The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1602: Tang Yi

"The slave family is beautiful, why don't adults kiss the slave family? Slave family's mouth fat is very fragrant, don't you want to taste it?" The woman spit out a lilac small tongue, a red tongue, and a **** lips The top turned gently in a circle, extremely charming.

Xiang Yuanlin swallowed again, and his Adam's apple rolled up and down.

He just wanted to speak, and a thing was attached to his neck, so that everything Xiang Yuanlin Gang wanted to say was swallowed into his stomach.

He swallowed again, picked up the woman directly, and went straight into the inner room.

The man outside the window was blushing after taking a look. He couldn't stand it anymore. He leaped and jumped into a small alley with few pedestrians. After jumping down, the night breeze made his face still burned. In general, it is very hot.

The man simply tore off the face towel, and it was Tang Yi. He walked hurriedly in the alley, swiftly walking towards a house.

The man stopped at the door for a while, looked around, and then knocked again. After a while, the door opened from the inside, and when he saw someone coming, he immediately opened the door a gap, Tang Yi flashed in and asked: "My lord Are you ok?"

On the number plate outside the door, the two characters Ni House were written impressively.

"After your lord woke up, it was much better!"

The man replied, Tang Yin said, and followed the doorman to walk quickly towards Ni Bing's bedroom.

When I arrived in the bedroom, I saw Ni Bingzheng sitting behind his desk, holding a book, and watching him feel contented, where he looked like he was seriously injured and unconscious not too long ago!

"Adult" Tang Yi arched his hands and bent over towards Ni Bing. Ni Bing saw that he was here, and hurriedly asked: "Is there any news?"

"My lord" Tang Yijiang told Ni Bing about what Xiang Yuanlin did in Wucheng Bingmasi and what he did in Suiyu Guzhai and Shu Lin. Ni Bing's face was green, and he threw the book in his hand onto the table with a snap, "That Xiang Yuanlin is actually torturing himself again!"

"My lord, there are already guys who can't bear the severe punishment, and they have already confessed to the county lord of Anping!" Tang Yi replied, "I heard that the young man meant that the county lord of Anping was going to be arrested in his cell! But again Let Xiang Yuanlin not take her life, he kept it useful. The guy confessed that the new dishes introduced by Jinfulou were all thought of by this Anping county owner!"

"Hmph, Suiyu Guzhai has been opened for so many years, but it is a copy of people. I am afraid that this time this incident will happen, and it will be impossible to get rid of Na Shulin and Suiyu Guzhai!" Ni Bing Leng snorted.

"My lord, what are we going to do next?" Tang Yi asked with some worry.

"General Tan told me before that I should take good care of Li Fan, but after the incident, my leg was broken and I couldn't go to the trial of this case. Then Xiang Yuanlin took the opportunity to come in. Privately used heavy punishment, then Li Fan’s life and death are unclear, I consciously cannot bear the advice of General Tan. Hey" Ni Bing sighed, and then said: "You go to General Tan’s mansion to find Vice-General Chen Meng. What I saw and heard today told Vice-General Chen Meng that I can't hide a word, you know!"

Tang Yi nodded: "Subordinates know!"

"My lord, my subordinates have one more thing to tell the lord!" Tang Yi once again found himself in the stables with some horse materials mixed with Qilixiang.

Qilixiang is an exciting thing. After eating it, it will make people or livestock lose their benignity, and it is very violent.

"What are you talking about? I found Qilixiang in my stable!" When Ni Bing heard it, his face was as black as charcoal. He thumped his fist on the desk, gritted his teeth and said, "This is far away. Lin, really has become more unscrupulous!"

"My lord, this matter in Jinfulou is not simple! The shopkeeper Li has always denied it and killed himself. After the severe punishment, no one has said about the poisoning. The subordinates think, There must be something wrong with this matter. I am afraid that tomorrow, if severe punishment is to be used again, whether those people will receive it, will they be beaten and wronged and wronged the good guys!" Tang Yi frowned and said uncomfortably.

"This is exactly what I am worried about!" General Tan has never seen anyone wrong. Moreover, for so many years, only he has been looking for General Tan. General Tan has never found himself, but This time, General Tan actually invited himself to be a shopkeeper of a restaurant, and let himself take care of him.

It showed that General Tan believed that Li Fan did not commit a crime.

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