The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1443: Deliberate digging

"Oh, distinguished guest?" Li Fan asked with interest.

At this moment, Cuizhu told: "Miss, the county lord of Anping is here!"

At this time, Li Fan looked right here, facing Gu Xiaowan's line of sight. Neither of them spoke. They just assumed that they didn't know each other, and then looked away.

"Miss Su"

"Anping County Lord" Su Qianyue hurriedly greeted her, holding Gu Xiaowan's hand and said embarrassedly: "It stands to reason that I should have gone downstairs to greet you, but my identity is inconvenient. At home, I will definitely go to the gate to meet the distinguished guests!"

Gu Xiaowan accepted with a smile: "Miss Su is too polite."

Su Qianyue stared at Gu Xiaowan without a trace. At the first glance, she was a little surprised when she saw that she was wearing a black dirt-resistant clothes, but it was fleeting.

"Come on, sit down, I also invited Miss Huang today, it should be coming soon, Cuizhu, go down to meet Miss Huang!"

Su Qianyue has a baby face, with a smile on her face all the time, like a child, looking cute and playful.

Gu Xiaowan didn't dare to sit in the position arranged by Su Qianyue, which was the first position at the top. Although there were only three people for dinner, the arrangement of this position was obviously to put herself in the most provocative place.

"Anping County Lord, you are our guest the first time you come back to the capital! This position is for you!" Su Qianyue took Gu Xiaowan to sit in that position with a sincere expression on her face.

Gu Xiaowan shook her head: "Miss Su, today you are the host. You should be the host and guest seat!"

"Today I am the host and you are the guest. How could there be a host sitting in the guest's seat? Come and come. This is the first time you are here. Just sit down!"

Su Qianyue couldn't wait to pull Gu Xiaowan's hand, to pull her to sit in the upper position, with a smile on her face, she seemed a little anxious.

Seeing the kindness of Su Qianyue, Li Fan on the side was also very puzzled.

Because this Su Qianyue was Shang Shuling's daughter, and relied on her relationship with the Mingdu princess, she didn't put others in the eyes on weekdays.

When I came to Fujinlou to eat hot pot, it was only Li Fan saw that Su Qianyue was in the first place. Where is it like today that Gu Xiaowan is so eager to take the first place.

Thinking of this, Li Fan glanced secretly and shook his head at her.

Gu Xiaowan avoided her invitation without a trace, and stood aside. Su Qianyue was so anxious to sit down by herself. Does she have any tricks?

Thinking of not knowing who Su Qianyue had invited to come, Gu Xiaowan had an indisputable refusal in her eyes: "Miss Su, there are still guests who have not come, or wait for the guests to arrive, come and sit again!"

Gu Xiaowan stepped back two steps and left Su Qianyue's side. Su Qianyue seemed to be relentless. She moved forward and was about to grab Gu Xiaowan's arm, and Zuo on the side stood without a trace. He stood in front of Gu Xiaowan, standing between Su Qianyue and Gu Xiaowan, blocking her both.

Su Qianyue had unwillingness on her face, but she didn't dare to show it. There was a helpless smile on the corner of her mouth: "Well, then wait!"

Taking advantage of this effort, Su Qianyue pointed to Li Fan: "Anping County Lord, this is Boss Li, the shopkeeper of Fujinlou. I just ordered some dishes. Would you like to take a look and see what else you need to add? "

Gu Xiaowan glanced at Li Fan and shook her head with a smile: "It is Miss Su's treat today. How can I be so distracted? Just order Miss Su!"

Su Qianyue saw that Gu Xiaowan had always been faintly alienated, and her face was stiff for a moment, but when she heard Cuizhu tell Huang that it had arrived, she returned to normal again: "Sister Huang!"

Huang Rushi today wore a goose yellow complex undergarment, which was bright like winter jasmine in spring.

Su Qianyue looked at the two standing next to her. One of them was so simple to wear, but she couldn’t help but admire Gu Xiaowan’s ability to match. That black suit didn’t look dull at all, on the contrary, The red dotted with it is even more white than snow.

And Huang Ruye, that goose yellow, like a dancing butterfly, scarlet lips painted with scarlet rouge, face white than snow, black as ink, such a grand dress, as if afraid that others would not know She is like a daughter of the Book of Rites.

"Sister Huang, you are here!" Su Qianyue looked around and said with a smile.

Huang Ru is the eldest daughter of Shang Shu from the First Grade of Libu, and Su Qianyue is just the second daughter of Shang Shuling. With such an identity, Su Qianyue has fallen slightly in front of Huang Ruye.

After meeting with Gu Xiaowan, Huang Ru held his head up, holding up his skirt, and walked to the top position.

Su Qianyue hurriedly stepped forward to pull Huang's hand like this, and walked to the first position above: "Sister!"

Huang didn't even think about it, and just sat down, taking it for granted.

Gu Xiaowan sneered at the innocent look of the two of them.

This Su Qianyue, as soon as she came by herself, she dug a hole for herself to jump.

If she had just been able to refuse under Su Qianyue’s gracious invitation, if she accidentally took that position, then Huang Ruye had come. Seeing that she should have been seated in the position she should have been sitting in, according to Huang Ruye’s temperament, I'm afraid I will hate myself to death.

Gu Xiaowan's face was always calm, and there was no emotion on her face after seeing Huang Ru take a seat.

Su Qianyue glanced at Gu Xiaowan secretly, and was shocked to see that there was no expression on her face.

Su Qianyue's face stiffened for a moment.

"Anping County Lord, please sit down," said Huang Ruye a little embarrassedly, pointing to a position not far away.

Gu Xiaowan ignored the embarrassment in her eyes at all. She pretended not to see it, and after greeted Huang Ruyi, she found a place to sit down.

"Today, there are only three of us!" Su Qianyue said with a smile: "Anping County Lord, or sit next to Miss Huang!"

Gu Xiaowan smiled and sat down on a seat next to Huang Rushi.

Huang Rushi didn't want Gu Xiaowan to sit next to her. Seeing her sitting down, she felt much better.

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