The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1412: Beginning of Love

His face was flushed with excitement, his eyes widened and he looked at Tan Yushu, stretched out his hand, gently kneaded Tan Yushu's soft little hand, and smiled: "Wait for my return, soon!"

Then, she looked back at Gu Xiaowan: "Sister, I'm leaving."

After speaking briefly, he turned his head and looked at Tan Yushu again, reluctant to move his eyes, the two of them reluctantly, when Gu Xiaowan saw this, jokingly said: "Not yet? Are you afraid that your sister will eat your sweetheart?"

Gu Ningping hurriedly shook his head: "Sister, you know I didn't mean that!"

He glanced at Tan Yushu, still holding the hand, reluctant to let go, then let go of Tan Yushu's hand, but his eyes did not leave her, and he walked backwards, his eyes full of tenderness.

Tan Yushu also looked at Gu Ningping affectionately.

Gu Ningping walked backwards, smiling with satisfaction at the corner of his mouth. He didn't even notice that he had reached the door. The door was closed. He didn't expect that, he just stepped back and accidentally bumped into the door. Gu Ningping was in pain and turned around and walked outside. Unexpectedly, the door was closed, and his forehead hit the door again, making a "boom".

Gu Ningping took advantage of the situation and covered his forehead, but it really hurt.

"Brother Ningping" Tan Yushu yelled distressedly when he saw this.

Gu Ningping turned his head and smiled, "It's okay, I don't hurt!"

Opened the door, his eyes were still looking at Tan Yushu, with a relieved and contented smile on the corners of his mouth. Unexpectedly, the threshold was a little high. He didn't pay attention and he tripped directly. Fortunately, he has the skill and fell forward. Stand still.

This series of surprises caused Tan Yushu to cover his mouth and looked at Gu Ningping worriedly.

Gu Ningping stood still, and still did not forget to comfort Tan Yushu when he turned his head: "I'm fine, I'll be here soon!"

After speaking, he ran away, and when he was about to leave the yard, he still did not forget to look back at Tan Yushu.

Tan Yushu stood by the door and watched Gu Ningping leave until he walked around the corridor and left Tan Yushu's sight. Then he turned his eyes back reluctantly, turned around, and turned his head three times.

Even Gu Xiaowan couldn't help but smile when he looked at that unwilling soul: "Why? Reluctant? He will be back soon!"

It suddenly occurred to me that after expressing my feelings with Qin Yizhi at the time, I was afraid that it was the same, and I wished to stay with that person every moment, every minute!

Thinking of the love words Qin Yizhi said to herself last night, Gu Xiaowan couldn't help but blushed and became hot. Fortunately, she quickly lowered her head to drink tea and then concealed her past.

Tan Yushu was anxious, and from time to time he got up and looked outside. Gu Xiaowan didn't make fun of her, but looked at her contentedly.

Gu Ningping came back very quickly, only after drinking a cup of tea, Gu Ningping came back. Gu Xiaowan also ordered someone to make the tea early, and when Gu Ningping came back, the tea was just not hot, and she poured it all in one breath.

Then he wiped his mouth and sat next to Tan Yushu and looked at her with a smirk.

"Yushu, why are you here? I originally planned to come to see you today. Why did you come? Your illness just recovered. Don’t catch the wind and catch a cold!" Gu Ningping smirked for a while, suddenly thought of something, busy Said distressedly.

Looking at Tan Yushu, going up and down, for fear of her being uncomfortable.

Tan Yushu smiled: "It's okay, I'm all right, look at me, isn't it good!"

Tan Yushu laughed and said, she had just completed it just now, and the doctor wanted her to keep quiet at home, but she couldn’t wait. Brother Ning Ping was leaving soon, and she would also come to see brother Ning Ping. Say a few words to Ning Ping brother.

When Gu Ningping heard this, he was still uneasy. He looked at the tea cup in front of her and frowned again: "You are still very weak and can't drink tea. I'll change you a cup of hot water!"

After speaking, you have to reach for the tea cup.

At this moment, Gu Xiaowan couldn't stand it anymore. The two of them had been tired and crooked for a long time. They completely regarded themselves as transparent people, so they said angrily: "Ning Ping, you are too worried about my sister. My sister will make tea for her. Drink? You take a good look inside, it's just hot water!"

Gu Xiaowan knew that Tan Yushu was just getting better, so she didn't make tea for Tan Yushu, just put a piece of ginseng in the hot water.

Gu Ningping was a little embarrassed to do so meticulously, scratching his head, and said embarrassedly: "Sister, I"

Tan Yushu also blushed, and said to the side: "Sister, don't blame Ning Ping, he is also worried about me!"

Gu Xiaowan chuckled and joked: "Why should I blame him? Knowing that it hurts people means that my brother has grown up. Okay, so I won't bother you two, I will go out first!"

When she went out and gave space to the pair, she felt more comfortable.

Zuo accompanied her. Seeing that the girl was in such a good mood, he started to laugh: "It's the first time Zuo has seen the son-in-law look like this. He has never seen him before!"

"That's not it. I have someone I like in my heart. People will grow up all at once!"

Gu Xiaowan turned her head, glanced at the closed door, chuckles and said, "I forgot, this house belongs to me, but was driven out by these two children!"

Zuo also smiled and said: "That's the girl willingly! Girl, or I will walk with you in the yard!"

Gu Xiaowan nodded, just after taking two steps, she turned her head and said, "Call Kou Dan too! By the way, tell my aunt that the princess Huguo will eat at home in the evening!"

Zuo understood what Gu Xiaowan meant, and responded, calling Kou Dan, and the three of them chatted and walked in the yard.

On the way, the Qingyuan Garden was built fresh and elegant. When Qin Yizhi's father built this garden, he spent a lot of thought.

"Have you heard about the things that happened to Brother Yizhi when he was a child?" Kou Dan is a child of the Qin family, and her parents have always been serving in the Qin family. If you want to come to Qin Yizhi when he was a child, Kou Dan should have heard about it. .

Kou Dan smiled and said: "When the slave servant was a child, I heard something from my parents, but it was all the troubles of the sons!"

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