The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1414: Gu Ningping leaves home

"Ning Ping likes jade books, and he hasn't changed for so many years. Although his status is humble, his feelings are priceless, and he has ideas and the ability to change himself. None of us has the right to stop him from becoming better. No one has the right to stop him from chasing love. If he loses, he will have no regrets if he tries hard. If he wins, we will all be happy for him!"

After Gu Fangxi listened to it, after thinking about it for a long time, he also figured it out.

"You are right, what is right? Now Ning Ping is still working hard, maybe someday he will be right. We have to support him. When we have everything we want, we will be happy! "

When Gu Xiaowan saw that Gu Fangxi had figured it out, she was also happy.

This is Gu Ningping's choice, and no one can replace him to change his decision without authorization, unless he changes it himself.

But if you love someone, if you don't even have the courage to work hard, then the love is too slight.

Because he was afraid that it would be too late, it would be inconvenient for Tan Yushu to go back, so the time for dinner was very early.

After everyone was seated, Gu Ningping diligently added a bowl of soup to Tan Yushu and a bowl of soup to Gu Xiaowan, and laughed all the time, which was regarded as a plea.

Seeing him like that, Gu Xiaowan felt amused in her heart, so she also teased him from time to time at the dinner table. Apart from Qin Yizhi's absence, this meal was also a pleasant one.

Gu Fangxi knew that Gu Ningping liked the princess who protected the country, and he had been taking care of them both while eating. Seeing their affectionate appearance, it was enough to know that Gu Ningping would not give up.

After dinner, Gu Ningping personally sent Tan Yushu back to the general's mansion. When he came back, he was also excited and excited, and was also excited to see Gu Xiaowan.

"Sister, why are you still asleep? It's so late!"

"Why are you sweating so much?" Gu Xiaowan saw his clothes wet again this evening. The night wind is cold, and the clothes on my body are wet. If I accidentally catch a cold from the night wind, it will be troublesome.

Gu Xiaowan asked with concern, frowning with worry.

Upon seeing this, Gu Ningping said embarrassedly: "Sister, I'm fine, but after sending Yushu home, I went to practice hard, and then I came back!"

Gu Xiaowan nodded in satisfaction. She looked at the grown-up child and felt very satisfied: "Ning Ping, you will be leaving home in two days. Tell the truth."

When Gu Xiaowan said this, she paused, her voice was a little choked: "My sister is very reluctant to let you go so far alone, it's just"

"Sister, don't talk about it. Ning Ping knows that this is Ning Ping's choice. Moreover, it is Ning Ping's only choice!"

Gu Ningping said firmly, the child's naughty nature was still in his eyes before, but now he has the perseverance and maturity of an adult man.

"Ning Ping is dangerous, the battlefield, you must protect yourself. Sister, Ning An, Xiao Yi, aunt, brother Yizhi, and Yushu, we all hope you are well, we are all waiting for you to come back!" Gu Xiaowan His voice was a little choked, and in the end, tears had fallen uncontrollably, with a look of worry and fear on his face.

Gu Ningping stepped forward, holding this older sister who used to shelter herself from wind and rain and protect herself from growing up in her arms, and said distressedly: "Sister, don't cry, don't worry, I will protect myself and I will be safe. Come back! When the time comes, I will replace my sister to protect my sister. For so many years, my sister has always been you to protect me. Now I have grown up, I will protect you in the future!

"Okay, sister is waiting for you to return triumphantly!" Gu Xiaowan wiped away her tears and smiled with tears: "My sister is still waiting for you to marry a wife and have children, watching my Ning Ping become a real man!"

"Well, sister, I will definitely!" Gu Ningping said firmly.

Knowing that we are going to leave, and the parting days are particularly short-lived. Tan Yushu can’t wait to stay in Qingyuan all day long, accompany Gu Ningping, eat with him, practice exercises with him, laugh with him, and make trouble with him. .

With Tan Yushu's company, Gu Xiaowan focused on seeing Gu Ningping clean up and salute.

In fact, you don’t need to pack any salutes when you go to the barracks. There is only a letter of recommendation from Qin Yizhi, plus a few summer and winter clothes to keep out the cold. It’s really good to bring some silver and dry food. ready.

But Gu Xiaowan wanted to prepare more. After all these years, no one knows when Gu Ningping will appear in front of them next time.

In the past two days, Qin Yizhi has been clearing the garden. Last time he gave Gu Ningping a book about marching war. After letting him read it, he has been answering questions for Gu Ningping in the evening.

Time passed quickly, and in a blink of an eye it was the day when Gu Ningping was about to leave.

Gu Xiaowan and the others got up early in the morning, and Tan Yushu came here early. They prepared a beautiful breakfast. Everyone sat together. After a reunion dinner, the group brought Gu Ning products to the capital. .

Sending each other ten miles all the way, everyone has a smile on their faces, and there is no sadness.

"Brother, when you arrive at the barracks, you must write to me and tell me there are beautiful and fun!" Gu Xiaoyi naughtyly took Gu Ningping's hand and said non-stop.

Gu Ningping nodded her forehead and said in a petting voice: "Don't worry, I will definitely write to you when I arrive! You, you must listen to your aunt and sister at home. Don't put your eyes on the embroidery. I'm tired, you know? My sister's eyes are so beautiful, but they don't look good when they become smaller. What if you don't have a husband's family to marry you then!"

Gu Ningping said jokingly. Gu Xiaoyi heard it, pretending to be angry, and stomped and cursed: "Sister Yushu, what do you think Brother Ningping said? He hasn't married you yet, so it's me! Humph"

Gu Xiaoyi pretended to be angry, and saw Tan Yushu's face turning red. Looking at Gu Ningping, both of them lowered their heads blushing, happiness and sweetness could be seen between their eyebrows.

"Okay, you two, don't grind each other up." Gu Fangxi came out to make a round and said, "Ning Ping, you can’t compare yourself at home. You must take good care of yourself and write a letter to your family whenever you have time. The letter is safe!"

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