The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1427: Fang family daughter

This princess Mingdu has a peculiar mind, so he must be vigilant.

In a blink of an eye, soon came the day to go to the Ming Palace for a banquet.

Early this morning, Gu Xiaowan got up early and let Zuo dress up.

Since she was going to a Hongmen banquet today, she naturally didn't dress up as brightly.

Wearing a slightly simple plain white long brocade, embroidered blossoming plum blossoms with pink silk thread, extending from the skirt to the waist, a wide moon-white belt tightens the waist, showing Out of a slim figure, it gives people a sense of elegance and luxury.

The black jade-like blue silk is simply tied with a flying fairy bun, and a few full and round pearls randomly decorate the hair, so that the black hair is more soft and shiny. The beautiful eyes are full of colors, and there is a light smile between the red lips. She also wore a necklace made of pearls on her neck.

Although it looks simple, it is simple and atmospheric.

Looking at herself in the bronze mirror and the white pearls on her head, Gu Xiaowan touched it, smiled and nodded, and put the orchid hairpin, which has never left her body, into the brocade box, cautiously Put it in the drawer.

After preparing everything, Tan Yushu's carriage had already arrived at the door.

Gu Xiaowan took the invitation and went out.

Zuo and Ahmad have been following them without leaving.

Seeing that Gu Xiaowan had also brought Ahmad, Tan Yushu said with some worry: "Sister, I'm afraid Ahmad won't be able to get in today."

That day, Ahmad's martial arts defeated Shu Min's two guards, such a person, I'm afraid Shu Min would never let her in!

"He stayed outside, and if something happened, I would naturally notify her!" After speaking, Gu Xiaowan touched a jade bracelet on her wrist and said with a smile.

The carriage stopped in front of a luxurious mansion. There are two tall stone lions crouching at the door, two red lanterns hung under the eaves of the door, and a plaque made of ebony wood is engraved with three big gilded characters-Ming Palace.

When the carriage stopped steadily, Gu Xiaowan got out of the carriage and stood at the gate of the Ming Dynasty Mansion, and saw the two lions tall and luxurious.

The lion’s head is decorated with a mane and a bell hanging on the neck. It is majestic. A cub is lying on its back in front of the female lion’s left foot for playfulness. The male lion’s right foot is stroking a hydrangea. To the front.

Standing at the side door, looking from a distance, the pavilions in the courtyard are vaguely visible.

Two guards with knives stood at the gate, similar to those seen at Guangyuan Temple that day, all of them staring straight and powerful. Gu Xiaowan and Tan Yushu took the invitation and walked to the gate. Before they got up the steps, there was a surprise cry from behind: "Jade Book, Jade Book"

Hearing this familiar voice, Tan Yushu frowned, turned around and looked at the person who was trotting up with the corners of the skirt, and smiled and cried out, "Peiya, are you here too?"

I saw a girl trotting all the way, her body trembling trembling, and when she ran closer, she saw the girl's face flushed red with fine beads of sweat on her forehead, and she was panting with tiredness, like Run for a long time.

However, Gu Xiaowan looked at the place where she got off just now, and it was only a hundred meters away. She was sweating profusely when she trot this way, panting, and bends over and smoothly. .

I heard Tan Yushu say distressedly: "Peiya, how long have you been running like this? Have you eaten more recently? Why do I think you are getting fatter again? Didn't the imperial doctor say it? Yours If your body is not good, you can't get fat anymore."

Fang Peiya smiled bitterly: "Yu Shu, if I don't eat, I'm hungry, I can only eat, and I want to sleep after eating! You see, we haven't seen each other for a while, I'm really heavier!"

"Look at you, no matter how fat you are, who else will dare to marry you by then!" Although Tan Yushu teased Fang Peiya, he was genuinely worried.

"By the way, Peiya, I will introduce you to someone! Sister, this is Fang Peiya, the concubine of Shangshufu!" Tan Yushu introduced: "Peiya, this is my sister"

"Your sister?" Fang Peiya looked at the beautiful and beautiful girl in front of her. She only felt that the temperament of this girl was like a fairy in the sky, making her look out of her mind: "Peiya, I never I never heard that you have a sister! Where do you come from, a fairy-like sister!"

"Fool!" Tan Yushu pushed down Fang Peiya, who looked like dementia. Fang Peiya didn't make any movement, but looked at Tan Yushu in admiration, watching the interaction between the two, and wanted to be a good friend on weekdays.

"This is the head of Anping County!" Tan Yushu said.

"Huh?" Fang Peiya listened, with a dazed expression, and then turned her head to look at Gu Xiaowan again. With round eyes, she glanced at Gu Xiaowan and said, "That is completely different from the rumored one! The main sister is so beautiful, who is so desperate to say that her sister is vulgar and rude!:

With a look of indignation, a pair of fleshy hands squeezed into a small fist and waved forward, as if looking for someone to reason at any time.

"Let those people say it! Don't care what they do!" Tan Yushu said without caring: "My sister is born beautiful, no matter where she is born or where she grows, she is a jewel, how can she just talk about it? I can believe it!"

Tan Yushu spoke with pride and pride.

Fang Peiya gave a cry and looked at Gu Xiaowan with admiration: "Sister, Yushu calls your sister, can Peiya call your sister too?"

Gu Xiaowan looked at this sleek little sister who looked like a little temper, and said with a smile: "Of course it can!"

"Sister, elder sister" Fang Peiya heard, the fleshy face that was smiling was squeezed in one place, and even her eyes were narrowed. It seemed that this little girl was really too fat, she smiled fatly. I can't see when I get up.

"Oh, who should I recognize my relatives here, it turns out to be the eldest sister!" Suddenly, a malicious voice suddenly rang, and Gu Xiaowan looked at it and saw walking behind them both in goose yellow dresses. The beautiful little girl looks younger than Fang Peiya.

Fang Peiya's face immediately changed when she saw the two of them.

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