The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1411: You smell so good

"I have been there on the battlefield. Life and death are always on the front line. I'm afraid there will be any danger if Ninh Binh is gone! I just wanted to let Ninh Binh take care of him in the barracks. In this case, Ninh Binh Brother will not suffer so much!"

Tan Yushu was kind, but Gu Xiaowan felt wrong with this kind of kindness.

"Have you discussed with Ninh Binh?"

"No, I have spoken to my lips several times, and I am embarrassed to say it!" Tan Yushu shook his head and said.

Gu Xiaowan breathed a long sigh of relief and said, "That's good, but don't ask! Ning Ping wants to go to the military camp, that is his choice. Even if the military camp is hard or tired, it may even lose his life at any time. , That is his choice. Moreover, he is to have a bright future and be able to stand with you, so the help you give will not necessarily help him, on the contrary, it will restrain him! Man, just Let him play outside, wait until the mud is washed away, that's the day when he grows up!"

Gu Xiaowan said seriously.

There were still some words in my heart, and I didn't say it.

Gu Ningping went to the military camp to earn a fame and to be able to marry Tan Yushu. This is his choice, that is, he wants to use his own efforts to fight for the happiness of Yushu in the future.

If going to the barracks was based on Tan Yexing and Tan Yushu's relationship, even if Gu Ningping had earned his fame, he would feel that his fame was wrong.

So, let him go alone.

Tan Yushu frowned: "Sister, I think so too, but the barracks are too hard!"

"Stupid boy, I know that you are doing well for Ningping, but the military camp is suffering. Not all people in the military camp have survived this way. General Tan, I heard that he used to be a commoner for so many years, relying on his own hard work. After working hard and earning so many merits, I think Ning Ping also wants to be the second General Tan, not the snail. He needs a shell to protect him. Although he is protected, the shell is It shackled his ambition and speed, Yushu, do you know why the eagles fly so high? When they were young eagles, they had gone through all sorts of hardships and dangers, and even fell to death at any time. It’s possible to fly high in the sky and become the master of the sky!"

"Sister" Tan Yushu listened to it and thought for a long time before nodding: "Sister, I understand what you mean, I know what to do!"

"Jade Book" suddenly heard an ecstatic voice from outside the door, and then heard the sound of the door being pushed open.

Gu Ningpi could almost run in from the outside. He was ecstatic when he saw Yushu, and hurried to Tan Yushu's side, holding Tan Yushu in his arms.

Gu Xiaowan stood on the side, seeing that she had a sweetheart, she forgot her sister's "heart-wisher", and after humming twice, she heard Tan Yushu's voice: "Brother Ningping, sister is still there!"

Gu Ningping let go of Tan Yushu, looked at Gu Xiaowan, scratching his head embarrassedly: "Sister, I don't know you are there!" "It's funny what you said, this is my house, I am not here, where will I be?" Gu Xiaowan deliberately teased him: "It seems that I forgot my sister if I had a sweetheart. Ah, it's called intimacy, and I totally treat my sister as air!"

Gu Xiaowan pretended to be angry and said. Unexpectedly, Gu Ningping was still in a hurry. She hurried forward two steps and said in shame: "Sister, I didn't mean that. I heard people say that Yushu is here, so I'll do it."

He heard people say that when Tan Yushu arrived in Qingyuan, God knew how happy he was. He was about to fly if he was happy. Where did he remember to learn martial arts with Ahmad, drop things, drop Ahmad, and ran back all the way. To clear the garden.

When I arrived at Qingyuan, I knew that Tan Yushu was in my sister's room. She didn't even wipe the sweat, and ran non-stop. When she heard the sound of Yushu outside, her heart finally calmed down and jumped wildly.

Along the way, these three words of Tan Yushu were like drugs, which made him dizzy and happily lost his mind.

It's all right now, even my sister didn't see it.

However, he really didn't see it. He heard the voice of Yushu. When he saw Yushu, his heart would fly away. Where could he still have the mind to see other people!

"Well, my sister knows that you are going home. Look at you. You are all sweaty. Don't damage the jade book. Go back to the house and change into clean clothes."

Gu Ning Pingyuan was originally studying martial arts with Ahmad, and he was flying all the way along the way he wanted to come. Seeing that he was running red with red ears, the whole body was like fished out of water, far away. Gu Xiaowan could smell a strong smell of sweat, and Gu Xiaowan was really worried about fainting Yushu.

Tan Yushu covered his mouth and smiled. Gu Ningping realized his recklessness and rudeness and looked down at his clothes, isn't it?

It's wet like it's fished out of the water. I smell it by myself, it really smells like sweat

I couldn't help but feel embarrassed again: "Yu Shu, I'll go back and change clothes! I'll be coming soon!"

When she was speaking, her eyes never left Tan Yushu for a moment. Gu Xiaowan, who was watching, was joking again: "Don't worry, you go quickly. I will definitely help you keep Yushu for dinner and go. Go quickly. My body smells like sweat. died."

Gu Ningping's cheeks flushed, knowing that her sister was teasing herself, and not annoyed, she looked at Tan Yushu.

I heard Tan Yushu pulling his hand and carefully rubbing it in the palm of his hand. The trimmed and round nails glided smoothly in the palm of his hand, like being scratched by a kitten, soft and itchy. of.

"Brother Ningping, I'll wait for you!" Then he whispered in Gu Ningping's ear in the voice of only two people: "Brother Ningping, how sweet you are!"

Gu Ning Pingyuan was still worried that her embarrassed appearance would scare Tan Yushu, and she was still a little nervous. Although the smell of sweat on her body was not very obvious, but the little girl’s nose was tipped, and she was hugging her recklessly just now. , The smell of sweat on her body must have smoked her.

I was a little nervous at first, but when I heard Tan Yushu say that he was so sweet, Gu Ningping was so excited that he almost jumped.

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