The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1572: Handwriting

"Is it because the little servant in the restaurant has hatred with the few people, so he secretly eats the poison in it?" It is very poisonous. I heard that the few people ate at least half an hour, and they foamed at the mouth. Qiqiao bleeds to death, and his death is terrifying!

"It's still unclear. I heard Xiao Shengzi say that the cook and the young man who were working in it were all arrested!" Gu Xiaowan replied.

"If that's the case, what a deep hatred and murder in public!" Tan Yushu also murmured: "Master Ni Bingni, the commander of the Five Cities Soldiers and Horses Division, is an old subordinate of my grandfather. He is upright and honest. , I’m a good official, I’m going to tell my grandfather, let him tell Master Ni in advance, that purgatory-like place, if you go in, you have to peel off your skin if you have nothing to do!"

Gu Xiaowan nodded and thanked her: "Yu Shu, thank you!"

"Sister, what are you grateful for? Your business is my business! Moreover, I heard that shopkeeper Li has taken care of you and Brother Ning Ping, who are the benefactors of the Gu family, so naturally they are also my benefactors!" Tan Yushu said firmly. .

"No, thank you, because the second shopkeeper of Jinfu Lou is me!" Gu Xiaowan said: "Jin Fu Lou and Fu Jin Lou have my shares, and I am also the owner of Jin Fu Lou. Now that something like this has happened in Jinfulou, I can't get rid of it. If there is a catastrophe in Jinfulou, I can't get out of it! Besides, Uncle Li is my benefactor, and I can't even afford a meal from my poor Just help me at that time, he is the first person who believes that I support me, if he has something to do, I will never forgive myself for the rest of my life!"

She also participated in the plan to come to the capital at the time. If she hadn't wanted this Jinfu Tower to be opened throughout the Qing Dynasty, the Li Shu family, who are still living a chic and comfortable life in Liujia Town at this moment, would not suffer such a situation. disaster.

After listening to Tan Yushu, from the initial surprise to the final calm and persistence: "Sister, don't worry, there will be nothing wrong with Uncle Li!"

"Yu Shu, I want to see Uncle Li, okay?" Gu Xiaowan wanted to ask in person, what is going on today!

Tan Yushu nodded: "Sister, don't worry, you are waiting for me here, and I will take you there when I arrange it!"

Tan Yexing also heard that there was an accident in Jinfulou. This time, the incident was not trivial. Moreover, this restaurant is now in full swing in the capital. Any disturbance will attract attention, let alone the death of four people.

At that time, Gu's family took care of Yushu, and Tan Yexing happened to return this favor to her: "You can give my hand to the head of Anping County. Ni Bing will know what it means when you see the hand. I will also talk to Ni Bing over there. Let me just say, since I am the benefactor of the county lord of Anping, let me be polite!"

Tan Yexing didn't get involved in this matter of death in the capital. It was a great grace to be able to do this.

Tan Yushu is about to leave with his handwritten encyclical, and Tan Yexing adds: "Let Vice Admiral Chen go with you!"

It's always bad for a few girls to go to that place!

When Tan Yushu heard it, he hurriedly smiled and said, "Thank you, Grandpa!"

Tan Yexing saw his granddaughter's fiery look, and shook his head lovingly and smiled. I wonder if the matter of Jin Fulou can be settled this time.

If only a few ordinary people died, it's fine, but

Let fate!

After Tan Yushu got the handwritten letter, he was able to bring his grandfather's powerful general Chen Meng with him. Gu Xiaowan had a greater grasp of this trip, and she was even more grateful to General Tan Yexing!

After making arrangements, he took Gu Xiaowan to the Wucheng Soldier Ma Si and drove away.

No one saw it. After they left, a maid in Tsing Yi ran towards Suiyu Guzhai from the back door.

The carriage soon arrived at the Five Cities Soldier Masi. Six guards wearing iron armor, helmets and lances were standing at the door solemnly. Seeing a simple carriage dared to stop at the entrance of the Bing Ma Si, the spear pointed at it. Shouted loudly: "Who?"

From the carriage stretched out a manuscript: "General Tan's manuscript, I have something important to Command Ni!"

The guard saw it and saw the tiger's head painted on the token, which was indeed a handwriting from General Hussein, so he hurriedly knelt down to greet him: "General Tan, the little one has eyes and no beads, so let the general in!"

After speaking, the door opened, and the carriage drove in from the front door!

Ni Bing was interrogating the prisoner in jail. He heard that General Tan was coming, so he hurried to the lobby and guessed the purpose of General Tan's arrival.

When I arrived in the yard, I didn't see General Tan. The Vice-General Chen Meng, who had been following General Tan, stood in the middle of the hall in armor. Two slender people in cloaks stood beside them.

"Vice General Chen, I don't know if Vice General Chen is coming today, what is your point?" This Vice General Chen is the most trusted person around General Tan. Seeing him is similar to seeing General Tan.

"Commander Ni, I came here today, under the order of General Tan to find Mr. Ni to discuss something!" Lieutenant General Chen said with a smile.

Wearing a thick cloak, Gu Xiaowan saw the commander in charge of patrolling thieves and prisoners in the capital. She was dressed in black, was about 40 years old, had a beard, a wide face and a big nose, and she looked like a loyal and kind person. .

"General Tan has an order, just order the next official directly! The next official will do his best and will not humiliate the general's mission!" Ni Bing is Tan Yexing's subordinate in the army, following Tan Yexing's side, admiring the brave and upright Tan Yexing. respect.

Later, when he returned to Beijing to take up his post, Tan Ye Xingduo was able to get rid of this. Therefore, Ni Bing respected this old general who was kind to him!

"Master Ni, since you said this, then the general will tell you not to talk secretly. The treasurer Li Fan of Jinfulou who killed four homicides caught by the Five Cities Soldiers today belongs to my little brother. Benefactor, I heard that he was in trouble today, and I want to come and see him!"

Ni Bing followed Chen Meng's gaze, and saw two men dressed up in men's clothing but with a powdery breath standing aside, the two slender people he had just seen.

The person in front of him has red faces and white teeth, a slender figure, and slender eyebrows. Where are these brothers, they are obviously two young and beautiful women.

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