The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1601: Xiang Yuanlin's second spring

The most unlucky one is Lu Tao. For so many years, in Liujiazhen, he hasn't moved his butt, and the three younger sisters don’t even have to look at them. They even committed adultery in the capital and gave the third child a green hat. Not to mention, he became the father of others.

This is simply

The shame of a man!

But what can we do?

The Guo family has money. Although they have no status, they have close contacts with many officials because of the money. Moreover, his previous promotions are more or less related to the Guo family.

Only because he knew so many officials was he able to take one step after another.

To live under the grace of the Guo family all the year round, for a man of blood and strength, it is simply shame in shame.

Xiang Yuanlin has always been looking for opportunities, and must rely on himself to raise his eyebrows and reach the sky in one step.

No, dozing off comes with a pillow, come whatever you want!

It's simply great.

Although the commander and deputy commander of the Five Cities Soldier Marsi are only one word missing, this official title is not just a little worse!

The commander of the Five Cities Soldier Ma Si is able to enter the palace!

It is in control of the security of the entire capital. If the emperor wants to understand the security and problems in the capital, he will ask the commander of the Five Cities Soldiers to enter the palace for questioning.

As his deputy commander, besides walking around the imperial city every day, where can he see the sky?

If you are the commander, you will be able to see the emperor. If you see the emperor, you can rely on his ability and ability to learn, and you will not send the Ni Bingbi who only knows about killing and beheading into the mud. At that time, if the emperor's blue eyes are caught, it depends on the Guo family. Can you still ride on his head and do it for you?

Thinking of the fat pig-like mother-in-law at home, she would pull her ears from time to time when she was angry, and Xiang Yuanlinzhi felt sick.

If you are so prosperous, you don't need to look at the expression of the Guo family anymore, just do what you want to do!

Xiang Yuanlin was so excited that even his kneeling body trembled slightly.

Shu Lin didn't know that Xiang Yuanlin had so many things in his mind. He pulled Xiang Yuanlin up and said solemnly: "Doing things for this world is not only to be quick, but also to be thoughtful. If you don't If you understand, Ben Shizi will tell you. That Gu Xiaowan is a treasure, Ben Shizi is interested in it! Now, do you know how to do it?"

Shu Lin's words made Xiang Yuanlin think about it for a moment, and then hurriedly nodded and said: "The next official knows, the next official knows! Please rest assured, the next official will do this matter well!" "Okay, yes, I haven't seen you taste the second woman, I won't pursue your rudeness just now!" Shu Lin patted Xiangyuan Lin's chest showed a triumphant look at him, and said, "Well, this woman, but a stunner in the world, with a beautiful face with **** and waist, anything can arouse a man's possessiveness. Master Xiang, your family That tigress, like a big-waisted tigress, I'm sorry for you!"

"Shi Ziye, this official" Xiang Yuanlin didn't know how to answer.

After so many years, he had been used to it, and now that Shu Lin said this, he didn't know how to answer.

"Master Xiang, look, how was the beauty just now?" Shu Lin asked suddenly, seeing the woman just walk in again.

Xiang Yuanlin turned her head and saw that the woman had a pink face, red lips and white teeth, and a pair of eyes on her delicate little face. She was looking at Xiang Yuanlin affectionately at this moment, as if she was trying to capture Xiang Yuanlin’s soul. Give hook away in general.

With that weak waist and charming face, I don't know how such a weak Jiao'e would feel when he groaned under caress.

Xiang Yuanlin swallowed unconsciously, and Shu Lin looked in his eyes, proud: "Sir Xiang, this beauty is still a virgin now, tonight, I will reward it to you!"

"Sir, this" Xiang Yuanlin clamored in his heart for wanting, but the fierce wife at home

"Xiaguan's house" He can't stay overnight.

"Don’t worry, Mr. Xiang, Ben Shizi will send someone to Guo’s mansion, saying that you and Ben Shizi are going to talk about major events. The Guo family will only be happy when he hears that, how can you take care of the others! Don’t worry, Mr. Xiang, you The one at home can’t find it here! There is a bed in the next wing, and Mr. Xiang can enjoy the fun of Dunlun here, worry-free!” Shu Lin smiled inexplicably.

A pair of eyes looked at the woman and Xiang Yuanlin's body, very ambiguous, and then they walked away, leaving two people behind.

Before leaving, I didn't forget to say: "Master Xiang, this is another candle night in your bridal chamber. It symbolizes your days in the future. Please enjoy it and don't miss it!"

Xiang Yuanlin's mind has always been shocked by joy. He didn't expect that the son of the world who had never looked at him would even say that he would give him what he wanted, which would make him exhale in the Guo family.

What he wants most is not to trample all the Guo family members under his feet?

As long as he can do this, he will go through fire and water, and he must take this trip.

The woman's eyes were blurred, she took off her outer shirt directly, inside a thin layer of gauze, revealing a looming bellyband and swearing pants, a strong chest and a well-swept waist, making people look bloody.

The woman stretched out her hands, her wide sleeves slid down with her white wrists, her smooth hands were directly wrapped around Xiang Yuanlin’s neck, and her pink lips were directly in front of Xiang Yuanlin. Half-pointing the distance, then stopped, the woman saw Xiang Yuanlin's dazed appearance, motionless, and giggled, "Master Xiang, what's the matter with you? Is the slave's ugly?"

Xiang Yuanlin had never been in contact with the second woman, and she was still a very different woman from his wife.

This woman is beautiful and gorgeous, soft and coquettish, exhales like orchids, coquettish and natural.

Like fire and water, the two heavens of ice and fire made him suddenly seem to be in ice, and suddenly he was in water.

He was so stiff that there was no movement at all. He only knew that all the electric currents under his body were rushing to somewhere, hot like fire and hard like iron.

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