The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1399: Mutual expression

"Yushu, I like you!" Gu Ningping said suddenly, holding Tan Yushu's face.

He thought about this sentence for a long time, read it for a long time, and finally had the courage to say it this time: "From the first time I saw you in Ruixian, I have begun to like you!"

For so many years, my love for you has not changed at all, only more and no less, not weakened by distance, but deepened by time.

Tan Yushu's eyes widened, looking at the affectionate money, Gu Ningping, who said this to herself, couldn't believe her eyes. She stared wide-eyed like a dream, and muttered, "Brother Ningping, you say what?"

Gu Ningping just summoned his courage before uttering such a sentence. Now, he swallowed and summoned his courage to continue saying: "Yu Shu, I like you and fall in love with you at first sight! Do you like me?"

This time Tan Yushu realized that she was not really dreaming. She really heard Ning Ping’s brother telling herself that she liked herself. It was really not a dream!

From the start of her daze, to the ecstasy at the back, it was all moments.

Tan Yushu stretched out his hands and wrapped Gu Ningping's neck. A pair of eyes looked at Gu Ningping affectionately, and he replied affectionately: "Like, Yushu has always liked Brother Ningping!"

Two people look at me and I look at you. At this moment, the house is silent but full of warmth.

Both of them looked at each other affectionately, and with just that glance, they were destined to be affectionate for the rest of their lives until they died.

"Yu Shu, I am just a poor boy now, I know I am not worthy of you, so today, in addition to show you my heart, I still come to say goodbye to you!" Gu Ningping held the Jiao in his arms Ren, the heart that has been clutching, now finally let go.

"Farewell? Where are you going?" Tan Yushu jumped out of Gu Ningping's arms in fright, and looked at Gu Ningping sadly, for fear that it would be a dream right now.

"I'm going to the military camp for some training. If I can earn a fame, I will come back and marry you openly!" Gu Ningping said firmly.

Unexpectedly, Tan Yushu shook his head and smiled bitterly: "Brother Ning Ping, I don't care about that!"

"I know you don't care. If you care, you won't like me, a useless poor boy." Gu Ningping smiled very sourly, but he was unusually determined: "But I can't wrong you, I want to give you The best, I want to give you a warm and dependable home, no matter where you are, I can stand in front of you, shelter you from wind and rain, and change your life for peace. What I want to do, I want to give you Yes, it is to be able to stand in front of you, instead of letting you stand in front of me and suffer all the scorn and ridicule for me."

Tan Yushu is the head of the county guarding the country. She likes Gu Ningping. With her identity and status, and the love of the queen mother, it is entirely possible for her to invite the queen mother to marry him, and let her marry Gu Ningping, a poor boy.

However, the series of things that this led to were not what Gu Ningping wanted to see at all.

Gu Xiaowan analyzed with him for a long time, Tan Yushu's identity is high, and the emperor and the queen mother are paired with her, naturally, they are also high and distinguished. If Tan Yushu insists on marrying Gu Ningping, the royal family will not object. Naturally, Tan Yushu. There is no resistance at all to marry Gu Ningping. However, since then, Tan Yushu has no room to stand and speak in the imperial family or even in the entire capital.

Because she was married to a civilian, she had to endure the scorn and slander cast by the royal family and the entire capital, as well as the cynicism from everyone in the future.

And she personally requested to marry a civilian. This is an unbelievable thing. Gu Ningping couldn't even think of any nasty things in Beijing.

Gu Ningping didn't want Tan Yushu to bear this.

He likes Tan Yushu, naturally, she can't let her suffer these cold words, and can't let Tan Yushu feel unhappy.

And to make Yushu happy, what Gu Ningping has to do is to strengthen himself and earn a reputation. When that time comes, he will be able to stand on the hall, face the nine-five gods, and speak his true heart. words.

At that time, it really gave Yushu the greatest dignity and respect.

After hearing Gu Ningping’s heartfelt words, Tan Yushu shed two lines of tears: "Brother Ningping"

"I love you and want to spend my whole life with you. Naturally, I want to give you the best. Although I can't give you now, I will earn and I will do my best to earn, Yushu, you wish Don’t want to wait for me for five years, wait for me for five years, okay?"

"Okay!" Tan Yushu didn't even think about it. He nodded firmly and replied: "Brother Ning Ping, I will wait for you, let alone five, ten, fifteen years, I will wait. As long as you come back, I will wait!"

There was a firmness in Tan Yushu's eyes, and his big eyes looked at Gu Ningping with so much affection, and he was reluctant to blink his eyes: "Brother Ningping, in my whole life, I decided to be your wife, let alone It has been five years, and for the rest of my life, I am willing to wait as long as you marry me!"

"Fool!" Gu Ningping took Tan Yushu into his arms, and the tears that had just stopped, fell again at this moment, and along his cheeks, one after another big teardrops fell on Tan Yushu. In the neck, hot tears burned her heart.

"I won't let you wait too long. After I go to the barracks, I will definitely work hard and try to get back as soon as possible!"

"Well, I'll wait for you, I just want you to be well, no matter how long I will wait. This life will definitely live up to you!"

"Jade Book, if you are like this, Gu Ningping, my life, will definitely live up to you!"

Gu Xiaowan was sitting in the outer hall, drinking tea from Ayu, she didn't know where she was floating.

Thinking of Gu Ningping’s affection for Tan Yushu and his lack of self-confidence, Gu Xiaowan worried that if Ningping did not succeed this time, he would be afraid of

Gu Xiaowan didn't dare to think about it. Perhaps, as people grew up, after experiencing a lot of things, they would become more and more wanting to spend the full moon instead of seeing the waning moon.

While thinking like this, Gu Ningping walked out of Tan Yushu's room. Gu Xiaowan was surprised and hurried out. Gu Ningping heard the sound and looked over here.

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