectantly in the room, and her heart froze to the bottom.

Gu Ningping is hiding from Tan Yushu!

"Do you know where the son is?" Gu Xiaowan asked anxiously.

Kou Hai thought for a while and shook his head: "During this period, apart from practicing martial arts, the son reads in the house every day, and he has never been there!"

Gu Xiaowan let Kou Hai go down, after thinking about it, she still had to talk to Tan Yushu.

Tan Yushu sat with his back to the door. When he heard movement at the door, his whole figure seemed to bounce off a stool, and he turned around quickly, looking at the door with a flushed face with excitement.

When I saw Gu Xiaowan come in alone, and there was no one behind him, the face I was overjoyed just now was completely lost.

"Yu Shu, Ning Ping, he has gone out, maybe he won't be back for a while.

"Sister Xiaowan knows where Brother Ning Ping has gone?" Tan Yushu interrupted Gu Xiaowan's words and asked hopefully.

"I don't know!" Gu Xiaowan's heart hurt by the innocent and expectant eyes beating.

"Oh, or else, Sister Xiaowan, I will wait for him right here, okay?"

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