The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1568: Qingxin is like a king

Ah Mo is keen on his mind, and he is full of vigilance for this unexpected guest. Just when he was about to capture him, Ah Zuo saw him and hurriedly reminded him in a low voice: "Wait, that's the homing pigeon of the palace!"

The homing pigeons of the Royal Palace will have a feature that no one can see at all, which Zuo naturally saw.

Seeing that it was the homing pigeon from the palace, Ah Zuo and Ahmad both stared at the homing pigeon carefully, and saw the homing pigeon passing through the Qingyuan and flying towards the backyard.

Zuo followed into the backyard, and saw the pigeon flying all the way to the outside of Gu Xiaowan's courtyard, and then stopped on the edge of the window, flapping the window with its wings, making a rustling sound.

Zuo wanted to go forward to grab the pigeon, and then heard the sound from the room with his ears.

Gu Xiaowan hasn't fallen asleep yet, and she also heard the sound from the window.

I got up, holding a night pearl in his hand, and came to the window sill. I saw a black pigeon standing on the window sill with only a circle of white fluff around its neck, and its thin claws gripped the edge of the window tightly. Seeing someone came to open the door, the homing pigeon was obedient and stood motionless.

Gu Xiaowan looked at the homing pigeon curiously, wondering why a pigeon would fly to his house late at night. Seeing this, the pigeon was not injured!

Gu Xiaowan carefully stretched out her hand to catch. The pigeon was especially obedient, standing there, motionless and docile, and then in Gu Xiaowan's hands, it was not noisy or fluttering, it was so quiet, with eyes like Staring at Gu Xiaowan like black beans.

Gu Xiaowan was surprised. She looked up and down, and then saw a tiny thing tied to the pigeon's leg. Gu Xiaowan opened her eyes wide and was surprised.

Is this a carrier pigeon?

Gu Xiaowan carefully removed the paper tube from the pigeon's legs and looked at the paper tube in her hand under the light of Ye Mingzhu.

"Seeing words as faces"

Familiar fonts, as well as a familiar ink flavor, every word in the letter is like his own, unrestrained but unruly, gentle and handsome.

The loss after seeing Gu Ningping's love letter this afternoon, when I saw this paper tube, all disappeared.

Gu Xiaowan's eyebrows are especially good-looking. When she laughs, her black eyes are like a crescent moon shining on the horizon, charming and fascinating.

Zuo did not step forward, but hid in the corridor, seeing the girl in no danger, and very happy, and knew in his heart that the pigeon was sent by the master.

Moreover, the paper tube tied to the pigeon’s leg must have written a love letter!

Seeing that the girl was happy, Zuo had no worries in her heart. She also grinned and disappeared with a smile.

Ah Mo was waiting for her reply, Ah Zuo smiled and said, "That is the pigeon that the master flew, and it is passing on the girl flying pigeon."

Zuo paused for a while, and then said: "Flying Pigeon Passes on Books!"

Azuoben wanted to say that the flying pigeon sent the love letter, but the girl and the master were arranged like this. If the girl heard it, she would be annoyed again, so the love letter reached his lips and swallowed it back.

"Is that girl happy?" Ahmad asked worriedly.

"Happy, very happy, smiling like a flower!" Zuo said with a smile, and he let out a long sigh of relief at the same time as Ahmad.

Gu Xiaowan was very happy at this moment.

She was sitting at the desk, unfolding a piece of white paper, still holding the letter in her hand, her teeth happily invisible.

"If you don't see it in a day, it's like three autumns. Feelings are lingering and tender. As high as the sky, as wide as the earth. As deep as the sea, like a king's heart. The king thinks about the Qing, does the Qing think about the king?

On the small paper tube, there are not many words to write, but just those few sentences have already made Gu Xiaowan excited.

Jun Siqing

He was saying, he missed me so much! Gu Xiaowan stroked the familiar font on the letterhead heartily, feeling like a wave of emotion in her heart.

He said that he missed me. He had already missed me when he didn't see me yesterday, and his emotions moved like the sky high, the earth wide, and the sea deep, just like his heart for me!

Is Qing Sijun?

do you miss me?

Do you want?

Of course I did!

Gu Xiaowan's eyebrows became softer, and under the shining of Ye Mingzhu, it was like a soft painting.

Gu Xiaowan took off a wolf hair from the pen holder, dipped it with ink on the premium inkstone on the side, and started to write without thinking.

The memorials piled on Qin Yizhi’s face became less and less. He reviewed the last memorial, rubbed his aching wrists, pinched some dry eyes, then got up, came to the window, and looked at the hanging On the edge of the window was a delicate bird cage.

There is also a snow-white homing pigeon in the birdcage, with its head buried in its soft wings and asleep.

"What time is it now!" Qin Mozhi asked suddenly when he thought of something.

"Master, it's time!" Ah You Chuanyin from outside entered the room.

It's fast, it's so late.

The kitten should be asleep, right?

He felt a little depressed. After the first love letter he wrote, he had to wait until tomorrow night to get a reply!

He couldn't help but feel a little lost, pacing by the window.

Suddenly, the sound of "cuckoo" disrupted the quiet night.

Isn't the white pigeon already asleep?

Qin Yizhi looked at it and saw that the white dove was still hiding under its wings, sleeping loudly, and had no intention of waking up at all.

Where did that coo come from?

Under the curtain of night, the black pigeon, like an elf in the night, flew to the edge of the window.

Qin Mozhi is overjoyed, this ink pigeon actually flew back?

A paper tube is also tied to its leg.

Seeing this, Qin Yuzhi was a little worried, but also a little expectant.

Did not find Mo Ge?

Or, is this a reply from the kitten to himself?

The jade-faced general who carried the knife to kill countless people, faced a homing pigeon, his fingers tremble.

He grabbed the ink pigeon excitedly and worriedly, and removed the paper tube from its leg.

But he didn't dare to open it, closed his eyes, and let out a long sigh of relief. Mo Ge was ready to return to the original road and did not find his destination. However, under the Ye Mingzhu, the delicate and graceful handwriting like someone came into view .

Qing's heart is like a king's heart, but he is very thinking!

Qin Mozhi was suddenly excited like a child, and he laughed.

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