The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1434: Another provocation

"Hey! It's just a vulgar girl from a village. With such a good fate, she was granted the title of Anping County Lord by the emperor. Otherwise, she is still farming in the village at this time! It's just a wild girl in the village. Yi?" Suddenly, a disdainful voice came in, interrupting everyone's discussion.

Everyone followed the prestige, and saw a luxurious purple skirt, covered with a pink-purple moon stream yarn of the same color as the inside with silver powder, glowing with silver light in the sun, and walking around, it was like There is light flowing faintly, shimmering like blue waves.

Such a dress like a fairy under the moon is originally very quiet, but at this moment, seeing the unwilling and unreconciled look of the owner wearing it, destroys this sense of quietness, and makes people feel that people match. Not as good as this clothes.

"Princess Mingdu hosted a banquet, but he wore such shabby clothes and didn't even have any decent jewelry! You are so outdated, but disrespectful to the princess?" The woman had very beautiful eyebrows, but because of her full face. The arrogance of her, she lost that good-looking one.

"This is Huang Ruye, the prostitute of the Book of Rites! With Liu Tianci, who was charged in the army, she used to be a close friend of her boudoir!" Tan Yushu on the side explained: "This person is arrogant and domineering, very face-loving, narrow-minded, but he is used to using the pitiful The look is confusing!"

Gu Xiaowan nodded, no wonder, she has no grievances with this person. Although she is a good friend of Shu Min and wants to slander herself, she does not need to be the first bird according to her identity. No wonder, it turns out to be To avenge her good friend.

Gu Xiaowan ignored the person's provocation, just nodded lightly, saying hello.

Huang Ru saw that Gu Xiaowan ignored her, his face was almost black.

When Tianci was still there, she told her that this county head of Anping was not a good crop, she was beautiful and beautiful, but she was full of bad water.

"This lady is talking to you, why don't you answer?" Huang Rushi seemed to have failed to achieve his goal.

The people around didn't speak. Seeing Huang Ru's provocation against Gu Xiaowan, the scene fell silent for a while, and one after another gloating towards Gu Xiaowan, his faces were full of excitement.

But Shu Min, who was the host, hugged her chest with her arms around her mouth with a smile, so she watched the fights here and there in time. Anyway, she invited Gu Xiaowan to come to humiliate her. At this moment, someone has made her head. She was happily watching the show.

Seeing that Princess Mingdu didn't even mean to come forward to relieve the siege, Gu Xiaowan knew that she could only do it herself.

Reached out and pressed Tan Yushu who was going to speak for her, shook her head gently, and then, looking at Huang Ruye who was provocative in front of him, smiled and said, "Miss, you just said that, I'm just a village. How come the girl here has the same precious jewelry as you! I'm just a vulgar country girl. The girl can't do it for me and damage your image. You see, everyone is waiting to watch our good show! Miss, you are a face-saving person, but at the moment you are bullying me, a newcomer who is surrounded by people watching a good show. You said that if this spreads out, you said that you bullied the county lord from the countryside. Such a reputation is good for you. ?"

Gu Xiaowan's flattery, Huang Ru in front of her was taken aback for a moment. He didn't expect this person to compliment herself. At the beginning, she was a little uncertain, but she was a little embarrassed to see her smiling.

Especially the last two words that Gu Xiaowan said, she lowered her voice just now, and only her two heard them. Now, thinking of her reputation, she looked at the people around her, and she really did!

I saw many people craned their necks and looked here, with teasing in their eyes, as if they were going to watch a good show between the two of them.

"Humph, today is the gathering of the Princess Mingdu, this lady won't be troubled with you for the time being!" Huang Ru snorted, and then walked away. Just now there was a spark of fire that could start a prairie fire, and now it died down, and everyone was a little dull.

Especially Shu Min, seeing Huang Ru and retreating, unexpectedly left so soon, she couldn't believe it.

Does this Huang Ru love his face very much? She provoked Gu Xiaowan today, how could she be defeated without asking for a result?

Shu Min felt a little weird, so she watched Huang Ru go away.

And Gu Xiaowan always stood there with a smile, as if the provocation just now didn't exist at all.

What did this person say to Huang Ru just now?

Huang Ru is a competitive person, how could he easily let Gu Xiaowan go?

Shu Min couldn't help but twitch at the corner of her eyes as she looked at Gu Xiaowan who seemed to be okay.

This Gu Xiaowan is really more and more impressive!

The more incomprehensible the person, the more dangerous. The more dangerous it is, the quicker it is to get rid of it.

A fierce look flashed in Shu Min's eyes, and Gu Xiaowan turned her back to her, and did not notice the viciousness in her eyes.

"Sister, what did you say to Huang Ru just now? How could she leave so quickly?" Tan Yushu felt a little unbelievable. This person is a person who doesn't give up until he reaches his goal. How can he leave easily?

But it's better to go, the sister of the province will grind with her!

"You also said that she is a face-saving person, I just told her that she behaved like a monkey at the moment, which made people watch, she left!" Gu Xiaowan said with a smile.

The better the face, the more caring about their own face. They are watched and pointed out like monkeys, and they have to be the talk of these people after dinner, so that everyone thinks this is a matter of demerit.

Huang Ru naturally wouldn't do that anymore!

"Yeah, why didn't I think about it!" Tan Yushu clapped his hands and said with a smile: "She has a face, let's let her know how precious her face is!"

Gu Xiaowan smiled and nodded. This is the truth!

Fang Peiya stood beside Tan Yushu all the time, without even moving her steps. At this moment, after listening to Gu Xiaowan’s words, her eyes lit up. Don’t hide the brows under her fat cheeks, revealing a glimmer of light, looking respectfully. With Gu Xiaowan.

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