The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1544: Can i go back

Gu Xiaowan felt very relieved to see Tan Yushu worrying about her like this, but even though Shu Min was domineering, she should still be clever. He probably wouldn't be able to do anything with her!

"Don't worry, although Shu Min has a lot of resentment towards me, he shouldn't be blatant about me at the moment!" Gu Xiaowan comforted Yushu: "Moreover, you see that there are also two martial arts wicked men beside me. That Shu Min knows it too! If she really sends someone to kill me, she won't be able to get a little bit cheap!"

"But elder sister, Shu Min is narrow-minded and cruel, who knows what method she will use" Tan Yushu is not relieved.

"Don't worry, I'm also the fifth-grade Anping county lord who is personally canonized by the emperor, she dare not take me anything!" Gu Xiaowan said.

Death of a maid, and death of a county owner, it is not the same!

Shu Min is a smart, and with the emperor's warning before her, she still dare not blatantly treat herself.

"She is worried about her status as the princess, so she won't blatantly treat me like me. Don't worry, if Shu Min really comes, I will go to Tan Mansion. You will protect me, okay?"

Seeing that Tan Yushu was still worried, Gu Xiaowan hurriedly comforted.

"Then sister, if you feel a little unsafe, you must tell me that I will ask my grandfather to send me more guards when I go back. You can keep them at home and feel more at ease!" Tan Yushu listened. Gu Xiaowan said so, but there was still tension in her heart.

"Okay!" Gu Xiaowan refused Tan Yushu's kindness to take her back, and the guards couldn't refuse the matter, and she nodded her head and agreed.

Tired of playing in Su Mansion, Tan Yushu took a while and went back.

Gu Xiaowan felt a little tired. When she was resting on the soft couch, Gu Xiaoyi's voice came from outside the door: "Sister is back?"

"The girl is a little tired and is resting?" It was Zuo in a low voice.

When Gu Xiaoyi heard this, just about to turn around and go back, he heard her sister's voice shouting: "Xiaoyi come in!"

Then, seeing the door being pushed open, Gu Xiaoyi walked in, wearing light cyan home furnishing clothes, and using only a plain turquoise hairpin on her head to loosely tuck her temples. There is a little girl’s house. The coquettish and ethereal.

Gu Xiaowan sat up and watched as Gu Xiaoyi walked towards her with a smile on her lips. The equal treatment she had received in Su Mansion just now was evacuated.

This is a little girl raised by herself. She is only four years old and is now twelve.

Time is like an arrow, and time is like a song.

At this moment, Gu Xiaowan looked at her only sister, and the more she looked, the happier she became.

It's as if you are looking at your own children!

She is not born, but she has raised it!

The eldest sister is like a mother, isn't she the mother of these children?

Gu Xiaoyi, who looked like a beautiful flower, became more and more satisfied in her heart: "Xiao Yi, come here!"

Gu Xiaoyi was still resting just now. When Gu Xiaowan returned to Qingyuan, she was still asleep. She didn't know that her sister had come back. When she woke up and knew that her sister was back, she immediately cleaned up and came over.

Gu Xiaoyi walked over and looked at the smile on the corner of her sister's mouth and the helplessness in the corner of her eyes, knowing in her heart that this trip to Su Mansion must be extremely bad.

"Sister, why don't you rest first, I'll come when you rest!" Gu Xiaoyi's voice was soft and waxy, just like that March Jiangnan, foggy and rainy, Wu Nong said softly, let People are relaxed and happy to listen.

"I was a little tired just now. When I see you this time, I won't be tired at all when I hear your voice!" Gu Xiaowan said with a smile.

Then he stretched out his hand and pinched Gu Xiaoyi's uncombed hair behind his ears. He looked at this child who was only four years younger than him, but was brought up by himself. His heart was exceptionally satisfied, and those beautiful eyes were right now. Exuding a huge maternal glory, he looked at Gu Xiaoyi so lovingly.

"Sister, what's the matter with you?" Gu Xiaoyi had never seen her sister like this, and she was a little worried: "Sister, are you okay?"

Gu Xiaowan shook her head and held her hand: "Sister is okay, just watching my Xiaoyi grow up, my sister is happy!"

"Sister" Gu Xiaoyi was relieved when he heard that, leaning on Gu Xiaowan's shoulder, she also said with some emotion: "Sister, we have no parents since we were young. Let’s live in the most prosperous capital city again, the eldest brother is studying, and the second elder brother is in the army. Xiao Yi never dared to think about such a day!"

Those who laughed at them for not having a father or a mother when they were young, they are still playing in the mud in the country!

"Xiao Yi, my sister has a question to ask you!" Gu Xiaowan said suddenly and seriously.

Gu Xiaoyi looked at her, opened a pair of big eyes, and nodded.

"If we leave the capital and live in Liujia Town forever, would you like it?" Gu Xiaowan's face was solemn, but her heart was throbbing. It was not that she had never thought about this. She used to think it was unnecessary, but she looked at it today. Seeing Shu Min as a thorn in her eyes, she had to mention it.

"Sister, why do you say that? Did something happen to our family?" Gu Xiaoyi was a little nervous, looking at her sister's solemn expression, feeling uneasy.

Gu Xiaowan looked at the younger sister in front of her who looked a little like her, and pacified her a bit of excitement: "It's okay, it's okay, our house is okay!"

Gu Xiaoyi didn't believe it, and said with a stubborn look: "Sister, tell me what happened. Don't carry the family affairs by yourself. Although my brothers are not around, I can share the burden with you!"

There is a touch of stubbornness on Gu Xiaoyi's small face, which is exactly like Gu Xiaowan.

Gu Xiaowan gathered her broken hair that floated in front of her, gathered it behind her ears, and said softly: "There is nothing wrong with our house! Just seeing this bustling Beijing, thinking of the monotonous and desolate Liujiazhen, I thought about it. , If one day we leave the capital and return to that barren place, will you adapt?"

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