The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1433: Su Qianyue

Tan Yushu grinned: "Princess Mingdu likes to be crowded. It doesn't matter if you call more people. It's just that the princess likes to be quiet, and there are not so many good sisters in the princess. Three or two are enough! So many people gather together, it's noisy, I really can't like it!"

Shu Min's face froze, but fortunately, there were so many people that she couldn't see her face clearly.

The two maids who were standing at the gate of the yard were waiting, when they saw Shu Min coming, they saluted Shu Min: "Princess!"

Then, he entered the yard sideways and led Shu Min and others into the yard.

Gu Xiaowan entered the yard behind Tan Yushu. The pearl-like cobblestones inlaid on the white jade just outside were also found in it, but they were paved into small paths, dividing the layout of the yard into Little by little.

At this moment, the sun was just right, not too strong, and the breeze was slowly blowing, and the flowers and grasses in the yard that were blowing emitted a stronger fragrance.

This yard is very large, and there are some beautiful and precious flower species planted in the yard. Many pretty girls stand in twos and threes in front of the flowers and admire the beautiful flowers, and some girls are playing chasing games around the trees. Anyway, the whole yard looks happy and happy.

When Princess Mingdu entered and the people behind him followed in, the voice inside suddenly stopped.

"Sister Princess, you are back!" One of the women in the goose-yellow palace dress, with a pretty face, looked at Shu Min with a bit of annoyance, and said with a bit of sadness: "Sister, you just left, look, I have lost so much, you will help me win it later!"

“That’s Su Qianyue, Su Qianyue, Su Peian’s daughter of Shang Shuling!” Tan Yushu was beside Gu Xiaowan and introduced in a low voice: “It’s the man we saw in Guangyuan Temple last time with Ming. younger sister!"

Gu Xiaowan nodded, no wonder the eyebrows between the two looked a bit like.

Su Qianyue stepped forward to go to La Mingdu's hand. Just now I played the leaf card and lost a lot of silver. I didn't know how to play the leaf card. After losing so much, how willing I am to come back now. Now, he quickly stepped forward to La Mingdu's hand.

"Sister, good elder sister, help me play a few rounds of leaf cards!" Su Qianyue took Mingdu's hand and kept shaking, her face flashed with anger and self-satisfaction.

With a grin on his face, he looked at everyone's envious eyes triumphantly.

The relationship between herself and Mingdu, this is something that all the ladies here can't even think about. She is the only one who dare to blame Shu Min.

When everyone saw that she had such a good relationship with Mingdu, they understood Mingdu's attitude towards Su Ziyue. It seemed that Princess Mingdu really liked Su Ziyue. Otherwise, this Su Qianyue is not big or small, and Princess Mingdu is not angry, and she still allows her to do such a foolish act.

"Okay, Qianyue, don't worry, my sister will help you win back later! Beat them up!" Mingdu coaxed in a good manner, with a smile on his face and no anger at all: "But Now my sister has an important thing to announce. We have a new lady in the capital. I am afraid you have only heard of it, but you have not seen it!"

"Who?" Su Qianyue blinked her eyes and looked behind Mingdu. After looking around, she basically saw familiar faces.

Seeing Tan Yushu, Su Qianyue faintly assisted the "Princess Huguo" and said, "This is"

There is also a strange face that I don’t even know, so Su Qianyue pointed to Gu Xiaowan and asked, "Sister, is this the new lady?"

Shu Min smiled and nodded, seeing the ladies scattered in the yard in twos and threes surrounded by all the ladies. Only then did they tilt their lower body and exposed Gu Xiaowan and the others to everyone. When they saw Tan Yushu, everyone saluted: "Gu Country Lord"

The identity of the county lord Tan Yushu is the same as that of Shu Min. Although Tan Yushu has no blood relationship with the current royal family, Daqing is the world where the ancestors of the Tan family accompany the ancestors to fight on horseback. The Tan family did not have a king, but Tan Yushu was canonized by the queen mother and the emperor as the protector of the country. Moreover, this Tan Yushu was raised by the queen mother since childhood, and the relationship with the queen mother is not generally good.

Everyone saluted Tan Yushu. Tan Yushu has been used to such scenes, and the white soft pancreas gently lifted: "Get up!"

Everyone got up one after another, but they all looked at Gu Xiaowan standing beside her with wide eyes curiously, waiting for Shu Min's introduction.

"Miss, you may not know who this is next to me! However, everyone must have heard of her name!" Shu Min said with a smile: "Back then, there was a natural disaster in the Qing Dynasty and famines everywhere. There are disaster victims everywhere in the world, but Ruixian is the only place where everyone has food. It turned out that it was a girl who gave a good idea and planted sweet potatoes. This allowed Ruixian to escape the famine!"

"Ah" Su Qianyue screamed, knowing that she had lost her mind, she hurriedly covered her lips with her veil, and looked at Gu Xiaowan incredulously: "I know, I've heard that you are an Anping county that the emperor canonized. the Lord"

After Su Qianyue's words, everyone came to their senses, it turned out to be her!

They all raised their eyes to look at Gu Xiaowan, but seeing that the dress and embellishments on this woman were ordinary and could not be more ordinary, it seemed to be very shabby.

"That's right, this is the county lord of Anping. The queen mother ordered that all female relatives of rank 5 and above should enter the palace to celebrate the Queen Mother's birthday, so the county lord of Anping moved from home to the capital!" Shu Min said with a smile and glanced around. .

As soon as the voice fell, there was a whispering voice: "Is this the county lord of Anping? I heard that she is a village girl in the village! It used to be rumored in the capital that the county lord of Anping was an unlearned and vulgar country girl, but Now it seems that it is not as vulgar as the rumors!"

Gu Xiaowan looks beautiful and beautiful. Because of the growth in the past two years, although the eyebrows are not as bright as Shu Min, they are not tiresome. No matter how they look, they feel pleasing to the eye.

Unlike Princess Mingdu, who is quite provocative.

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