The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1428: Disgusting twins

Where is the cuteness and smile just now, and the coldness that turned into a face in a flash, but ignores the two of them, but stands beside Tan Yushu, frowning, and does not look at them. personal.

Seeing the two people arrogantly swaying from a distance, they were about the same height and looks similar, and they seemed to be twin sisters.

Seeing Liu Yemei and cherry mouth, with untimely heavy make-up painted on her face, the painting of a girl's house is not suitable for her actual age.

Fang Peiya ignored them, Tan Yushu and Gu Xiaowan didn't say anything, turned around and walked towards Ming Palace.

"Hey, elder sister, my own sister doesn't even say hello. I call other people's sisters so affectionate on the pole. You said you didn't hurt our sister's heart!"

One of the girls with an orchid jade pendant rolled her eyes and mocked.

The other girl with the bamboo jade pendant on her waist also echoed: "That’s right, sister! It’s still our eldest sister. We greet her so enthusiastically, and even say hello to us. It’s too rude, or As for the daughter of the Fang Mansion, if this is passed on, it is not to say that our family has no manners!

Tan Yushu whispered in Gu Xiaowan’s ear: “Sister, these two are Peiya’s concubine, twins, born to a very spoiled aunt in the family, so they are very arrogant at home and don’t put Peiya away at all. In my eyes, Peya can't beat them again!"

After Gu Xiaowan listened to her, she looked at the two unreasonable concubines with an awe-inspiring look of justice, and looked at Fang Peiya with hatred of iron and steel, as if Fang Peiya had really lost Fang's face.

Haha, what about playing house fighting here?

With a chuckle at the corner of Gu Xiaowan's mouth, she thought about it and said a few words softly to Tan Yushu, and she was surprised to see Tan Yushu's face after listening.

"Sister, let everyone climb relatives here. Let's go in first. The county lord Mingdu asked us to come hurry up and ask us to help. If we go late, I am afraid that the county lord will be unhappy!" Yupei's girl has a look of jealousy, it seems that they can get along with the Mingdu Princess, they are just superior.

The girl wearing the orchid jade pendant nodded, her face full of disdain, and then when she raised her head, her nostrils turned upright, and she didn’t even look at Fang Peiya, whose face was already green, she was in a good mood. go.

"Wait, I'm leaving now? Who agreed to let you go?" Suddenly, a cold voice said, the voice was cold, and the scared two people stepped.

Turning around, I saw Tan Yushu folded his arms around his chest, raised his chin slightly, and looked at the two sisters proudly.

"Seeing that this princess does not kneel down with this princess, you are so arrogant, or do you say that the tutor in this mansion teaches you how to judge the eldest sister and how to ignore the princess?" Tan Yushu vomited. Like ice, the two sisters were scared instantly. They did see Tan Yushu just now, but this Tan Yushu never cared about these false names. They had seen it before, and they never bowed to it, and Tan Yushu never said it. What, what is going on today, it turned out to be crazy.

But at any rate, they are the princess protector of the country, or the celebrity in front of the empress dowager. If this is really known by the emperor and empress dowager, how can it be done?

"Princess, but you never cared about this before!" the girl wearing bamboo leaves asked incredulously.

"Presumptuous, Fang Zhuyun, what's your identity? You dare to question what the princess said! I used to think that you are Peiya’s sister, and I don’t care about you, but you are better. I don’t know the identity of the prostitute. Respect the eldest sister, and insult her in front of the princess. Is that what Master Fang taught you? The tutor of Fang's house is really okay. Someday, I will ask my grandfather to write a book. Okay. Let the emperor take a look and see how Master Fang taught his daughter!"

When I heard that Tan Yushu was about to write an excerpt, it was fine now, and I had to stabb him in front of the emperor. Didn't this kill his father, he killed them!

That won't work!

Fang Lanxin and Fang Zhuyun knelt down with a frightened plop, and kept kowtowing their heads to beg for mercy: "The princess, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, we know that we are wrong, and I also ask the princess to have a lot, don't let the emperor know about this !I beg you!"

Their crying pears bring rain, and their faces are terrified.

Gu Xiaowan looked at them and found it strange. With the effort of these two people to kneel down, the tears fell like a broken string, which is really amazing!

Tan Yushu ignored the two of them, but secretly glanced at Gu Xiaowan, and saw Gu Xiaowan's full-face smile, and quietly gave her a thumbs up. Tan Yushu smiled, and went with the little mouse who had eaten it proudly.

Fang Peiya on the side looked at the interaction between the two of them. At first, she was a little surprised. How could Tan Yushu surprise them today, and when she saw Gu Xiaowan also smiling, she realized that they were both Fighting injustice for myself, I couldn't help being moved.

"Yu Shu, let's go in, leave them alone!" Fang Peiya saw that Fang Lanxin and Fang Zhuyun were still knocking their heads. This bluestone slab was genuine and hard. When they both knocked their heads down, She could hear the sound of that bang bang bang.

If this knocks the faces of these two people, I don't know how they will cry to Fang Zhengxing when they go back!

Fang Peiya's brows wrinkled at the thought of the father whose eccentric eyes had already turned so that he didn't know where.

Seeing Fang Peiya saying this, knowing that she was going to let the two sisters go, Tan Yushu didn't say anything, and walked into the Ming Palace.

Suddenly, Fang Lanxin and Fang Zhuyun were left outside the door. Hearing no sound behind them, the two sisters of the Fang family looked back. When no one was there, they supported each other and stood up. The face is grim: "This fat man, dare to let outsiders come and taunt us. I will tell my mother when I go back, let my mother take care of her!"

"Don't worry, I think it's strange!" Fang Lanxin, who is an older sister, naturally has an extra heart, and asked with some doubts: "Looking at the county guardian county lord together to see us is the same as if we didn't see it. , Why is she holding us today? And, isn't she the most annoying and least likely to fight back and forth?"

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