The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1426: Black Heart Princess

This Baifu map was very difficult to embroider, and the silk thread was used very quickly. There was no silk thread at home. Gu Xiaoyi rushed to work and was unwilling to go out, so he took a sample to Ahmad and asked him to go out and buy it.

The three of them played in the house and made puppets, waiting for Ahmad to buy back the gold thread.

After the three of them sat there for a while, Ah Mo came back, and after giving the silk thread he bought to Gu Xiaoyi, he said that someone asked him to bring a message to Gu Xiaoyi.

"The master at Jinxiu Cloth Shop said that if the girl is free, she can go to the Jinxiu Cloth Shop again. This time the cloth shop has added a lot of new fabrics. He also said that the little girl is a savvy person. The value of this cloth!" Ahmad brought the original words to him: "I also said that the gray fabric that the little girl bought last time can't cost so much. It is said that this material has been in the store for a long time, and it is not new. The stuff is sold at the original price. It is dishonest to do business. If you say that the girl will go next time, the extra money will be returned to the girl!"

Gu Xiaoyi heard Ah Mo's words and was a little confused: "I have no other dealings with Jinxiu Cloth Village except for shopping, so why would I let you bring words with you?"

Also really suspicious!

Gu Xiaowan thought for a while and asked, "But the older Master Liao said it?"

Ah Mo nodded: "I heard someone calling him Master Liao!"

"That's weird, he was the one who sold us the cloth last time, and he was the one who took our money, and he was the one who didn't want to sell. Besides, he was just a clerk from Fairview Cloth. He did not have the right to decide. The prices of things and refund to us!" Gu Xiaowan analyzed.

"Sister, let's not go shopping there again next time!" Gu Xiaoyi said directly.

Gu Xiaowan also nodded: "Change the place next time!"

Gu Xiaowan couldn’t guess what Master Liao meant, but if he could say something like this today, he must have something in his heart. Both of them belonged to girls. For such things, I don’t know whether it is a blessing or a curse. , Then hide!

Since then, Gu Xiaoyi has no gold thread, and would rather go a few more places than buy it at Jinxiu Cloth Shop.

Gu Xiaowan stayed at home every day, and everything was fine.

Tan Yushu came to talk and laugh with them from time to time, and also told Xiaowan not to go out during this period of time. To see her, he came to see her in the Qingyuan by himself. Time passed, and a few days passed.

In a blink of an eye, it was the end of September, and the weather was a bit cold.

Baifutu is also about to enter the final stage. Gu Xiaowan is happy, but unexpectedly, on the first day of October, he received an invitation.

Looking at the gilded invitation, it was luxurious and stunned. "Girl, the princess is here!" Tan Yushu also received the invitation, and rushed to her in a hurry.

"Sister, have you received the invitation?" Tan Yushu asked nervously.

Then I saw Gu Xiaowan next to an invitation that was the same as myself. She took it over and took a look at the gilded words. The time and place were exactly the same as her own. An angry Tan Yushu slammed things on the ground and said bitterly: "This Shu Min is really lingering, don't give up until the goal is reached! Come use this trick!"

On the gilded words, the words of Anping County Lord were written impressively. It seemed that Shu Min had already investigated all his information clearly.

Gu Xiaowan bent down, picked up the invitation, and patted the dust on it.

This invitation will be useful in the future, but it must not be soiled, otherwise Shu Min doesn't know what to use.

So Gu Xiaowan threw the invitation on the table again, and looked at Tan Yushu's angry look, and said with relief: "Don't be angry!"

"Sister, this person has a vicious mind. There is nothing she can't do if she wants to do! These few days, she hasn't done anything at all. I thought in my heart that she didn't care about it. It seems that the dog can't change it. Eat shit!" Tan Yushu said angrily.

Gu Xiaowan chuckled when Tan Yushu compared Shu Min to a dog.

"Sister, are you going? That Princess Mingdu is clearly uneasy and kind!" Tan Yushu was worried.

"Can I not go?" Gu Xiaowan asked with a smile: "The princess Mingdu obviously came towards me. If you said that if I didn't go, wouldn't that mean to provoke her?"

"Then what should I do? It's not going to go, it's not going to go!" Tan Yushu said bitterly, and apart from worrying about Gu Xiaowan, they all deeply hated Shu Min.

"Don't be angry, won't you also go there then? Then I will follow you closely and not go anywhere. Once the banquet is over, we will come back. Can you please?"

"Sister, let me tell you in advance. This Princess Mingdu is really not a good stubborn. The maids around her are all the death deeds of the Ming Dynasty. They are all sold to the Ming Dynasty. The maids who stay with Shu Min. The longest time is not more than three years. After the change, the previous one disappeared for no reason." Tan Yushu asked worriedly: "The people in Ming Palace are extremely afraid of this princess. I have said that this princess is more terrifying than evil spirits. There was a maid beside her before, who just told others that she was nervous all day long by staying beside her, and she happened to hear it. You know that Shu Min did. What's the matter?"

Tan Yushu's face was horrified. It seemed that when he heard that, his whole body still shuddered.

"What have you done?"

"She ordered people to seal all the meridians of that maid!" Tan Yushu shuddered: "The maid slowly stopped moving, and her whole body hurts. I heard that the pain is called every day, so Shu Min People cut her tongue. In the end, the girl was swollen like a stone, and she was pierced alive. I heard that someone went to lift the body and touched it lightly. The girl’s body was stinking black everywhere. Blood! Listening to those people, I’ve never seen anyone die so miserably! My body looks like a hole!"

After Tan Yushu finished speaking, he still felt lingering in his heart. He patted his chest, and said in fear: "This Shu Min, don't look long and beautiful, like a flower, but this person's heart is darker than that ink!"

Gu Xiaowan was also taken aback when she heard this. The way this man came up with to fix her was really peculiar.

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