The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1573: See Ni Bing

When Ni Bing looked carefully, one of the young men with red lips and white teeth was extremely familiar.

Amazingly, it is Tan Yushu, the lord of Huguo County.

The young man next to Princess Huguo had delicate and elegant eyes, and he looked very surprised, and he didn't know who was the young lady.

Therefore, he did not point out, but said with a little embarrassment: "General Chen, you must have heard about the Jinfulou incident today. In the Qing Dynasty for so many years, there has never been such a bad murder. Down, four people died suddenly, the murderer was extremely cruel, and the technique was extremely vicious. It was simply unheard of, and I was amazed! This incident is not trivial. Then Li Fannai was the principal of Jinfulou. Was this vicious murder instructed by him? At present, the official has not yet concluded. Now, the relatives of the deceased are making trouble in the lobby. Everyone says that Li Fan is a murderer and wants him to pay for his life! Hey, although the official has not found evidence yet, this is Li. Fan is the biggest suspect. If he casually allows him to come into contact with others and reveals important details related to the case, this crime, this officer really can't afford it!"

"Master Ni, I really don't want to conceal each other, I have an associate relationship with the treasurer Li inside!" Gu Xiaowan said suddenly.

I saw Tan Yushu shouting out in surprise: "Sister, what are you talking about!"



When Ni Bing heard this, he was immediately confused, and looked in front of the two of them.

Tan Yushu simply took off the veil on his head and said directly: "Master Ni, this palace is the county lord protecting the country! The one in front of you is the county lord of Anping personally canonized by the emperor!"


Anping County Lord?

Ni Bing was taken aback and looked at Gu Xiaowan, and saw that Gu Xiaowan also took off the veil on her head, and said, "Master Ni, something happened suddenly. He should have come to see Master Ni with his sincerity, helplessly, this soldier and horse are heavy. We are women after all, so we have to make a bad move!"

According to the legend, the rural village girl who grew up in the countryside without learning and skill, was later popularized as a chapter of poetry, painting, knowledge of books and reasonableness, and her appearance is absolutely beautiful. The previous guesses and the later descriptions are completely different. In other words, the entire capital city is speculating about the sacred head of Anping County who stays at home. It's just that he participated in a poem and song meeting, which made people have so many words of praise for her!

Although Ni Bing is also curious, after all, he is a big boss. He used to lead soldiers to fight. Now he is also a soldier and horse leader. He just protects the safety of the capital of the Qing Dynasty and catches those treacherous and dirty people. It's nothing. different.

Ni Bing only listened as he listened, with one ear in and one ear out, but he didn't care about it.

But today, the host of Huguo County actually said that the beautiful girl in front of him is the host of Anping County?

Ni Bing couldn't help but glanced twice!

Sure enough, as the rumors later said, the beauty is outstanding, the temperament is noble and dignified, just standing there, the overall tolerance and charm are comparable to the Huguo Princess, who has been Tianjiao Fengzi since childhood, and that faint Noble Fanghua, there seems to be a tendency to oppress the princess of the country.

At this moment, the Anping County Master was straight, neither humble nor overbearing, with deep worries between his brows and eyes, but he was unusually firm and calm.

"Master Ni" Gu Xiaowan helped her body and said to Master Ni Bing: "Li Fan, the treasurer of Jinfulou, is my benefactor. Later, I have an indissoluble bond with Jinfulou, and I have become the Jinfulou. The second shopkeeper of Fulou, although I have never seen my face before, all the menus and monthly accounts in this Jinfulou must be reviewed by me, and I will add new dishes in time to measure Jinfu. Lou’s income and expenditure. My position in Jinfulou is no lower than that of Master Li Fan. If Master Ni says that the treasurer of Li is the biggest suspect, then I should be too!"

"This is Anping County Lord, this" Ni Bing did not expect that someone would come to the door and tell him that he was related to the murder case. Suddenly he didn't know what to say, so he could only look at Chen Meng and Tan Yushu helplessly.

Chen Meng also didn't expect a weak woman to tell Li Fan that she was the treasurer of Jinfulou, and she didn't know how to take it on.

"Master Ni, my sister came today just to meet Boss Li Fanli!" Tan Yushu understood what Gu Xiaowan meant, and said hurriedly:

"Whether what happened in Jinfu Tower today is whether it was done by the people in Jinfu Tower or not. If Ni Daren will forgive me, my sister will go to Li Fan for inquiries. Maybe Li Fan can tell the truth. It can also help Master Ni to settle the case as soon as possible. If you don’t get any answers, Master Ni, you don’t have to lose anything. The cooperative relationship between my sister and Li Fan is here. If you need to use my sister someday Wherever you are, I invite Master Ni to speak at any time!"

Only then did Ni Bing understand what this Anping county host meant!

However, I still feel that this girl’s casually telling others about her relationship with Jin Fulou is really not a wise decision!

Master Ni sighed, Gu Xiaowan had already stated his identity, here is the manuscript of General Tan Yexing, who understands that they must meet one another no matter what, so he nodded: "Well, Anping County Lord, please Come with me!"

Gu Xiaowan and Tan Yushu looked at each other and smiled, put on the drapery, and followed Ni Bing closely.

"The county owner, the county owner, the situation here is very bad, I hope the two will not panic!" Before entering the cell, Ni Bingsheng was afraid that the two girls were afraid of seeing the blood and cruelty inside, as well as the stern shouts. , Also reminded the two before entering the door.

Tan Yushu has been at the border for a long time since he was a child, and he has also seen that **** battlefield fight. He is also immune to this in his heart, but Gu Xiaowan has never seen it!

Tan Yushu involuntarily looked at Gu Xiaowan, but saw her face unchanged, without any worries: "Thank you, Sir Ni, we can save it!"

Ni Bing saw that she was so calm, thinking that she was deliberately pretending to be calm, or that she hadn't seen the blood and cruelty inside. He didn't know the horror here, and what he wanted to say, but he thought about it. , I have reminded her, if she is afraid after entering, then it is not his business.

So, he led Gu Xiaowan into it.

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