The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1545: Sisters affectionate

Gu Xiaoyi let out a long sigh of relief when it heard that, her pale and pale face was restored to its rosiness, and she took Gu Xiaowan's hand and said, "Sister, why are you saying this? You? It's my sister, where are you, where I am! Don't talk about returning to Liujia Town, even if you go back to Wuxi Village, where your sister is, Xiao Yi is there! Xiao Yi will never be separated from her sister!"

After finishing speaking, Qianqian nestled in Gu Xiaowan's arms, rubbed his head against Gu Xiaowan's arms, like a puppy, not wanting to leave his owner.

"Silly boy, what you said, you don't want to marry, your sister is still going to marry!" I don't know when, Gu Fangxi walked in, holding the delicate cakes made in the kitchen, and heard Gu Xiaoyi She said she would stay with Gu Xiaowan forever, she couldn't help but said grotesquely: "If your elder sister gets married, will she still take you there?"

"Why not?" Gu Xiaoyi came out of her sister's arms and looked at Gu Fangxi and said with a look of ignorance: "If I tell Big Brother Qin that I will follow my sister, Big Brother Qin will definitely agree!"

Zuo in the room hid his mouth and sneered.

When Gu Fangxi heard this, he was about to beat her: "You stupid boy, your sister is married, and you follow along. What is this?"

"What is it?" Gu Xiaoyi didn't understand, and was a little confused: "I don't want to be separated from my sister, what happened to my sister?"

At this moment, even Gu Xiaowan covered her mouth and smiled.

She knew that Gu Xiaoyi just didn’t want to be separated from herself, and she didn’t even think of what her aunt thought of. She hurriedly said with a smile, "Auntie, don’t make fun of Xiaoyi. If she meets someone she likes, where can I stay !"

"Sister!" When Gu Xiaoyi heard it, she turned her head and looked at Gu Xiaowan angrily. Her matte cheeks were even more powdery, unusually charming.

Gu Xiaowan glanced with emotion: "It is said that the eighteenth woman has changed, and my house Xiaoyi is getting better and better. If it opens in a few years, I am afraid I don't know how many young men will be fascinated!"

"Sister! You have fun with Xiaoyi again!" Gu Xiaoyi stomped when she heard it, and ran out shyly.

Watching her shyly leave Gu Xiaowan's house and disappear in front of her, the smile on Gu Xiaowan's face disappeared. Looking at Gu Fangxi, she said helplessly, "Aunt, I'm afraid we will leave the capital as soon as possible!"

"What's the matter? Xiaowan, did something happen when I went to the banquet this time?" Gu Fangxi asked nervously, holding a piece of exquisite lotus cake in his hand and passing a cup of iced bird's nest porridge. After passing, the fingers still tremble a little.

Gu Xiaowan looked at Gu Fangxi. She didn't tell Gu Xiaoyi just now, she was afraid that Gu Xiaoyi was afraid of this at a young age, but people in the family must know about this. Who knows what that cruel Shu Min will do to them!

Gu Xiaowan didn't say too much, but that the princess had a prejudice against him and didn't like him very much, and also emphasized that this person was cruel and snake-hearted, and didn't know what this person would do with him.

When Gu Fang heard this, he was shocked: "Then Xiaowan, let's leave the capital as soon as possible. The chief of Mingdu County is really cruel and cruel, and it will be repaid. I am afraid that she will not let it go!"

Gu Xiaowan nodded, held down the nervous aunt, and comforted: "Aunt, I know, but this time we are here for the birthday of the empress dowager. There are still two months before the birthday. We only need to spend these two safely. Months, we will go back to Liujiazhen after giving the birthday gift to the empress dowager, we will never return to the capital again!"

As long as the county lord of Mingdu did not marry Su Ziyue, and I was afraid that Shu Min would not give up, he hoped that Su Ziyue would not put all his thoughts on himself. He has already rejected Su Ziyue today. If you want to come to Su Ziyue, he is proud and arrogant, hurry up and take his mind off his body!

Gu Xiaowan wanted something beautiful, but didn't know that although this Su Ziyue was born with a golden spoon in his life, he was never unsuccessful in his life, but he was extremely assertive in his mind, and the things he believed would never change.

It's like, if he doesn't like Shu Min, he will never like it, even if she puts down the figure of the princess to please him and approach him.

Also, even if he hits her head and broke her blood, she will not let go of Gu Xiaowan's persistence.

Of course, these are all things to do.

At this moment, Su Mansion was also at a stretch.

The carriage had gone very far, Su Ziyue still held the piece of jade in her hands, and looked at the direction Gu Xiaowan's carriage was going.

"You said my mother is looking for me?" Su Ziyue asked in a daze.

"Madam has been waiting for the grandson for a long time!" Nuan Qiu lowered his head, some dare not look at Su Ziyue's eyes.

"Where is Princess Mingdu?" Su Ziyue lifted his foot and walked to the mansion, suddenly thinking of something, paused, and asked with some caution.

"Huh?" When Nuan Qiu heard this, she raised her head in surprise. When she saw Su Ziyue, she asked, "Didn’t the princess leave long ago? Just when the county lord Huguo left, the princess Mingdu I also left. The wife and the young lady were supposed to send the princess off to the princess, but the princess said that she knew this well, and said that the lady was tired and let the lady rest. The princess left Su Mansion alone and went back."

With a "bang", Su Ziyue was struck by lightning.

"You mean she left here?" Su Ziyue asked in a daze, looking around in disbelief.

Nuanqiu nodded: "Yes!"

The princess of Mingdu is the princess, and she is more noble than the status of the master. If she doesn't walk through the front door, should she go through the back door?

Su Ziyue's face turned pale.

Just now, the horse-drawn carriage of Princess Huguo stopped at the gate, if Shu Min also walked from here

Shu Min saw everything he and Gu Xiaowan said just now.

And Shu Min's temperament

Su Ziyue thought of this, as if he had thought of something frightening to his heart. In the bottom of his heart, there was a poisonous snake climbing on his legs, climbing up his waist, back, and head little by little.

Then, the poisonous snake spit the letter, making a trembling sound.

A gust of wind blows, and there is already a chill in the late autumn.

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