The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1600: See Lin Shizi

"He did a great job at Jinfulou. The shopkeeper treats Wu Tian like his family. Is there anything he is dissatisfied with? He has to do this utterly conscience!" Xiao Shengzi roared.

"Don't worry, now I don't know if this person is a traitor! You will stay here for a while, and you can't worry about Uncle Li!"

After Xiang Yuanlin learned this clue, he was so happy that he left the Five Cities Soldiers and Horses and left in a carriage.

What I didn't know was that someone happened to follow him closely behind him.

It was just like Tang Yi, the jailer who couldn't bear to look down in the cell just now.

Xiang Yuanlin's carriage stopped at the entrance of Shuiyu Guzhai. It was the evening, which was the peak time for meals. At this moment, Xiang Yuanlin appeared here, and everyone thought that he was here for dinner.

Xiang Yuanlin rushed directly to the third floor. When he reached the door of a wing, he knocked directly on the door, heard the sound inside, and pushed the door directly in.

The wing room on the third floor is very quiet, and there is a small servant standing there to watch the door at the entrance of the corridor on the second floor, and no other people are allowed to go up.

Tang Yi knew that he couldn't go up, so he turned around and walked towards the lobby on the first floor, found a quiet and secluded corner, ordered two dishes and sake, and drank himself.

Xiang Yuanlin entered the wing, and saw that it was magnificent and luxurious.

Shu Lin held a gorgeous beauty in his arms, with his chest half exposed and a full grip on his waist.

The two are flirting together, doing things that make people jealous.

Seeing Xiang Yuanlin's arrival, Shu Lin pushed the woman sitting under her crotch out, and someone on the side immediately took the woman out.

Shu Lin wiped off the red lip marks on his face with a kerchief. Seeing Xiang Yuanlin's agitated look, he asked coldly: "Is it done?"

"It's almost time to return to Xiaoshizi. Someone can't stand the torture, and they have already recruited!" Xiang Yuanlin told Shu Lin about the news.

Seeing that the more Shu Lin listened, the more obvious the smile on his face: "I didn't expect, I didn't expect, I didn't expect that the county lord of Anping turned out to be the master of the new dishes in Jinfulou. No wonder Wu Tian came here. Let him cook a few new dishes, scratching his head, and can't think of new dishes. It turns out that there is another real expert!"

"The boy, what do you want to do now?" Xiang Yuanlin asked, "Should we arrest Gu Xiaowan and torture him?"

"Just rely on you?" Shu Lin glanced at Xiang Yuanlin with a cold eye, and said ironically: "Don't think that she is a small village girl, but now she is the head of Anping county who is personally canonized by the sage. Although she is the fifth grade, she is in the capital. If there is Yudie, you can't move her casually. To catch her, you have to pass the current emperor!""What if the emperor disagrees?" Xiang Yuanlin was a little disappointed. He also planned to teach this girl a lesson, which could be regarded as revenge for the third sister-in-law.

"When is the emperor's will to do things in this world?" Xiang Yuanlin's words were arrogant, and he hummed coldly from his nostrils: "It's just a fifth-grade Sesame County owner, here. People in Beijing are unfamiliar with the place, and I want to touch her, wouldn't it be easy!"

"Then, my son, how about sending someone to take the person away quietly?" Xiang Yuanlin asked.

"Don't! You guys, I don’t know how to pity the jade. Not to mention that they are a girl and have things in their heads, but my hope for the future of Xiaoyu Guzhai! Such a person, if they can break the ancient jade For the fast, in the future, Suiyu Guzhai will dominate the entire Qing Dynasty, just around the corner!” Shu Lin heard that Gu Xiaowan would come up with new dishes, and this idea immediately moved.

Relying on this new dish that Gu Xiaowan thought of, Jinfulou became a first-class restaurant in the entire capital and even the entire Qing Dynasty.

That Li Fan looked like an honest businessman. He said he should be smart, and he was only that smart.

It turns out that there is such a baby on this back!

Last time, Shu Lin had heard about the performance of the woman in the Ming Palace and in the Su Palace. This woman is from the countryside, but I heard that she is very good-looking. If this woman can stay on her own By side

Shu Lin became more excited as he thought about it. He rubbed his hands and said excitedly: "I want this woman. It doesn't matter what you do to her, but don't kill it. I'm still useful!"

"What?" Xiang Yuanlin didn't understand, and asked, "What does Xiao Shizi mean?"

Seeing this elm bump, Shu Lin glanced at him sideways, very unhappy.

Seeing that Shu Lin was angry, Xiang Yuanlin immediately knew that he had asked the wrong question, so he hurriedly knelt down: "Little Shizi, the next official knows it's wrong, the next official knows it's wrong!"

"Sir Xiang, there is a fierce wife in the family, haven't you even tasted the taste of the second woman?" Shu Lin looked at Xiang Yuanlin and asked suddenly.

Xiang Yuanlin didn't expect that Shu Lin would ask him something like this. He was a little bit stunned and immediately recovered. He replied with some embarrassment: "The wife is tightly in charge of the house.

"Sir Xiang, although you are only the deputy commander of the Five Cities Soldiers and Horses, when things are done, this world son will definitely ask his father to ask the Holy Spirit to make you the chief of the Five Cities Soldiers and Horses. When you were at the Guo family, you were about to exaggerate!" Shu Lin smiled and said, "Although the Guo family has money, it is just the most inferior merchant. How can the officials of my Qing Dynasty let them do this!" , Please bear with me for two more days! After a few days, you will be able to raise your eyes on the Guo's house!"

Xiang Yuanlin is the son-in-law of the Guo family and has been suppressed by the Guo family for so many years.

Although his career path went very smoothly, because every time it was a small step, the road to promotion was particularly slow, and it was inevitable that he would be looked down upon by the Guo family.

Moreover, his background was not very good. If it weren't for the wealth of the Guo family, even if the family conditions were better, how could he be such a shameful son-in-law.

I also let my sons and daughters follow their mother's surnames, which is outside, and I don't know what nasty things those people say!

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