The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1618: Disobey the imperial edict

Knowing that Ahmad and Ah Zuo know martial arts, and their martial arts are not low, apart from Tan Yushu, there are only Su Ziyue and Shu Min.

Su Ziyue just agreed with her to help her find the murderer, obviously he would not tell Xiang Yuanlin about the situation of the people around him.

The only thing that can be said is Shu Min.

"Anping county lord" Xiang Yuanlin said forcefully: "The case of four deaths in Zijinfulou is related to the county lord. I also hope that the county lord can go with the subordinate officials and find the murderer for them. The four deceased are fair!" Xiang Yuanlin seemed to be asking for Gu Xiaowan’s help, but everyone in the room knew that if he got 50% of the soldiers, he would fall into the hands of Xiang Yuanlin. Delamination!

Tan Yushu took Gu Xiaowan's hand and muttered distressedly: "No, sister, no!"

With a distressed tone, Fang Peiya also took Gu Xiaowan's other hand, gritted her teeth and whispered in Gu Xiaowan's ear: "Sister, what should I do? You should run away! Let's cover you!"

Tan Yushu listened and nodded: "Sister"

With a request in his eyes, it seemed that Gu Xiaowan was going to leave as soon as possible: "A Zuo and Ahmad are highly skilled in martial arts, you go quickly, I am the princess, he still dare not take me!"

And Zuo and Ah Mo are also standing in front of Gu Xiaowan at the moment, holding sharp swords in their hands, protecting Gu Xiaowan’s safety. After hearing Tan Yushu’s words, Zuo also turned his head and said softly: "Girl, listen to the words of the princess. Let's go!"

Although Zuo's expression was calm, he felt as if he had knocked over a five-flavored bottle in his heart.

Why didn't the master come to save the girl?

When such a big thing happened, the master didn't tell them what to do next?

Do they take the girl to break out, or let the girl be taken away?

Zuo and Ahmad looked at each other and saw confusion in each other's eyes. However, after that, both of them made a very firm decision. No matter what, they must not let the girl be taken away, even if it is against the decree. It's no hesitate!

"Girl, let's protect you, even if it is a **** road, we can't let them take you away!" Ahmad's sharp sword was out of its sheath, and its dark blade was shining sharply with a cold light. Zuo followed closely behind, and the sword in his hand was also unsheathed, and he also firmly protected behind Gu Xiaowan!

The same goes for Kou Dan, holding a sharp sword in his hand, protecting Gu Xiaowan from left to right.

Gu Xiaowan heard what they said and was touched by their protection of herself, but she couldn't let these people take risks!

This person actually came by the emperor's verbal order. No matter what Tan Yushu said today, Xiang Yuanlin would not give up. If they resisted, they would be bitten back and refused to comply!

Not killing is a trivial matter, and if you are accused of violating the imperial edict, it is a major matter. Gu Xiaowan gently shook her head: "No, I will go with them!"

"Girl, don't!" Zuo and Ahmad exclaimed!

"Sister" Tan Yushu and Fang Peiya also exclaimed, holding Gu Xiaowan's hand and shouting distressedly.

When Xiang Yuanlin saw that Gu Xiaowan was going to follow him obediently, the murderous intent that had suddenly risen on his face turned into a smug right now. He gently raised his hand and said smugly: "Take everything away. Right!"

As soon as the sharp blade was put away, Xiang Yuanlin ordered several guards to come forward and grab Gu Xiaowan. Gu Xiaowan walked down the steps. Ahmad and Zuo followed every step of the way. Although the sword in his hand was sheathed, his eyes were still thick. Strong killing intent.

The guards stepped forward and were about to grab Gu Xiaowan's arm. Ah Ma on the side had already exploded. Suddenly, he clicked on Gu Xiaowan's body. Gu Xiaowan felt that she was numb all over, and she couldn't move.

"Amad, you let me go!" Gu Xiaowan exclaimed.

Ahmad was holding the guard's hand, but he ignored Gu Xiaowan's exclaim, and said to Ah Zuo: "Take the girl away!"

Azuo Yiyan, carrying Gu Xiaowan on his back, walked slowly to the outside under the cover of Ahmad and Kou Dan.

Then Xiang Yuanlin brought nearly hundreds of guards. After a short period of fright, Xiang Yuanlin yelled angrily: "Come here, take this man down and capture the county lord of Anping alive!"

The swords in the guards' hands were unsheathed, and Tan Yushu also stepped down the steps at this moment. Together with Fang Peiya, they guarded the left and right sides of Zuo, for fear that those people's swords would hurt Gu Xiaowan if they had no eyes.

Seeing them doing this, Gu Xiaowan felt extremely grateful, and everyone around her was sincere.

There were only a few people, and Ahmad and Codan could handle it, but as those people reacted, a large number of guards would be surrounded in the middle, two fists hard to beat four hands, not to mention, there were hundreds of hands for them. Joining in, seeing that a fierce battle is inevitable, Gu Xiaowan was worried about everyone’s safety. Suddenly she didn’t know where a horse galloped from. The sound of hoofs was not covered by the harsh clamor. Then, a high-pitched and sharp voice came closer and closer: "The imperial decree is here!"

Seeing that hundreds of sharp swords were about to fight together, I heard the high-pitched voice, looked towards Yuanlin in the direction of the visitor, was stunned, and then yelled, eagerly and surprised: "Back, back! "

The imperial decree is here, the imperial decree is here, it must be the imperial decree to arrest the head of Anping County!

Xiang Yuanlin was proud of himself. After hearing Xiang Yuanlin's order, the fully armed guards retracted their weapons uniformly and retreated behind him.

Ah Zuo Ahmad and Kou Dan protected Gu Xiaowan, seeing the dense crowd retreating behind them, their eyes filled with doubts.

And Xiang Yuanlin looked at Gu Xiaowan’s suspicious gaze, and said triumphantly: "Anping County Lord, you see, the imperial decree has come down. This time, you are not as simple as defying the arrest. This is the emperor’s imperial decree, you But now, defy the imperial edict!"

Defying the imperial decree, that is to punish the nine races! Gu Xiaowan's eyes narrowed slightly, and she didn't look at Xiang Yuanlin triumphantly, but at a galloping white high-headed horse, a man dressed as an eunuch, the tall horse ran fast, and soon arrived. In front of everyone.

"Grandpa Qi!" Tan Yushu exclaimed excitedly when he saw the visitor.

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