The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1413: Rely on each other

Gu Xiaowan walked all the way, listened all the way, from time to time listening to Kou Dan talking about Qin Yizhi's childhood, laughing.

It turned out that when Qin Mozhi was young, there were also times when he was naughty, but he had never heard of this.

"This yard, the madam has never been here before, that is, the son and the master have been here, because no one has lived, the madam once said that this clear garden will be live in the future young lady! After the master and the lady passed away, The slave and maid’s family lived in the old house. Until later, the son let the slaves come and serve the master, and the slaves returned from the old house."

Codan said with emotion.

"Brother Yizhi lived in the capital before?" Gu Xiaowan never heard Qin Yizhi talk about it.

When Kou Dan heard this, he was a little panicked, and after looking at the person beside him, he replied: "Well, the old man spent a while in Beijing, but later his wife was not used to life in Beijing, so she moved to other places. !"

Kou Dan was right when he said that the Qin family was fighting for the emperor on horseback.

Qin Fang was near middle age before getting Qin Yizhi. Mrs. Qin Ye Lan gave birth to Qin Yizhi at an advanced age. Later, Mrs. Qin's health deteriorated. In order to take care of Mrs. Qin, Qin Fang left the capital directly and set up another place. The remote house led his wife to lead a paradise life.

If it wasn't for that incident later, I'm afraid that the old lady and the old lady are alive and well!

Thinking of the master's inexplicable death, the lady couldn't stand the heavy blow, and followed him to death. Thinking of that time, when the master arrived from the frontier thousands of miles away, the body of the master and the lady began to stinks.

No one dares to bury the corpses of the master and his wife at will.

At that time, the son was like a soulless body, holding the corpses of the master and the lady for three days and three nights, if the ice in the ice cellar had begun to melt, the corpse had begun to rot, otherwise, the son would continue Difficult to hold, don't know when will let go.

A trace of sadness flashed through Kou Dan's eyes, but it was fleeting when facing Gu Xiaowan.

Gu Xiaowan looked at the bamboo forest in front of her. The green bamboo forest was like a green barrier. The bamboos are slender, tall and slender, and the bamboo leaves are tender and green, which is pleasing to the eye.

"Did the madam like bamboo before?" Looking at this bamboo forest, Gu Xiaowan suddenly felt sad inexplicably.

"I like it very much, but this house, the lady has never come in! The furnishings and decorations in it, the lady has never seen it with her own eyes!" Kou Dan said sadly: "The master cost to build this garden A lot of thoughts, but, this house, the lady has never come in!"

Brother Yizhi said last time that this house was built by his father for his mother to live in. He said that his mother was not from the Qing Dynasty and there was no maiden family here. If he was angry, he would not even have a place to return to his natal home. The father built this garden for his mother.

However, the husband and wife are very affectionate. Only the husband is angry, but not the wife. Therefore, this garden has never been used as it should have been.

"Madam is not from the Qing Dynasty?" Gu Xiaowan thought of something and suddenly asked, she forgot to ask this topic last time.

"Well, the madam was brought back by the master outside, not from the Qing Dynasty!" Kou Dan said: "My wife is kind-hearted, and she is all over the country. It's not good for us servants. Just like you, Miss. , Treat all of us like relatives!"

Gu Xiaowan looked at the bamboo forest like a barrier, and when she thought of Qin Yizhi standing here, she probably thought of his parents!

Just like her, I haven't seen my parents for so many years. In my mind, the impression of my parents is a little vague, but fortunately, she still has him with him.

Same, he also has her with him!

"Let's go back, Princess Huguo is eating at home, let's go over and help!" Gu Xiaowan said, walking back, and suddenly muttered, "I don't know if Brother Yizhi will come back for dinner at night!"

Gu Xiaowan’s voice was very soft, but for Zuo and Kou Dan, who had been practicing martial arts for many years, the soft voice was clearly reflected in their ears. The two stood behind Gu Xiaowan and walked forward. After hearing these words, The two looked at each other and smiled knowingly.

Gu Fangxi is preparing tonight's meal in the kitchen. Two minions have been busy in the kitchen. Under Gu Fangxi's leadership, they are preparing the food for tonight.

"Xiaowan, look, tonight I prepare a shrimp and egg custard, steamed sea bass, cordyceps pigeon soup, rock sugar bird's nest, and a few light dishes, all with less oil and meat. What do you think?"

It was only later that Gu Fangxi learned that the previous female doll turned out to be the princess protector, and that her grandfather turned out to be the second-grade hussar general of the capital.

Especially when I heard that Gu Ningping liked her, I was even more stunned.

I don't know how long I have been thinking about this matter, but I don't even think it is right.

I talked to Gu Xiaowan several times and talked about Gu Ningping and Tan Yushu. They also said that Tan Yushu's identity was too noble. Gu Ningping would marry her at that time. Shouldn't she be looked down upon by the wife's family forever?

I also said that if you want to find a daughter-in-law, you need to find the right person.

Gu Fangxi was also scared. He felt that although this man and woman were married, although they liked each other, this identity was separated by thousands of rivers and mountains. If they were together, would they really be happy?

Gu Xiaowan told her several times before she made Gu Fangxi clear, but Gu Fangxi still had lingering fears and felt that Gu's family could not climb such an expensive relative.

Later, when he learned that Gu Ningping was going to join the army to make merits, Gu Fangxi also resisted, saying that there was no eye in the barracks. Who knows what will happen next second, life and death is to prevent Gu Ningping from going.

Seeing that her attitude was so determined, Gu Xiaowan didn't say anything extra, and she only said one sentence, so Gu Fangxi agreed.

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