The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1431: What good sister

There is no slight resemblance between the two people's eyebrows. Thinking about it, their father's genes are too small. There is no half of the similarity between the two people's eyebrows. They should be like their respective mothers.

"Princess, you have a large number of adults, don't blame my sister!" Fang Zhuyun saw it, her brows and eyes were stained with a layer of sadness, she looked at Fang Peiya aside, it seemed a little shy and scared, and deliberately exposed part of her forehead. In front of Shu Min.

Upon seeing this, Shu Min said displeased: "What's wrong with your forehead? Why is it green?"

"Princess" Fang Lan shrank a little, looked up at Shu Min, not daring to speak, but then looked at Fang Peiya with expectation. Whoever looked at Fang Peiya with such a sad and scared look. , I think there is a ghost in it.

Shu Min pretended not to see Fang Lanxin's movements, furious.

"Say, what's the matter?" Shu Min saw this and said angrily: "The good sister I invited, who dares to insult you, don't panic, but it's okay to say that this princess will definitely ask for this for you. It's fair."

Shu Min said that you are a good sister I invited, and she will definitely beg for this justice for you. As soon as she said that, Fang Lanxin was moved incomparably. One head knocked on the bluestone slab. Boom: "Thank you princess, thank princess! Ooo"

"When we were just at the door, we met my sister, and we greeted her enthusiastically, but the sister ignored us and framed us that we did not care about the Fang family’s face and did not have any family education. Report to the emperor! The princess's hat is so big, Lan Xin and Zhu Yun, who can bear it! Woo"

Fang Lanxin said, and kept wiping her tears. The natural weak willow-like willow Fufeng on the lakeside made people feel distressed at first sight.

"Hey, your sisters!" When I heard that it was the Fang family's affair, Shu Min sighed and stepped forward in person, helped Fang Lanxin and Fang Zhuyun, and said like a lesson: "Although you two are The concubine of the Fang family, but in the eyes of this princess, there is no difference between you and Peya. Otherwise, the princess will not invite you to help the princess today!"

Shu Min sighed long, seeming to feel sorry for the two of them.

"Your two lives are beautiful and moving, and you should feel more angry, and you should also feel better! Understand?" Shu Min continued to say with all his heart.

As soon as she finished speaking, Gu Xiaowan unexpectedly saw Fang Peiya's face turned black.

What does Shu Min mean?

Does it mean that in her mind, Fang Lanxin and Fang Zhuyun, two concubines, are the same as Fang Peiya, a serious concubine?

Or, she thinks Fang Lanxin and Fang Zhuyun are beauties, so beauties should naturally not be as ugly as Fang Peiya?

Is this Shu Min boasting? Or is it hurting others?

Tan Yushu's face was also darkened, and he glanced at Fang Peiya, and said mercilessly: "The princess's words are very bad. We have been different from the prostitutes since ancient times in the Qing Dynasty. How can the prostitutes and prostitutes compare with the prostitutes and prostitutes? , If it is a glance in the eyes of the princess, what do the princesses regard to the ancestor's rules? Then why do you have to divide the princes?"

Tan Yushu is also sharp-toothed, and Shu Min who said something does not know how to answer.

The decent smile on her face just now seemed a bit hideous because of Tan Yushu's irony.

His face was slightly touched, but he wanted to maintain the perfect smile, and it seemed that the smile on his face seemed to be suppressed.

"How can Shu Min forget the rules of the ancestors! But, among good sisters, why bother about those statuses?" Shu Min was choked, then retorted, a pair of thick eyebrows smiled and looked in front of Tan Yushu After taking a look, he paused again on Gu Xiaowan's face, and then said:

"Otherwise, how can you become a good sister with a country girl like Anping County Lord by relying on a high-ranking person like Huguo County Lord? Yushu, don't you think?"

With a smile on Shu Min's face, she was looking at Gu Xiaowan maliciously at the moment.

"You" Tan Yushu was so angry that he understood why Shu Min called Fang Lanxin and Fang Zhuyun from the beginning.

These Fang Lanxin and Fang Zhuyun are Shu Min's two dogs. She wants to bite anyone with two dogs.

She has always listened to other people's preaching, and now when I see it, it is true.

This is where I am scolding the two sisters Fang Lanxin for coming late, it is obviously considered good, let them deliberately come in with them, specially arranged such a scene!

This Shu Min, disgusting mind.

"What? Isn't it?" The smile on Shu Min's face was there from beginning to end, but such a smile made people feel uncomfortable: "Although the county lord of Anping is a princess personally canonized by the emperor, it used to be just a piece of cloth after all. That’s all, the princess Huguo actually put down his body and became a good sister with a commoner. Why can’t the princess become good sisters with the prostitutes in Shangshufu’s family? What does this good sister have to do with her identity? Say yes? Anping County Lord?"

After speaking, he glanced at Gu Xiaowan triumphantly, as if he was laughing at her, and with a bold face, as if he felt that what he said was reasonable.

When Gu Xiaowan saw her burning the fire on her body, she knew she did it on purpose.

Where did she come to pick her up? He obviously knew what happened at the door and came here to humiliate her on purpose!

Fang Lanxin and Fang Zhuyun were shocked when they heard the Mingdu princess call that the girl with outstanding temperament they did not know was the Anping county lord. They turned their heads to look at Gu Xiaowan, their eyes widened, and their faces were unbelievable.

This is the legendary Anping County Lord?

Gu Xiaowan didn't care about Shu Min's provocative words at all, and she looked calmly: "Princess Mingdu's words are extremely true! Xiaowan also thinks that as long as she is in harmony, she can become a good friend and has nothing to do with her identity. However, although the identities of the Huguo Princess and I are very different, they have always been considered sisters. I just don’t know why the two young ladies of the Mingdu Princess and the Fang Family still call the Princess and bow down and bow down."

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