The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1406: Jinxiu Cloth Village

Therefore, every stitch and every thread must ensure that the force of the needle is stable, which is a very difficult technical job.

Gu Xiaoyi spent all his thoughts on embroidering the Baifu map. Naturally, he didn’t spend much of his thoughts in the Lanyue Pavilion. He just occasionally made a whim to make one or two easy-to-make puppets. The rest takes time. Things are never done again.

This time I entered Lanyue Pavilion and saw that the things I made before were out of stock, that is, some veils, insoles, and some gadgets embroidered by my aunt on weekdays were left. Moreover, in the order, I still owe a lot of people!

After hearing this, Gu Xiaowan felt that if it was delayed any longer, it would not be a solution. Those people who paid the deposit but couldn't get the things for a long time would definitely be irritable. If the time comes, they will make trouble in the Moon Pavilion. The reputation of Lanyue Pavilion is really bad!

However, all of Gu Xiaoyi's thoughts nowadays must be placed on Baifutu, and he can't do anything by himself. That is really a difficult thing to do!

"Stop first!"

While Gu Xiaowan was still thinking about it, Gu Xiaoyi suddenly saw something and called out: "Sister, I'll go down and buy some gold wire first, I ran out of gold wire at home."

Gu Xiaowan also got out of the carriage along the way, it was Jinxiu Cloth Village.

After entering the Fairview Cloth Shop, the young man who greeted them last time, Changgui, when he saw Gu Xiaowan and the others, hurriedly stepped forward to greet them: "Two girls, are you here?"

Seeing him so courteous, Gu Xiaowan also smiled and said: "My sister is here to buy some gold thread! Do you have it in the store?"

"Don't worry, I have everything in this store, gold thread, thick and thin I have here!"

With a confident look on his face: "It's just that I have too many things here. The girl still has to think about the specifications of what she wants to buy, otherwise, it will be useless to buy at that time. Have a trip!"

Gu Xiaoyi nodded, took out a small sachet from his pocket, and drew a gold thread from the small sachet and said, "Brother, the gold thread I want to use is like this, please help me in this way. Find it!"

Na Changgui took a look, and glanced at Gu Xiaoyi approvingly: "The girl is really farsighted, and she brought her things directly. This is the best way. You can't make a mistake! The two girls sit down a little while I Now go find it in the warehouse."

After speaking, I took the gold thread and went to the backyard to find something.

At the moment, Jinxiu Cloth Village has no guests. If you want to come, Changgui will be there alone. Gu Xiaoyi is a person who loves embroidery. Looking at this dazzling cloth, he is also very curious. From the shop, he looks, From time to time, he still pulled Gu Xiaowan to explain her insights to her.

"Sister, look at the gray cloth. Don't look at the gray cloth. But if it is made into a cover and embroidered with black Arabian Nights, sister, I think you will look good in that clothes!" Gu Xiaoyi promised. Said.

Gu Xiaowan had painted many designs for Gu Xiaoyi, and the black Arabian Night was also in it.

In short, all flower categories in all colors, as long as they are good-looking, were painted by Gu Xiaoyi, so Gu Xiaoyi blurted out and said Arabian Nights.

Gu Xiaowan didn't like the gray series of clothes very much, and felt that the clothes of that color in her own little girl's house were too dull, but after Gu Xiaoyi said that, Gu Xiaoyi re-examined the gray fabric. saw the gray material as light as the wind, only a small one, but it exuded her own luster.

The girls at this time are either red and green, or yellow, purple, gray and black. There are really no girls wearing them.

Thinking of my psychological age, I am now thirty-six years old. I have an insincere appreciation for clothes of this color. It just so happens that I don't really have a piece of clothes of this color, so I just buy it back if I don't.

Just as Gu Xiaowan was about to nod her head to agree to buy it, she saw a person picking out a curtain from behind the curtain, who was not Master Liao!

Seeing the two little girls who had met once, Master Liao also smiled and said, "The two girls are here? Looking at the material?"

Gu Xiaowan nodded: "Well! Master Liao! Could you please bring that gray material to our sisters!"

When Master Liao heard that he wanted to take the gray material, a hint of surprise flashed on his face, but it was fleeting: "The girl wants to see the gray material?"

A face of confusion: "Should the girl go back to make clothes for the elders at home or?"

Gu Xiaoyi smiled: "No, I'll go back and make clothes for my sister?"

Master Liao was surprised: "To your sister?"

Master Liao glanced at Gu Xiaowan in surprise. This girl was only sixteen years old and full of vigor. She was wearing a plain white dress today with big red peony embroidered on it, although only a simple one. , But it is simple and unattainable nobility!

He had only seen this girl once last time. Although she said she did not look great, she had a beauty that was pleasing to the eye once she saw it and was unforgettable!

Noble with alienation that can't make people profanity, those black eyeballs, as if they can insight into your heart, make people afraid to look, and want to see.

Master Liao has done things for a lifetime in Jinxiu Cloth Village. I have never seen any kind of woman.

He went down to the Xiaojiabiyu of an ordinary family, and went up to the imperial palace in the palace. He had seen all kinds of men and women.

But I have never seen a girl like this girl, with a self-confidence light that can not be underestimated.

Master Liao took down the gray cloth and patted it casually.

Although the cloth is placed in the cabinet and a guy cleans up the dust every day, the cloth stays in the cabinet for too long.

So long he had forgotten how long it was in it.

However, although it takes a long time, this material is really good at a fair price!

At that time, the young master thought it was good-looking, but he came in from others at a high price. This gray material is very ordinary at first glance, but if you look closely, you can see that the gray material has a faint luster. If this dress is worn on the body, it is noble and generous, simple but luxurious, and it is top grade.

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