The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1421: who are you

Princess Mingdu immediately leaned against Su Ziyue's side, and said diligently, "Brother Ziyue, the eyes of this girl next to Princess Huguo are like colored glaze!" Jiang held his hand. The colored glaze beads of Gu Xiaowan were raised a little bit, and they compared Gu Xiaowan with that string of colored glaze beads: "Look, they are really beautiful. Even the colored glaze beads in my hand can't compare with it! It's just that this capital city. There is no girl I don’t know who looks so stunned, as if I have never seen it before!"

Seeing that Princess Mingdu turned his eyes away from Gu Xiaowan, Tan Yushu secretly said that it was not good.

This princess Mingdu is beautiful, but he is a narrow-minded, small-bellied person. It's hard to see that others are more beautiful and delicate than her. He claims to be the number one in the world. He has always wanted to see Su Ziyue next to him. They will be here today, thinking it must be Princess Mingdu who invited Su Ziyue to come here.

When he was about to speak, Su Ziyue opened his mouth, but he looked at Princess Mingdu, with a bright smile on his face: "I haven't seen it before, and I'm afraid it's an irrelevant person. The weather is so good, why don't Zi Yue accompany you to see it again? It didn't make others disturb our interest in the scenery!"

Su Ziyue tried his best not to take the topic to Gu Xiaowan. Looking at the Mingdu princess, the smile on his face was obvious, even with a hint of flattery, but the Mingdu princess didn’t see it. His face sank: "Princess Huguo, you can forget what the princess is eavesdropping on. Who is this girl? What if you tell me what I and Brother Ziyue said today?"

Tan Yushu's fists were clenched, and his eyes wrinkled: "Princess Mingdu, we just happen to have to look at the scenery. We just walked, and we arrived here. It is hidden by the bamboo forest, and we can't even see who is in the pavilion. Come and let us overhear your conversation!"

The Mingdu princess had a deep grudge with Tan Yushu. He originally wanted to show this person a good look. Now he has grasped Tan Yushu's wrong place, where he would easily let it go. With a wave of his hands, he said viciously: "Didn't overhear us?"

A slender hand like green onion roots pointed: "I haven't overheared us, don't take off the veil now? Seeing this princess did not kneel down and kowtow, what a courage! Come, take off this woman's veil , I want to see who is under this veil!"

"Shu Min, don't deceive people too much!" Tan Yushu called his name and cursed: "I just overheard you by accident. Why are you aggressive and hold on, if you want me to apologize, well, I am now I'll apologize to you, I'm sorry!" Tan Yushu didn't want Princess Mingdu to know that the person in front of him was Gu Xiaowan, and he didn't want to let them confront each other now. After the apology, he pulled Gu Xiaowan around and left.

When Shu Min saw that Tan Yushu was so protective of the masked girl, Su Ziyue was secretly looking at her curiously just now. How could Shu Min not get angry, the fire in his heart burned more vigorously: "Want to go? It's not that easy. Come, stop them!"

"Don't want the princess," Su Ziyue exclaimed loudly.

"Stop it!" Suddenly, the masked girl's voice was crisp, and although she whispered, she had a prestige that people would not dare to underestimate.

Hearing Gu Xiaowan shouting to stop, everyone stopped and looked at Gu Xiaowan incredulously.

I saw that woman lifted her veil, revealing a beautiful face, although not as beautiful as the Princess Mingdu, but as beautiful as the lotus in the rain, green bamboo in the mountains, like the fairy of the palace, giving people A noble and elegant that can't bear profanity. +

Such nobleness, elegance and beauty, in Shu Min's eyes, is like a thorn.

"It's you" Su Zi saw the woman who had been deeply portrayed in his mind after only seeing one face. This time he unexpectedly ran into him outside. With joy on his face, he blurted out, and there was something in his eyes. Surprise and delight.

At this moment, Su Ziyue's expression beside her pierced her heart with a knife, and she felt painful.

This woman is a scourge!

"Where is the wild girl, this princess's decision can still be questioned by you! Come here, take her down for me, and slap her mouth fiercely!"

"Shu Min, don't deceive others too much!"

"Princess, never!"

Before the others had time to persuade, they saw the shadow of the sword, the light and the sword, the figure fluttered, and the two guards had already bowed down after the three moves.

Seeing Ahmad standing with his hand held, his sword pointed directly at the two men who had been knocked to the ground, his eyes flashed fiercely.

Shu Min and Su Ziyue watched this scene in disbelief. In a short moment, they saw that their guards had come down. Moreover, two guards were attacking one at the same time, and the other woman was holding a sword. They were all in front of them, and they didn't even move at all.

If she also made the move, she would be afraid that her own people would not be able to take even two moves!

"A bunch of trash, two people can't beat one person, what's the use of you in this county!" Shu Min yelled, looking at the two defeated guards grimly, but surprised after the anger.

Looking at the tall and thin man, then at the woman with picturesque brows, and the worries on Su Ziyue's face, all of them are like seeds, sprouting in her heart, the more they grasp it, the more firmly. Penetrate her heart, penetrate her limbs and five skeletons, the longer and the more lush!

She stared at Gu Xiaowan disgustingly, her eyes were fierce as if she was about to shred Gu Xiaowan's body.

Seeing that Gu Xiaowan was safe and sound, Su Zi could not help but breathe a long breath, the worry in his eyes was gone, and just breathe out, there was another alarm bell over there.

"The Sheriff"

Su Ziyue was a little worried about the safety of the girl in front of him, but he didn't dare to say a word, because the Mingdu princess who was afraid to provoke was crazy again.

The atmosphere suddenly became quiet, but under this tranquility, there were shadows of swords and swords surging in the undercurrent.

"Tan Yushu, if I remember correctly, this guard is not by your side, right?" Shu Min stretched out her finger, pointed to Ahmad and said, with a smile that seemed like nothing at the corner of her mouth: "This guard's hand is really true. It's not bad. It's really amazing to be able to defeat the two guards I personally selected within three moves!"

Shu Min's eyes were full of inquiry, and when she looked in front of Tan Yushu and Gu Xiaowan, when she looked at Gu Xiaowan, the inquiry and hostility in those eyes were even greater!

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