The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1619: Imperial decree

The man who came was surprisingly the **** next to the emperor-Father Qi, and the man in Jinyiwei clothes behind him also rode a tall horse, came to the horse, and waited for Father Qi to dismount.

After getting off the horse, Qi Gonggong came to Tan Yushu's horse and bowed a salute: "The slave has seen the Lord Huguo!"

Tan Yushu hurriedly stretched out his hand to support him: "Daddy Qi, don't be polite."

Father Qi got up, Xiang Yuanlin on the side fawningly stepped forward, nodding and bowing his head and said, "It turns out that Father Qi is here, Father Qi, but the emperor personally made an order to arrest the county lord of Anping and bring him to justice?"

When Grandpa Qi heard this, he glanced at Xiang Yuanlin in a flattering manner, and said without a smile: "Master Xiang, this is the emperor's holy will. It is a crime of deceiving the emperor to speculate about the holy will!"

Since Ni Bing fell off his horse and rested at home, all the affairs of 50% of the soldiers and horses have been taken by Xiang Yuanlin. Even when he reported to the palace, Xiang Yuanlin was vying to enter.

Finally, I met the heavenly face of the sage twice. Regarding his meticulous thoughts and eloquence, the emperor praised him and said that he wanted to work hard by himself, and he would have a bright future.

When the emperor said this to his courtiers, doesn't it mean that the emperor will promote him soon?

Unexpectedly, I didn't expect that the road to promotion came so quickly, and it made Xiang Yuanlin a little uncomfortable.

However, the sooner the better, and no matter how fast he can bear it.

In the palace, he got the eyes of the emperor. Even the close-knit **** Qi Gonggong next to the emperor was kind of close to him. If he wanted to become a high official, there would be more people who would fawn on himself. !

The emperor praised him once, and Xiang Yuanlin felt the unusual confidence and pride in his heart. He felt that his road to promotion and fortune was coming soon, but the beating words of Father Qi just now made Xiang Yuanlin's heart tremble.

Could it be that I was wrong?

I've mispoken?

Presumptuously speculating about the Holy Will, that is really a big deal!

Xiang Yuanlin saw Father Qi’s white face, with a pair of shrewd eyes looking at him with a non-smiling skin, and only felt a chill on his back. Father Qi had been with the emperor for a long time, even when he didn’t speak. , Are a little bit angry and self-prestigious.

Xiang Yuanlin hadn't seen any father-in-law, let alone the close father-in-law beside the emperor. Seeing his indifference and sarcasm, Xiang Yuanlin was worried and surprised in the first time, and calmed down in the second.

The drooping eyes glared at Father Qi in front of him, a trace of irony flashed through his eyes.

It's just a yin and yang person who has no life, dare to show off his power in front of him, huh, next time, this yin and yang person must be good-looking!

The east side is not bright, the west side is bright, his road to promotion and fortune is destined to go!

Thinking of Shu Lin's promise of his high-ranking officials, and the secluded and luxurious house, the little concubine Jingniang he placed by himself, I felt fascinated.

While Qi Gonggong turned his head, he did not see the contempt and irony in Xiang Yuanlin's eyes. When Qi Gonggong turned his head, he saw a beautiful and beautiful woman standing beside the Huguo Princess, and the enemy was approaching. But he was calm and relaxed, and he didn't feel any fear at all, which made Father Qi a little surprised.

This person has a noble temperament. It would not be an exaggeration to say that he was a princess who was raised in the palace. Between every move, he is called an elegant posture and outstanding demeanor.

Her facial features are not very prominent, or even a little unremarkable, but when they are gathered together, they make people's eyes bright. After people have glanced at it, they can't bear to look away.

Especially those eyes, eyebrows are picturesque.

Father Qi smiled and asked, "If the miscellaneous guess is correct, this should be the head of Anping County!"

Seeing him asking her own words, Gu Xiaowan nodded, and helped her to calm down: "Gu Xiaowan has seen Father Qi!"

The posture is dignified, graceful and demure, neither humble nor overbearing, without the vulgarity and vulgarity of a woman from the countryside.

What kind of place, what kind of family, what kind of parents, can they raise such an elegant girl!

Grandpa Qi thought curiously, smiled and gave a vacant hand, flicked the whisk, looked at Xiang Yuanlin, and then said: "Fortunately, the miscellaneous family came in time, otherwise, the minion will go to the Five Cities. The Secretary has announced the decree!" Gonggong Qi said with a sense of expectation, looking at Xiang Yuanlin who had already been scared to shut up, and said with fear.

Father Qi's remarks were obviously to help him. Gu Xiaowan saw this father-in-law, and she got close to herself the first time she met. Although there were some doubts in her heart, this person is a personal father-in-law next to the emperor. Something.

Thinking about this, I heard Father Qi's voice suddenly becoming serious: "Anping County Lord, kneel down and take the order!"


The imperial edict is for yourself?

Gu Xiaowan was surprised, wondering what this imperial edict meant?

Xiang Yuanlin was also triumphant. Looking at Gu Xiaowan's somewhat confused look, he secretly said: "Let you jump first, and when you declare your order, you have committed a crime of disrespect!"

Gu Xiaowan knelt down quickly, and the others knelt down after seeing this.

At this moment, on the huge street, hundreds of people knelt down on the ground, only to see hundreds of black heads.

When Father Qi announced the decree, Gu Xiaowan and the others all let out a sigh of relief, but Xiang Yuanlin was not calm.

"Father-in-law, please come in, sit in the house and have a cup of tea!" Gu Xiaowan invited Father-in-law Qi in, but she refused, and said with a smile: "The miscellaneous family will not go in and sit. The emperor is still waiting in the palace. The county owner, the county owner must not let your majesty wait for a long time!"

Seeing that he insisted on this, Gu Xiaowan didn't say much, and went back to Qingyuan to clean up surrounded by the crowd.

Seeing that the people in Qingyuan had all gone back, Xiang Yuanlin felt very upset when he saw that the person he was about to take was soaked up at the moment, but he still pretended to be a little confused and asked: "Duke Qi, the emperor obviously agreed. Let the next official arrest Gu Xiaowan and bring him to justice, and let the next official try to find out the real murderer of the four murders. This time, how come he suddenly made an order to declare her saint in the palace!"

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