The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1393: Why bother

"Good" Gu Xiaowan couldn't look into other people's eyes, especially Tan Yushu's big watery eyes. The one who looked at her expectantly was an awkward, thinking that Gu Ningping didn't even tell when he learned that Tan Yushu was in the house No, why he left without saying a word, Gu Xiaowan knew very well.

Tan Yushu was waiting in Qingyuan, and this time, until the sky was dark, there was no news of Gu Ningping coming back from the outer house.

However, Tan Yushu's emotions became lower since the beginning of the wait. At noon, Gu Xiaowan ate with her, but Tan Yushu used too much for breakfast, and did not eat anything at noon.

Gu Xiaowan ordered Kou Hai to search everywhere, but she didn't see Gu Ningping at all.

"Miss, let's go back first. We didn't go home for a day, the master may have to wait anxiously!" After waiting for a day, there was no one. Seeing Tan Yushu slowly becoming lost from the initial expectations, Ayu felt It is also sad.

How could she see the young lady going on like this, hurriedly said.

Tan Yushu glanced at Ayu with dumb eyes, then at Gu Xiaowan, and finally looked outside the house.

It was still quiet outside, there was no sound, and no one came.

Tan Yushu only felt like she had been stabbed in her heart, and her breathing was painful.

"Yushu, Ayu is right. The time is late, or you should go back first. If Ning Ping comes back, I will send someone to inform you?" Gu Xiaowan was also unbearable, except for Tan Yushu's guilt. , Gu Ningping's leaving without saying goodbye is really annoying to blame.

Tan Yushu glanced at Gu Xiaowan, still a little reluctant: "Sister Xiaowan, won't Ningping be back?"

Gu Xiaowan glanced at her sadly, but didn't know how to answer: "Yu Shu, Ning Ping, he has gone out because of something. If he knew you were waiting for him at home, he would be very happy!"

"Really?" Tan Yushu's eyes lit up, and then suddenly dimmed.

"Miss, let's go back, the master is definitely still at home waiting for us to eat dinner!" Ayu said distressedly while supporting Tan Yushu.

Tan Yushu couldn't help but nodded, and Ayu walked outside with Ayu's support.

Gu Xiaowan has been following them all the time, looking at the lonely and thin figure of Tan Yushu, she was suffocated in her heart, but she couldn't vomit it anymore.

Tan Yushu walked slowly, step by step, looking around as he walked, looking around with a pair of lost eyes, wanting to meet someone suddenly.

It's just that if you don't want to leave, this short road will come to an end.

When he reached the gate of the courtyard, Tan's carriage was already waiting at the gate.

Tan Yushu took Gu Xiaowan's hand without letting go. She looked at Gu Xiaowan roundly with a pair of apricot eyes, which contained too many emotions, sadness, expectations, and disappointment that could not be hidden.

"Sister Xiaowan" Tan Yushu's hands were cold, just like this night wind, Bing Gu Xiaowan trembled.

"Sister Xiaowan, Yushu is going back first." Tan Yushu reluctantly let go of Gu Xiaowan's hand, and looked at Gu Xiaowan with great reluctance.

After all, on Guanglong Street, there is no noisy sound, one after another bright lights, set off the entire Guanglong Street like the day.

"Yu Shu, you take good care of yourself!" Gu Xiaowan didn't know how to comfort Tan Yushu, so she could only send Tan Yushu to the carriage.

When Tan Yushu's pale face appeared in front of Gu Xiaowan again, those eyes were still looking forward to Gu Xiaowan, looking around, as if waiting for something to appear at any time.

Until the carriage started, and the familiar figure was still missing, Tan Yushu lowered the curtain and left lonely.

The carriage walked very slowly, but it finally disappeared in Gu Xiaowan's eyes, and never seen again.

"Where is the son? Haven't come back?" Gu Xiaowan shook her hand and sighed.

Kou Dan nodded: "If you go back to Miss, never!"

Gu Xiaowan nodded disappointedly, waved her hand, and said weakly, "Go back!"

In the middle of the night, Gu Xiaowan received the notification and Gu Ningping came back.

So drunk.

And the one who sent Gu Ningping was Zuo.

Gu Xiaowan saw Gu Ningping, who was already drunk and unconscious, lying on the bed with her eyes closed and fell asleep.

Gu Xiaowan frowned while smelling the wine in the room, but did not speak, but told Kou Hai to serve her well.

When he returned to the house, Zuo had already changed his clothes and waited for Gu Xiaowan.

"Girl, when I came back from the General’s Mansion, I knew that I had a fork with the Huguo County Lord. I was going to come back and report to you, but when I walked outside, I found that the son came out of the house in despair. Zuo was worried that he was in danger, so he followed along." Zuo General Gu Ningping said all the itinerary of the day today.

When I heard that Gu Ningping didn't go far at all, but when he was always around here, Gu Xiaowan sighed.

"Then how did he drink so embarrassed?"

"The son returned home in the evening, but did not enter the house, but kept hiding not far from the door of the house. When he saw the girl, you and the princess went out and went out, the son went to buy drunk! Zuo was afraid of the son alone. If there is any accident, I have been guarding it!"

"Then he saw Yushu?" Gu Xiaowan asked, frowning.

"I saw it!" Zuo replied, after thinking about it, and then saying again: "Hidden in the corner to watch!"

When I looked at it, I blinked my eyes reluctantly, and then watched the horse-drawn carriage of the Huguo Princess disappear from sight, and then gave up.

And Gu Ningpi's excitement from the beginning to the loneliness and disappointment he never saw again in the end hurt Zuo's eyes even more.

That's it!

Gu Xiaowan sighed, thinking of the lonely and disappointed eyes when Tan Yushu left, and thinking of Gu Ningping's painful expression in the room just now, Gu Xiaowan held her forehead weakly with her hands: "Go down and rest!"

Gu Xiaowan had another insomnia that night, lying on the bed over and over and looking at the complicated curtains above her head, but she didn't feel sleepy at all.

Tan Yushu's plea, Gu Ningping's withdrawal, and the loneliness and disappointment in his eyes when he finally saw them all lingered on Gu Xiaowan's body.

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