The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1423: Avoid her

Suddenly, it seemed as if I had thought of something, changing my face was just like turning a book, where there was the ferocious face just now, replaced by a tender face: "Brother Ziyue, don't let others spoil our interest in watching the scene, let's go and see. The view! Don't let anyone disturb this time."

Su Ziyue nodded and smiled softly: "Yes, the scenery here is so beautiful, let's enjoy it!"

Where did Su Ziyue still want to watch the scene, the girl who finally saw him in front of him made him excited.

He had no interest in his heart for a long time. It was just that the princess Mingdu invited him, but he had to follow it. He could only suppress that impulse back into his heart, fearing that Mingdu's interest would be damaged at this time, and he would not know that he would make trouble at that time. What happened.

Su Ziyue accompanied Shu Min to the octagonal pavilion again, but at the moment when he turned his head, Shu Min gave it a look, and saw the tree shadow trembling, a black shadow passing by, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Tan Yushu took Gu Xiaowan back and looked upset and guilty.

"Sister, I'm sorry, I didn't know that I would meet Shu Min here. That Shu Min is a difficult guy with a vicious mind. Every time I look at her, I always walk around. It turns out that she will go to protect the country when she worships Buddha. The temple, I didn’t expect to come to Guangyuan Temple today, and I don’t know what she is here for. The dress is so gorgeous, it looks like she came to worship Buddha!"

Seeing Tan Yushu's guilty look, Gu Xiaowan knew that she was guilty because Shu Min was targeting herself.

"She is Princess Mingdu?" This person is definitely not a good person. He is not familiar with this person at all, but beware of it, I am afraid that I will encounter it next time.

"Well, King Ming's daughter, the emperor's cousin, and the niece of the empress dowager, are noble, but a cruel, kind-hearted person. Life is in her heart, just like a grass, do whatever you want! Today! I don’t know what she is going crazy, she came to target you!” Tan Yushu smiled bitterly: “Anyway, I’ve been tortured with her a long time ago. She suffered a loss today, and she will definitely not let it go, sister, she will soon You will know who you are, so you have to be careful! This person is not a good-looking and a bad guy!"

Gu Xiaowan nodded, seeing Tan Yushu's guilty look, and comforted: "Yushu, don't feel guilty, it's a blessing, not a curse, or a curse. If this person is directed at me, he will be directed at me whenever he sees me! Just time Sooner or later."

Tan Yushu knew that Gu Xiaowan was comforting herself, and smiled bitterly, but she didn't expect to come so early, she had never thought that Gu Xiaowan would have a grudge against Shu Min!

It’s just that today’s grievance is really growing!

After going through the things just now, no one has the mind to look at the scenery anymore, so they have been waiting in the room for the peace symbol to be consecrated.

Fortunately, chanting and chanting are also fast. After waiting for a short period of time, it was almost before lunch, and the peace talisman was opened.

The little monk brought it over respectfully. After Tan Yushu received it, he gave Ayu a wink. Ayu took out the purse she had on her body and gave it to the little monk. The little monk shrugged off and refused to accept it.

Ayu said it was the sesame oil money. The little monk heard it and accepted it. After weighing the weight of the money bag, his face changed and suddenly turned red: "Several donors, we can’t take this thing. !"

This purse is so heavy, there is too much money for sesame oil.

"You little monk is so weird. Isn't it bad if you have a lot of money for sesame oil?" Ayu asked with some puzzlement.

The little monk said three sentences to Amitabha, and threw the purse in his hand back to Ayu like a hot potato, and took three steps back like a plague, before he closed his eyes and explained, "Amitabha , The donor eats a meal every day?"

Ayu didn’t know the little monk suddenly asked herself what this question meant, and was a little bit stunned: "Three meals, what's wrong?"

The little monk did not look squint, holding the unique Dharma: "A person can eat three meals a day, and so does the Buddha! Amitabha! Amitabha!"

Then he nodded to Gu Xiaowan and the others, and went straight out, leaving the astonished Ayu and the purse in his hand, with a look of stunned expression: "Miss, what did he mean by that?"

Gu Xiaowan looked at the departed little monk curiously, feeling strange in her heart.

There has never been a monk who dislikes sesame oil and donates too much money. This Guangyuan Temple is strange.

"The little monk means that we can eat three meals a day, no more, no less, the Buddha is the same, as long as you donate according to the usual donations!" Tan Yushu explained.

Ayu murmured: "I have never seen it before, and I will dislike the donation of sesame oil!"

Although it felt weird, I saw that this little monk was a serious chanter. Although the temple was ruined, it was much better than the gold-inlaid temple.

After taking the Ping An Talisman, there was still Su Zhai in the temple, but Gu Xiaowan and Tan Yushu didn't want to stay anymore, if they met the arrogant Mingdu princess later.

By the time the garden was cleared, someone ran back to Qingyuan to inform that the lady and Huguo County were back for lunch. When they arrived home, the food was already on the table.

After the two had eaten, Tan Yushu was still uneasy: "Sister, that Shu Min" frowned: "She will never give up!"

Gu Xiaowan smiled: "Yu Shu, don't worry too much. Although she is the lord of Mingdu, she can't be arrogant and unreasonable. Soldiers come to cover the water and cover, and I am not the one who can knead at will!"

Although Tan Yu was a little lighter in writing, this Shu Min was really too bad and too numerous to write. Such a person would have been hacked to death if it weren't for she was the head of Mingdu County.

When he returned to the palace, the county lord Mingdu heard the report, and a suspicion flashed across Ming Yan's face: "You said she is the county lord of Anping? Is that the village girl who advised the emperor's brother to escape the catastrophe? "

The one kneeling did not look up, nodded and said, "If you return to the county lord, yes! She is the county lord of Anping, coming from Liujiazhen to wish the Queen Mother!"

Shu Min lay on the low collapse with one hand propped up, and the other hand gently tapped the low collapse under her body. There was a thick blanket on the low collapse, soft as if lying on cotton. Same as above, although the tapping, there is no sound at all.

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