The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1574: Go to jail

The prison of the Five Cities Soldiers is surrounded by thick brick walls. Only a small vent near the top of the wall can be used for ventilation and as a small window. It can also prevent prisoners from escaping.

After entering the prison cell, after passing through the dark corridor without windows that could only be illuminated by oil lamps, he suddenly became enlightened.

There was a stone house in the left hand, and a narrow door was closed tightly. I couldn't see what was inside, but there was a stern cry from inside, telling others that there was some torture inside.

When Gu Xiaowan heard the stern shout, her heart trembled involuntarily, and she pricked her ears up and listened to it twice. Only then did she understand that the sound was not familiar to her, and she was relieved.

The look is calm and calm.

Such extraordinary demeanor made Ni Bing take a second look.

In such a **** and cruel place, whose young lady has the courage to come here, not to mention the Huguo Princess, it is because she grew up in the border since she was a child, and was used to seeing such killing scenes. With the mental preparation.

But the county host of Anping came from a small place. He didn't expect to be so courageous. He didn't change his face and heart beats. He couldn't help but glanced more admiringly.

Passing through the long corridor, only two rows of oil lamps were lit to illuminate the surge, and some prisoners were kept in the wooden prison on both sides.

From time to time, there were screams, painful groans, and hoarse voices of grievances: "My lord, the Caomin is wronged, the Caomin is wronged, and the Caomin is harmless!"

Ni Bing turned a deaf ear to the dirty hands that stick out from the railing from time to time, and the sorrowful shouts, and walked without squint.

Gu Xiaowan followed behind, and from time to time looked at the people in the cells on both sides through the thick drapery, hoping to see a familiar face.

But as the road went farther and farther, the voice became smaller and smaller. Gu Xiaowan knew that they had already entered the innermost part of the cell. They were usually places where important prisoners were held, but no one knew them.

As the tunnel deepens, the air inside becomes more and more turbid, mixed with the thick musty smell that has been invisible for many years and the smell of moldy dry grass.

After a while, when passing by another cell, suddenly a pair of older hands were stretched out inside the cell, but the hands were very clean. When Gu Xiaowan was about to walk up, she suddenly found the one who was lying on the railing and looking out. The old man turned out to be Mr. Cheng from Jinfu Building.

Seeing Gu Xiaowan appearing here, Mr. Cheng was shocked at first, surprise and joy flashed in his shrewd eyes, and then he opened his mouth to say something, but looked at the person next to Gu Xiaowan and could only speak out. I didn't say, I just glanced at Gu Xiaowan, cast his eyes to the side, turned around and walked into the cell, never looking at Gu Xiaowan again.

Gu Xiaowan knew that Mr. Cheng did not involve himself by pretending to not know him.

I could only look at the cell I passed by, and then followed Ni Bing to move on.

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