The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1617: Come to Qingyuan to arrest people

Things suddenly seemed to be caught in a dilemma.

There was no way to find the dead here, and there was no way to save Uncle Li there, and the stalemate came down.

You Fangqin was even more cautious, and Ahmad followed him for so long without gaining anything.

He didn't get out of the door, and he hardly had any contact with Shu Lin.

Could it be that he found someone following it?

Just when he was upset, Fang Peiya came.

When Gu Xiaowan saw Fang Peiya, her eyes lit up.

Compared to the last time I saw him, he has lost more than ten kilos, his waist is thinner, his face is sharper, and even his eyebrows are clearer.

Upon seeing this, Tan Yushu pulled Fang Peiya to the left and looked at the right, delighted: "Peiya, you really have lost weight. It looks a hundred times and a thousand times better than before!"

Fang Peiya exercises every day. She has never stolen laziness once or shouted tired once. She has amazing perseverance and really persisted in losing weight. Now Fang Peiya has a well-proportioned figure, even more because of her little flesh. Meat, it seems that the whole person is full of health.

"Sister, Yushu." Before Fang Peiya had time to share her joy with the two of them, she brought a piece of news that shocked Gu Xiaowan: "Listen to my grandfather, who is on the court today. I asked the emperor to arrest you for questioning! My grandfather knew that you helped me so much, so let me quickly tell you the news and make you mentally prepared."

"What? The people of the Five Cities Soldiers and Masi asked the emperor to arrest my sister?" Tan Yushu asked harshly, "What on earth are these Five Cities Soldiers and Masi want to ask the emperor for such a thing?" 'S will!"

"I don't know too well. I just listened to my grandparents. When the people of the Five Cities Soldiers and Mars asked for an order, many people opposed it, but many agreed. Someone said," Fang Peiya glanced at Gu Xiaowan, embarrassed. The ground dared not speak.

"Peiya, you said I don't mind!" Gu Xiaowan knew that this must not sound good, and motioned her to continue.

"Some people say that my elder sister came from the countryside. She only saved a few people. She changed from a country girl to a fifth-rank county owner. She didn’t know anything about her family’s character, so she rushed. It was too simple to be the head of Anping County. She also said that her elder sister turned out to be the second shopkeeper of Jinfulou. This woman is definitely not simple, maybe she is a bad person who can eat people without spitting out bones! What’s wrong has ruined the reputation of the capital!"

"Fart!" Tan Yushu jumped three feet high and cursed a swear word. Gu Xiaowan remained calm, not annoyed, and drank the water in front of him quietly, guessing the intention of this person." Later, someone said that they should conduct a thorough investigation of the county lord of Anping. What is the origin? Not long after he came to the capital, he broke the peace of the capital for more than ten years. They also said that the royal family had Anping County Lord’s Yudie, don’t let this evil star confuse the entire royal family’s fortune!” Fang Peiya finished speaking and glanced at Gu Xiaowan secretly. She finished speaking in one breath, just wanting her sister to leave as soon as possible. Here, but Gu Xiaowan was still sitting there, motionless, as if there was no emotion at all.

This made Fang Peiya anxious: "Sister, get out of here! The people from the Five Cities Soldiers and Horses will come here soon! That place, eat people without spitting bones, if you go in and want to come out, That really is"

After Fang Peiya’s words were finished, Tan Yushu jumped out and said as he ran, “I’m going into the palace to meet the empress dowager. My sister is such a good person, how can she be caught in casually? No, absolutely No!"

"Jade Book" Tan Yushu walked quickly, and soon disappeared around the corner. Gu Xiaowan was very moved when she saw her eagerness for herself, but she was afraid that she would offend the emperor because of herself, so she hurried to chase her. .

When Gu Xiaowan rushed to the door, she saw Tan Yushu standing there, as if she was stunned. Gu Xiaowan hurriedly stepped forward and saw hundreds of guards wearing armor and holding sharp swords standing at the door. At the door, the water surrounded by Qingyuan was blocked.

And a man in his forties with a double beard wears an official uniform that is different from those of the guards. The official uniform is embroidered with birds and other birds and is more beautifully decorated.

The man had a dull complexion and a strong murderous intent between his eyebrows. He looked at Gu Xixiaowan with a stern eye, and when he saw Gu Xiaowan coming out, the man smiled sullenly: "Anping county lord, this officer is a soldier of the five cities. The commander of the mansion, Xiang Yuanlin, is now ordered to arrest you back to the Five Cities Soldier Ma Si for trial. If the county owner obediently follows the official, he will not be embarrassed by the public!"

After he finished speaking, he seemed to look at the hundreds of guards on the side with Ruoyoruowu, with a triumphant corner of his mouth, looking at Gu Xiaowan in demonstration.

But Tan Yushu coldly shouted: "My lord Xiang, you keep saying that you have followed the emperor's will. I want to ask you, what's the purpose?"

"The county lord Huguo, the lower official came to arrest the county lord of Anping by the emperor's personal letter. The emperor has a golden mouth and has never had a decree!" Xiang Yuanlin's tone was vaguely angry.

"If there is no imperial decree, you dare to come and catch the county head of Anping who was personally canonized by the emperor. Do you know what crime should be the county head who slander the royal jade butterfly at will!" Tan Yushu's temperament was cold and he looked at Xiang Yuan triumphantly Lin, shouted sharply.

"The princess, the official is acting on the order of the emperor, and I hope that the princess will not embarrass the dismissal!" Xiang Yuanlin arched his hands and said stiffly. The disdain in that tone seemed to have not put the Huguo princess at all. In the eyes.

Seeing him like this, Tan Yushu was worried about his sister's safety. He happened to know some nasty things about this man, and was about to yell at him. Gu Xiaowan squeezed her hand tightly: "Yushu, stop talking!"

That's strong evidence, just say it casually, but it's not lethal.

Gu Xiaowan squeezed Tan Yushu's hand and squeezed it lightly, beckoning her to stay calm!

This Xiang Yuanlin actually dispatched so many officers and soldiers to arrest her. If it was only for an Anping county head, would it be necessary to call hundreds of fully armed guards?

Obviously these people came not only to arrest her, but to guard against Ahmad and Zuo.

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