The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1569: Flying pigeon teaser

Ah You was standing outside, hearing the master's happy laugh from the room, Ah You was a bit stunned, but he returned to normal in an instant.

Both Ah Zuo and Ahmad warned themselves, if they encounter something related to the girl, don't be surprised what kind of smile the master shows.

Sometimes, Ah You was full of curiosity and anticipation about the legendary county host. What kind of girl it was that could make this jade-faced Shura on the battlefield be frightened and hear it in the hall. The changed regent showed a smile like a child.

That girl is really capable!

Ah You also heard the call of Mo Ge just now, thinking it must have been the reply from the girl, and didn't know what was said above, making the master laugh like that.

Be sure to ask Zuo carefully next time and let her explore the girl's tone.

The room was silent, Qin Yizhi looked at it over and over again, and after rubbing it over and over again, he was reluctant to give up, carefully rolled the letterhead into a paper tube, opened the right drawer, and took out a gorgeous brocade from the inside. Open the box, and after discarding the valuable jade ruyi on the table like garbage, put the paper tube in it.

"Little cat, this is the first love letter you wrote to me!"

Looking left and right, Qin Yizhi reluctantly closed the brocade box after he had placed it. After putting the brocade box back in its place, he took out a small key and hung it around his waist. Flick it twice from time to time for fear that the key will fall off.

Then, he closed his eyes, smiled at the corners of his mouth, and said silently: "Little cat, sweet dreams!"

Gu Xiaowan was lying on the bed, looking at the dark tent on top of his head, guessing his expression and expression when he saw the letter paper, it seemed that those gentle eyes that could get sick of people were already in front of her.

When I saw the letter paper, it was really like an electric shock, like a warm current flowing from my fingers to somewhere, gathering in my body.

Thinking of the letterhead she had cherished, Gu Xiaowan finally felt complete, and silently said to the top of the tent, "Brother Yizhi, good dream!"

I closed my eyes and fell asleep, the faint smile on the corner of his mouth seemed to be something happy in the dream.

In the early morning of the next morning, Gu Xiaowan got up on time. Although her head was still a little dizzy, she thought that she wrote him a letter last night. Did he reply?

She was pacing in the yard, from time to time from the sky to the underground to look at the edge of the window, as if looking for something.

"Girl, what are you looking for?" Seeing the girl get up early in the morning, she feels refreshed.

It seems that the love letter from the flying pigeon of the master last night was too right.

Only the master can understand the girl's mind.

Zuo smiled in Mimi's heart, but looking forward to seeing the girl again, Zuo didn't understand, girl, why are you looking for?

"Ah? Nothing! I just took a look. I never took a good look at the surrounding scenery. I took a look." Gu Xiaowan was caught by Zuo, so she immediately pretended to look at the sky, the trees, and Flowers, it seems that every plant in this yard, she has never seen it.

Zuo covered his mouth and wanted to laugh, but tried his best to hold it back. Suddenly, there was a groan in his ear. Zuo looked up and saw a snow-white snow dove flapping its wings, flying straight into the yard. drop.

"Huh? What's that?" Zuo looked curiously, looked up to the sky, and then deliberately asked.

I saw that the smiles on the faces of some unhappy girls just now seemed to bloom: "A Zuo, grab it!"

Last night, it was a black body, and a snow-white body in the day. There was a circle of black fluff on the neck, which Qin Yizhi could think of.

The white dove stopped on the stone table, and A left up and down gently grabbed it, and curiously said: "Girl, there is something on this dove's leg!"

Gu Xiaowan hurriedly stepped forward: "Give it to me!"

Zuo held back a smile, and Yiyan gave the paper tube to the girl, and saw Gu Xiaowan holding something, happily like a butterfly among flowers, floating into the room and closing the door.

Zuo couldn't help but laugh, and laughed silently.

The white pigeon in his hand lightly nodded the white snowy fur: "Xuege, you are really a girl's pistachio, the girl is happy when you come!"

The white pigeon seemed to understand what Zuo said, "coo", as if asking for credit.

Zuo smiled and put the white dove out, took a piece of pastry on the stone table and twisted it to pieces, and put it in front of the white dove to reward the white dove.

After the white pigeon yelled at Zuo twice, he lowered his head and kept pecking at the broken cakes on the table. What he ate was called Huan!

Gu Xiaowan came to the room, and then gently opened the paper tube with excitement. When she saw the contents, her shy pink face and cheeks looked like a rose flower in bud, bright and charming.

I looked left and right, but I couldn't see enough. At the end, I was excited to press the note to the heart, feeling the heart's violent beating and thunderous sound.

The corner of his mouth is smiling, like the most beautiful flower blooming on the side of his mouth.

She didn't reply. At this moment, Qin Yizhi should be on duty in the palace. Besides, such a pigeon flew into the high-walled compound for fear of being killed by accident. After placing the second letter paper cherished, Gu Xiaowan reminded Zuo to carefully take care of the white pigeon, and then she gave up.

Since then, the two people have exchanged letters every day, a white pigeon and an ink pigeon flying back and forth, flying letters for the two.

Gu Xiaowan was very comfortable in this day of love and love. She did not expect that the letter from Ning An and Ning Ping actually made her invent a way of communicating between the two. For a long time, she didn’t see anyone, although she saw the same thing this time. There are no people, but being able to see the familiar words, hear the sweet love words, and the pain of lovesickness that I haven't seen, can be regarded as a comfort.

Time passed day by day, and the peaceful days were happy and stable. Gu Xiaowan was not a person who hurt the spring and the autumn. She was extremely satisfied with the stable days in this world.

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