The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1417: Unconscious

Tan Yushu had just left. Standing on the corridor, Gu Xiaowan saw a man about fifty years old with shrewd eyes, followed by a young descendant with a medicine chest on his back.

When he saw Tan Yushu, the person in front bent over and made a bend. Tan Yushu faintly returned a salute and took the two people into the house.

Come to think of it, the one in front is what Ayu said is the doctor Meng.

On the way back to Qingyuan, Gu Xiaowan was still thinking about what disease Tan Yexing had.

After thinking about it for a long time, I didn't have a clue. I only knew that I watched so many Gongdou TV series in my previous life. In each TV series, there are stories of intrigue after another, and there is a person who intrigues each other.

I don’t know whether this time the doctor Meng wanted Tan Ye to do well or not to do it!

However, it cannot be said that it was the imperial physician Meng, after all, he was the imperial physician of the emperor.

Going farther and farther, Gu Xiaowan became more frightened as she thought about it.

Get your thoughts back from those scary thoughts as soon as possible, but sitting in the carriage, still in a cold sweat: "A Zuo, let's not go back yet, go to the Fujin Building!"

Li Fan should be in Fujin Tower now.

When I arrived at Fujin Building, the level of excitement in the building was the same as the previous one. The lobby downstairs was full of people, but it was different. There were many voices on the second and third floors, although the door was tight. Closed, but I want to come, these boxes are also full.

It was about this hour when she came last time. It seems that Fujinlou's business is much better than last time.

Sure enough, when I entered the wing room, I saw Li Fan was reading the account books and saw Gu Xiaowan coming. He smiled without seeing his eyes: "Xiaowan is here!"

"Uncle Li" saw Li Fan's smile, which made Gu Xiaowan temporarily forget the terrible thought she had just thought of: "Seeing you are so happy, I want to come, the business of Fujinlou must be very good this time!"

"That's not it!" Li Fan said excitedly, rubbing his hands and smiling: "Look, the wing rooms on the second and third floors are almost full, and, even if our dishes are not discounted, the customers are full!"

Then, I took the account book from this period and pointed it to Gu Xiaowan: "Look at the profit of this period. It is back to our glory at that time. The profit is better than when we first opened! If this speed continues, this year's profits should be the same as last year!"

Gu Xiaowan nodded, drank a sip of tea, and felt relieved: "How about the broken Yu Gu Zhai?" "How can it be?" Li Fan smiled: "It's still the same as before. Purposeful people will still go. Just like you said, everyone has to eat and drink. It’s delicious, and it’s going to be eaten elsewhere! The few dishes that came out in our store this time have been on the market for half a month, and I haven’t figured it out from Suiyu Guzhai! Xiaowan, you can It's really high!"

Li Fan gave a thumbs up and said with a smile.

"That can only mean that your cook is good at craftsmanship! I just told him my own ideas, and the rest are his own thoughts. The cook is most grateful!" Thought of that It is really rare for the cook to understand what he meant that day.

Li Fan nodded, hum, and said with a smile: "Yes, I dug him a lot of money!"

"Is it reliable?" Gu Xiaowan suddenly thought of something and asked.

At that time, there were only three of them in the entire kitchen. If someone leaked out, the biggest suspicion might be on the cook.

Li Fan glanced at it and heard what Gu Xiaowan said, and said in a nervous manner: "You remind me of what you said. Don't worry, I will take care of it!"

Gu Xiaowan saw that Li Fan would pay attention, so she let her down: "The Broken Yu Gu Zhai, I would like to see it someday!"

"If you want to go, it's not impossible. There are many people there, but Wanwang must protect yourself. The place is full of fish and dragons, three religions and nine ranks, from emperors and nobles, ministers, to the people of Li people, and people of any style. , Be careful!"

Gu Xiaowan responded. It was too early to check the time, so she didn't want to stay in the fun kitchen. Instead, she left Li Fan's wing room. In order to avoid suspicion and not to be noticeable, Li Fan just sent Gu Xiaowan to the door of the wing room. After closing the door, Gu Xiaowan, led by Xiaosi, came to the lobby, went out of the gate, and walked away.

It’s just that the momentum of this whole body, and the stay in Li Fan’s wing for a while, has already attracted the attention of others. I saw a man standing at the entrance of a luxurious wing on the third floor. The man in the purple brocade robe just happened to be leaning on the railing in his spare time, swaying a folding fan made of white jade and bone china, watching the bustling downstairs.

At this moment, a slender figure suddenly appeared in front of his eyes, descending the steps of the second floor, the extravagance and temperament between the gestures made people unbearable profanity.

The man forgot to shake the fan, his dark eyes looked at the slender figure that appeared in front of him, as well as the jade-white face. Although he couldn't see the front face, his side face was already fascinating.

A hint of surprise and curiosity flashed through his eyes, but it didn't make people feel the slightest overstepping.

He was stunned, his eyes chasing after the beautiful figure, completely unaware of the presence of others around him at the moment.

"Zi Yue, what are you looking at? You're so fascinated?" A man walked over and looked at this somewhat absent-minded man in a leisurely manner. He followed his gaze and saw a clear and beautiful figure. Disappeared in sight.

"Oh, which girl is that? How come I have never seen it before?" The man held his chin with his hands, with a cynical smile on the corner of his mouth: "Zi Yue, do you know? Looking at the back, I think she is a very beautiful girl. , It’s just that this figure is really strange, I’ve never seen it before!"

A pair of eyes looked at the man named Zi Yue, with a very uncomfortable smile on the corner of his mouth.

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