The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1429: Luxury Ming Wang Mansion

"Could it be that someone was teaching her? Isn't that the fat man?" Fang Zhuyun took a bite of the fat man, without paying attention to Fang Peiya's elder sister.

Fang Lanxin shook his head: "Impossible, we still don't know what that fat man looks like. Not only does she look like a pig, but she is also stupid like a pig. How could she think of teaching us!"

"Who do you think the sister is? It's not the princess protecting the country, and it's not the fat man, can it be someone else's failure!" Fang Zhuyun didn't understand.

"Maybe it's someone else!" Fang Lanxin said categorically, "Zhu Yun, remember that there was someone standing next to Princess Huguo just now?"

"When I saw it, I just glanced at it, and I haven't seen her looks clearly!" Fang Zhuyun said.

Fang Lanxin could see clearly.

The girl standing next to the Huguo County Lord, with a long and beautiful, extraordinary temperament, just glanced at the fairy in the sky, so quiet and far away, I am afraid that no one in the capital can compare it because of her Fang Lanxin looked at her unique temperament a few more times.

It was originally just an unrelated person, but at this moment there is the biggest suspicion.

"Just now she seemed to have said something to Princess Huguo, maybe she was teaching Princess Huguo how to teach us!" Fang Lan said viciously when thinking of this.

Unexpectedly, that girl was quite courageous, and was able to find their fault from their disrespect for the Huguo Princess.

"Forget it, let's just ignore that much. The Princess Mingdu is still waiting for us. If we go late, I am afraid that we will be scolded again!" Fang Lanxin finished, her eyes flinched, as if she was a little scared. Then walked quickly towards the Ming Palace with Fang Zhu Yun.

Gu Xiaowan passed the red door, and her eyes suddenly lit up.

The huge patio was filled with many colorful flowers. By this time it was autumn, and the flowers had withered, but there were so many fresh flowers in the Ming Palace, which shows that the Ming Palace is so luxurious on weekdays.

The path full of flowers is a cobblestone-paved path, on both sides are handicraft verandas, and the middle is a hallway, with a red sandalwood shelf and marble plaque.

Turning the interstitial, it suddenly became enlightened. I saw the towering palace with white walls and gray tiles, the gate tower walls with delicate carvings, the roof carvings are more delicate and beautiful, and what is even more amazing is that the ground here is actually Paved from white jade, with golden beads embedded in it, the ground is a lotus, blossoming like a five-stem lotus, the petals are fresh and exquisite, and even the stamens are delicate and identifiable, which shows the craftsmanship of the engraver.

This is the first time Gu Xiaowan has seen Qiong Palace so luxurious.

Looking at such a luxurious palace, she was a little surprised. When she was in Kyoto, she had never seen such a luxurious palace!

The ground that was stepped on the ground was actually paved with white jade, it was bright and clean, and the flowers carved on it were even more alive, which surprised people.

Seeing Gu Xiaowan not speaking, Tan Yushu gently pushed her on the side and whispered, "Sister, do you think it's luxurious?"

Gu Xiaowan looked at her and nodded.

More than luxury, it is simply too luxury.

"In the entire capital, only the Ming Dynasty Mansion dared to pave the white jade on the ground, and the entire Ming Dynasty Mansion was paved. Sister, this piece of white jade under our feet is enough for ordinary people to eat and drink for a year. Therefore, it is spreading outside, The white jade bricks of the Ming Palace are the most valuable treasure, allowing the people in Beijing to eat and drink for a year!"

Tan Yushu sighed.

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw a group of people walking along the veranda, surrounded by a bright woman in golden palace costume.

The golden cloud smoke shirt is embroidered with elegant orchids, the yellow ancient pattern double butterfly cloud-shaped thousand water skirt is mopping the floor, the hand is holding the Bixia Luo peony mist gauze, the ink-like hair is combed with flying fairy bun, and the head is inserted A hollow orchid pearl hairpin complements the big and charming orchid on the body.

Her face is as charming as the moon, her eyes look bright and sultry.

The person who came is not Shu Min and who is it!

The golden dress set against the white jade-paved ground, and the lotus flowers blooming behind her seemed to be alive, blooming behind her, appearing more and more colorful.

Seeing that Shu Min was surrounded by a group of red and green maids, she came to Gu Xiaowan and saw that they were still standing at the door, and they didn't descend the steps, so she couldn't help but sneer.

Shu Min glanced over Tan Yushu and Fang Peiya, and finally stopped on Gu Xiaowan's face, and then moved away in an instant.

Although the person in front of me is just an ordinary dress, but this whole body's temperament

Thinking of this, Shu Min's eyes were full of jealousy and disgust.

Although it was only a short time, the keen Gu Xiaowan still discovered the hatred and jealousy in the eyes of the Mingdu princess.

"Are you all here?" Shu Min's eyes were filled with joy, and there was a very joyful smile on her face, as if all in front of her were close friends of her boudoir.

Tan Yushu also laughed and said, "Princess Mingdu invited us, how can we not come? The luxury of the Ming Palace is not something we can see every day!"

Tan Yushu’s words contained a sense of irony, but the Princess Mingdu smiled as if he hadn’t heard the thorn in those words, “then come here soon, so many sisters are here! Come and come”

After finishing speaking, I personally walked up the steps and came to the middle of Tan Yushu and Gu Xiaowan. They hand-in-hand each other affectionately, like good sisters, with a sweet smile: "Let’s go, the county lord of Anping has never been to the capital. I’m afraid You only know Yushu, right? Let’s go, my sister will take you to meet other girls in the capital. They will be very happy if they want to come, and there is one more sister!"

"Princess Mingdu" Gu Xiaowan seemed to pass Shu Min's diligence inadvertently, and bowed her face lightly.

I just taught the prostitute of the Fang family who doesn't have long eyes just now, so don't let others speak here again.

Fang Peiya on the side saw Gu Xiaowan's movements, and followed Gu Xiaowan to bow to Shu Min.

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