The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1543: too frightening

Tan Yushu took a sip of tea, sighed, and continued: "Later, after Shu Min learned about this, he directly cut off the poor scholar's hands and feet in front of the actor who was still recuperating. After that, in front of the poor scholar, he cut off the tongue of the actor, and dug out her eyeballs, saying that she said bad things about the palace and insulted her brother. Two lives are better than death! "

"What happened later?" Gu Xiaowan felt a chill in her back after hearing such things.

"Later, 50% of the soldiers and Marsi people knew about this matter, and no one dared to care about it. Anyway, the two dead were powerless and powerless. This matter was suppressed in this way. Later, I didn’t know what it was. Who, he stabbed to the emperor's brother again, and the emperor's brother locked Shu Min for two months. He also said that if she squandered her life in the future, she would let her taste the loss of the title of princess! King Ming also vowed that she would. The princess was well disciplined, and it was because of this sentence that shocked Shu Min. In the past few years, Shu Min has not dared to kill innocent people! However, for the daughters in the capital, she also hates some. , But I didn’t dare to do anything about them. After all, they were all officials of the same dynasty. The Ming dynasty was in the court and needed some support!"

Tan Yushu knew about this incident only after listening to his grandpa. Grandpa would tell her about this incident, that is to let her know Shu Min's nature and let her stay away from Shu Min!

As the princess, Shu Min has a high position. With such an identity, how many people lick their faces to approach and please, but this is a femme fatale. If she is not careful, she is very likely to be bitten.

After hearing this, Gu Xiaowan frowned. This Shu Min was really bad. Suddenly, she seemed to have thought of something, and suddenly said eagerly, "Amad, hurry up, go to Su Mansion and see that The maid named Xiaomei!"

That girl, today

After seeing Su Ziyue, I caught Su Ziyue's clothes!

"Sister, what's the matter? What's the matter with that maid? It's good for her to be beaten to death by a mess. She killed her sister without telling who the murderer was. It really **** me off!" Xiaomei's maid was even more anxious.

"That person was really just being instigated to wet my clothes, I believe her, there should be no lying!" Since someone is trying to frame him, how can I let a little maid grab the handle, afraid that I don’t know where it came from? Only one person bought this maid.

The person who found Xiaomei was afraid that he had already gone far away, only this little maid

Besides, that little maid’s mother and younger brother were all taken away.

Alas, save one if you can! Thinking of this, Gu Xiaowan felt helpless in her heart.

"Sister, you are worried about that maid meeting" Tan Yushu heard it, his eyes wide open and he looked unbelievable.

"I'm afraid that the maid is already bad luck, and I'm more worried about this! If what I'm worried about will come true, I'm afraid." Gu Xiaowan lifted the driving curtain and glanced at the street outside, with noisy voices. It even messed up her heart.

Just now, when Su Ziyue wanted to give himself the jade pendant he carried with him, Gu Xiaowan felt that the alarm bell was overwhelming.

Is this Su Ziyue to himself

Thinking of the way he looked at her, and thinking of Shu Min looking at herself like an enemy.

I knew in my heart that if Su Ziyue really treated him like this, I was afraid that Shu Min would never let it go.

Gu Xiaowan didn't speak, Tan Yushu didn't speak either, and she stared at the tea cup in front of her aunt. Tomorrow she will go to the palace, and she will also talk to the Queen Mother about today's affairs.

When the carriage arrived in Qingyuan, as soon as she got off the carriage, Ahmad came over there and said a few words quietly beside Gu Xiaowan. Gu Xiaowan frowned, and Tan Yushu asked casually, "What?"

"Go down!" Gu Xiaowan had already guessed that it was the ending, waved to let Ah Mo go down, and returned to the hall with Zheng Leng Tan Yushu.

"Sister, you mean that the maid is already" Tan Yushu sat in the seat for a long time, but still did not react, with a frightened expression on his face.

"The maid had been beaten to death by a stick, even if she was dead, her eyes were dug out, and her hands were cut off! She died, not let go!" Gu Xiaowan sighed, it seems, That Shu Min was like Su Ziyue

Crazy in general love, anyone who has any unreasonable thoughts about Su Ziyue, she must kill and hurry.

"Su Qianyue is so cruel that she killed a maid and didn't even give her a complete body?" Tan Yushu felt too incredible: "It seems that Su Qianyue has been with Shu Min for a long time. I have learned how cruel and cruel! It is so cruel to be so cruel at a flower-like age!"

Gu Xiaowan shook her head: "Su Qianyue probably didn't do this thing!"

"Sister, you mean to say" Tan Yushu suddenly raised her head, as if thinking of something, her eyes widened suddenly: "You mean Shu Min? But why did she goug that girl’s eyes and cut off that girl’s eyes? hand!"

She remembered very clearly that Shu Min didn't have any communication with that maid in Su Mansion!

"The maid touched Su Ziyue's clothes and looked at Su Ziyue!" Gu Xiaowan said.

"Sister, what do you mean is how can she be Shu Min?" Tan Yushu couldn't close his mouth in surprise after listening, "She is not someone from Su Ziyue, how can she be like this!"

"This person is terrible!" Gu Xiaowan put down the tea cup in her hand and said coldly: "She admires Su Ziyue, so she won't let anyone covet Su Ziyue, even if she takes a second look or pulls her sleeves more. This kind of love is terrible!"

"Sister, he said a few more words for you today" Tan Yushu heard it, and suddenly thought: "Also, at the door, Su Ziyue gave you Yupei Shu Min."

The more Tan Yushu thought about it, the more horrible she felt. By this time she was a little panicked. She rushed over from the chair, grabbing Gu Xiaowan’s hand and yelled in fear: "Sister, please pack your things, follow me, follow I will live in Tan Mansion!"

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