The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1400: beat

Gu Ningping's eyes were red and swollen, and there were tears on his face. He had clearly cried, but his eyes were red, but he looked into the house reluctantly, his face was indifferent.

Seeing Gu Ningping coming out, Ayu ran over first and asked worriedly: "Gu Gongzi, has my lady drunk the medicine?"

Gu Ningping nodded, Ayu nodded clearly, but A Qing on the side called out in surprise, "This is really strange. My young lady will have to coax her sister Ayu when she drinks the medicine. Only when Shichen was willing to drink it, Gu Gongzi only went in for a while, and my little lady drank the medicine, but it really is."

A Qing was surprised at first. After the surprise, he stopped talking. Instead, he looked at Ayu's wink and stopped. But he was very curious in his heart. What is the relationship between the handsome man in front of him and his What is the relationship with the young lady? Sister Ayu would actually let this person go to see the young lady alone. Moreover, the young lady listened to him so much. In such a short time, she drank the bitter medicine.

It's a strange person!

Thinking about it this way, A Qing secretly glanced at Gu Ningping a few more times, but didn't know that his transgressive posture had fallen into Ayu's eyes.

Gu Ningping had already walked to Gu Xiaowan's side, looking at Gu Xiaowan: "Sister"

Although Gu Ningping's eye sockets were red and swollen and there were signs of crying, but the deepest part of his eyes was a touch of satisfaction and relief. Gu Xiaowan understood that Gu Ningping should have already negotiated with Tan Yushu, and the two should have talked well.

Now that the talks are over, Gu Xiaowan doesn’t need to go in again. Moreover, Tan Yushu has just met Gu Ningping and has no energy to see herself, so she said to Ayu: “Ayu, the princess is unwell, and I’m tired of thinking about it. I will come back to see the princess tomorrow!"

"The slave and maid will thank the county owner on behalf of the county owner, the county owner, please!" Ayu smiled and took Gu Xiaowan out. Gu Xiaowan brought Gu Ningping out. Ayu naturally knew it. Since the two of them have already met, At this moment, the young lady must be alone in the house. The county lord of Anping will not disturb the lord to rest, and Ayu knows what she means.

After sending away the county lord of Anping, Ayu turned around and returned to the yard. As soon as he entered the yard, he saw Aqing standing at the gate of the yard with a look of confusion. Seeing Ayu coming back, Aqing smiled flatteringly at Ayu. He hurried to the front of Ayu, and asked joyfully: "Sister Ayu, are you back? Who are the two people who came just now? The little lady listened to that man so much."

Ayu glanced at her squintly. When Gu Ningping was standing here just now, this maid looked directly at Gu Ningping so boldly, and even said something like that, it seemed to be a good beating.

Ayu frowned and said solemnly: "A Qing, how long have you been in the General's Mansion?"

"Sister Ayu, A Qing has been in the General's Mansion for two years!" A Qing was taken aback. Although she didn't know what Ayu meant when she asked her, she felt a little drumming and could only answer truthfully.

"Then how long have you been with the little lady?" Ayu continued to ask, looking at this somewhat puzzled Aqing, knowing that the little lady was kind, the girl became more and more disregarded, and even took care of the master's private affairs. . "It's been a year!"

"Then, do you know how the little lady asks us to subordinates?"

"Sister Ayu" A Qing was taken aback, staring at Ayu with wide eyes.

"Say!" Ayu sternly stared at this unaware maid, and said coldly: "If you are serving by the little lady, you must know that the master's affairs are not for us to be able to inquire, be curious, and be able to chew the tongue. Yes, you have committed all three taboos today. You said, if this matter is known by the little lady or the master, do you know what kind of punishment you will face?"

Ayu's words are heavy, but they are not meant to be fun at all.

This Aqing came to the General Mansion not long ago, but because of his innocence, he was bought by the little lady when he sold his body to bury his father and was bought by the little lady. It is said that the General Mansion does not lack her as a maid. An orphan girl was wandering outside, and she simply gave her a stable home.

The little lady was kind, and when A Qing first came here, she was a prudent duty, but since arriving in the little lady’s yard, the little lady is kind-hearted and easy to talk, and this A Qing thinks he is a little lady buying When he came, the little lady was naturally blacked, and his actions became more and more irrelevant.

Ayu didn't want to say, but today, this maid is actually curious about the personal affairs of the little lady. It is still the case today. If it is later, it will be fine.

"Dare to talk nonsense about the master, the lighter cuts his tongue, the heavy one is killed, don't you know?" Ayu said harshly.

Na Aqing was originally curious and resentful, but seeing that Ayu did not look like a joke at the moment, Aqing panicked: "Sister Ayu, I'm just me."

A look of horror and panic.

"You and I are just servants. The master's affairs are not something you and I can talk about. If I can see or hear you talking about the master's affairs next time, don't blame me for not reminding you in advance!" Ayu finished , Coldly glanced at Ah Qing, who was already scared and pale, and walked away.

The rest of Ah Qing watched Ayu's departure, thinking of the lighter cut his tongue and the heavy cut his head, and then think about that she even asked her about the master just now, Ah Qing only felt a spine break. Liang, as if there was a snake behind her, made her scared and exhausted.

Gu Xiaowan and Gu Ningping got into the carriage and went home.

Sitting on the carriage, watching Gu Ningping not speaking, but her expression very excited and joyful, Gu Xiaowan asked softly: "Ningping, have you spoken to Yushu?"

Gu Ningping was still thinking about the deep and righteous words that Yu Shu had said in the General’s Mansion just now, when he heard his sister’s voice, and then realized that he had left her sister in the cold for a long time. Busily said: "Well, let's talk about it."

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