The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1424: Cruel

"Are you sure? The person we saw at Guangyuan Temple today is the head of Anping County?" Shu Min still couldn't believe it: "Isn't it a vulgar village girl who knows nothing? The person I saw today, Where is the slightest bit of vulgarity from a village girl?"

Even if Shu Min didn't want to admit it, the girl I saw today really made people's eyes brighter, like a fairy coming down from a heavenly palace. The temperament on her whole body made her unable to bear profanity, she was obviously a fairy!

"Returning to the princess, it is true!" Seeing Shu Min's unbelief, the man said emphatically: "Subordinates dare to guarantee the head of the item!"

It seems that that really is the head of Anping County.

I have always heard that this Anping county lord, a peasant girl, has a way to escape natural disasters and prevents the people from being displaced or starved to death. The emperor’s brother heard that there was such a person and gave her a title. Ah unexpectedly.

I always thought it was a vulgar village girl, something not on the table, but today I saw

The alarm bell in Shu Min's heart was loud, thinking of the excitement and excitement in Su Ziyue's eyes when he looked at Gu Xiaowan's eyes.

By the way, brother Zi Yue knew her before!

Thinking about it, Zi Yue's brother had always wanted to see this person, but he never saw him. He didn't expect to see him today.

Shu Min pulled off the fleece blanket under her body, and she tore off each fleece. After a while, the fleece blanket under her body had been torn into a bald man by her.

This was a symptom before the Mingdu Princess was furious. He didn't say a word, but he fixedly looked at a certain place, waiting for time to erupt.

The people around him didn't dare to show up. They were courageous, so they knelt down, crawling on the ground, and didn't dare to move.

"Very good! An Anping county host, tusk, she is really a beautiful girl!" Shu Min sneered, and suddenly, Xing's eyes opened, and said grimly: "Give me a good stare. If there is any movement, come and report at any time. !"

The person kneeling on the ground trembled and said tremblingly: "There is one more thing to report under the princess!"


"The male and female guards beside the county lord of Anping are very good at martial arts. When the subordinates followed, they were spotted by them!"

"Useless things!" When Shu Min heard this, he stood up and flicked his cuffs, and the hot tea was poured straight on the kneeling guard.

The hot tea was poured from the head, and the guard's face was flushed instantly, but he didn't dare to move, letting the tea drip from his head and fall into his eyes, he didn't even dare to blink.

"The useless things are all selected by the emperor's brother. They are all useless guys. Two people can't beat one person! This princess supports you, so what use is it for you!"

"The princess's mercy! The princess's beg yours!" The guard was busy kowtow begging for mercy, there was a panic in his voice that could not be concealed.

"Trash, roll down!" Shu Min flicked with his hand again, and all the fruit and melon snacks on the table fell to the ground, making a dull "boom" sound on the heavy Jiangnan carpet, turning twice. After receiving this amnesty, everyone kowtowed and begged for mercy. Then, in the blink of an eye, apart from Shu Min, there was only one servant girl, Caiyue, who served close to him.

He packed all the overturned melons and fruits on the ground, and re-made tea for Shu Min, before squatting in front of Shu Min and helping her beat her legs.

Drinking hot tea and enjoying Caiyue's massage, Shu Min felt better. However, her brows were frowning, but she couldn't stretch herself.

The county lord of Anping is still canonized by the emperor's elder brother. Although this person is only a fifth-rank, he has Yudie in the royal family. If you want to target her, it is really not that easy!

This person happened to be a good friend of Tan Yushu, and brother Zi Yue seemed to be very interested in this person!

"Damn it!" Thinking of this, Shu Min roared, and Caiyue stopped her hands in fright, looking at Shu Min in a little panic: "Princess, isn't the servant girl's strength too strong?"

"Nothing!" Shu Min shook her head and closed her eyes again.

Caiyue, who was beating Shu Min’s leg, frowned. A gleam of light flashed in her plain eyes, and she suddenly said, "The county lord is still annoying the Anping county lord I saw at Guangyuan Temple today. ?"

"Hmph, just a village girl." Shu Min snorted coldly, "How come brother Ziyue can't help her!"

Na Caiyue was a happy eyebrow, and said with a smile: "There is a way for the slave and maidservant to rule the county lord of Anping!"

"What method?" Shu Min asked hurriedly.

Caiyue came to her afterwards, but she was a bold and careful person. She was not afraid when she got angry, but was a powerful character.

It was a joy to hear that she had a way to deal with Gu Xiaowan.

Caiyue whispered a few words in Shu Min's ear, and saw that Shu Min's brows stretched, and a fierce and fierce light flashed across Ming Yan's face.

On the other side of Su Ziyue, when he learned that it was the county lord of Anping who had seen him twice, his eyes widened in surprise: "Are you sure that is the county lord of Anping?"

"The little one can't make a mistake, it must be the county lord of Anping. I heard that he just arrived in the capital not long ago and came to wish the empress dowager a birthday!"

That's it, on the birthday of the empress dowager, there was a decree that all female officials above the fifth rank must enter the palace to celebrate the birthday of the empress dowager. If you want to come, the county lord of Anping really came to congratulate the empress dowager!

There was a touch of surprise and surprise in Su Ziyue's eyes, followed by ecstasy: "Unexpectedly, she turned out to be the head of Anping County!"

In the past, there was not a single victim in one county, but the victims in other counties went there to survive the disaster. There were no casualties among the victims who arrived there, and in the end all returned to their original places.

Such feats have never existed in the Qing Dynasty. It happened that this kind of thing was done by a little girl. At that time, the emperor Longyan Dayue gave this girl the title of county head of Anping.

I thought it was a vulgar girl, but I didn't expect

Thinking of the fairy-like face he saw at Guangyuan Temple today, Su Ziyue's mood was hard to calm down.

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