The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1627: Fire food

Seeing him with a worried look, Gu Xiaowan knew that he had misunderstood, and hurriedly said with a smile: "Daddy Qi, you have misunderstood. What I am going to do, you will know later, please relax!"

When Grandpa Qi saw her saying don’t worry, he still had some doubts. The charcoal fire that I had just brought over was supposed to be used for cooking, but he didn’t talk about latte pots and iron spoons, so he said again: Bring the pot and spoon! There will always be tools for cooking later!"

After speaking, Father Qi was about to leave, Gu Xiaowan hurriedly called to him: "Daddy Qi, really don't need it, don't worry, I will definitely not let the emperor eat raw food! I still plan to have the emperor's grace! "

After speaking, with a sly smile, he walked back to the pavilion.

Qi Gonggong is still playing drums in his heart, no pot or spoon, how to cook?

However, seeing Gu Xiaowan's bosom with confidence, father-in-law Qi couldn't help but believe her for some reason. Maybe it was the bright and brilliant smile on her face, maybe it was the confident light in her eyes, confident and bright, making him instantly Believe it.

Seeing father-in-law Qi did not follow, Gu Xiaowan knew that this time he was driving him away. He must be staring at himself to cook the meat and vegetables before he would give up!

So she turned her head and smiled again: "Father-in-law Qi, you help me light a fire, okay?"

Father Qi heard that something was happening again, smiled and pinned the whisk to his waist, hey, smiled and went into the pavilion to start a fire.

Gu Xiaowan had brushed the barbed wire several times in the kitchen just now. Because he was afraid that the smoke and charcoal would stick to the food too much, Gu Xiaowan asked for a three-layer barbed wire. Then, relying on the heat of the barbed wire, the food will be cooked and reduced. The adhesion of carbon dust will make it cleaner.

The emperor has been a good food since he was a child. His food must be the fine food in the imperial dining room. It must be clean, delicious, and nutritious. His stomach must be very delicate, but Gu Xiaowan Can't find a second way of eating, can be creative, let the emperor promise to give himself grace!

She wants the grace of the emperor, and she wants to save Uncle Li out.

If Jinfu Tower is gone, it will be gone, as long as she is okay.

After the charcoal fire was burning, Gu Xiaowan put the drained barbed wire on a temporary shelf, and when the barbed wire got hot, Gu Xiaowan put the things that had just been strung on the barbed wire.

As the fire got bigger and bigger, the temperature of the barbed wire gradually increased, and the food was sizzling. The two chicken wings that Gu Xiaowan was skewered were emitting oil.

"Father-in-law Qi, the fire is too strong, a little bit smaller." Gu Xiaowan rushed to the barbed wire fence when she saw the fire, and said to her husband Qi.

Grandpa Qi gave a hum, and immediately caught two red charcoal fires that had already been burned, and the fire was immediately reduced.

Gu Xiaowan kept moving her hands and raised her eyes inadvertently. She saw Qi Gong just curiously watching the movements in her hand, so she hurriedly explained: "This food can't be too hot. If it's too big, it will spoil the food. The water and oil inside have dried up, and even scorched the food, affecting the appearance and taste!"

Father Qi nodded, keeping his eyes fixed on the fire below, and watching the movements in Gu Xiaowan's hands from time to time, full of curiosity.

So, just like a kid who is eager to learn, ask this and that, Gu Xiaowan also knows everything, and tells him everything she knows!

The first time Grandpa Qi saw that food could be cooked like this, he opened his eyes and saw Gu Xiaowan brushing the oil with a clean brush for a while, sprinkling salt, and brushing the powdered cinnamon leaves and powder for a while. The other seasonings are turned from time to time, so that both sides are evenly roasted.

After a while, the chicken wings in Gu Xiaowan's hand exuded a burst of fragrance. The scent of cooked food was matched with seasonings, and there was a hint of smoke and fire. Just smelling the taste, it was already mouth watering.

Father Qi looked at the golden chicken wings being roasted, his greedy saliva was about to drain, he swallowed it back, and then he asked, "How long will it take to bake it? Go and invite the emperor to come up!"

Gu Xiaowan stuck her chopsticks in and nodded: "It's almost there!"

Father Qi gave a hum, looked at the chicken wing reluctantly, and then took out the whisk on his back. He had to turn around to ask. As soon as he raised his head, he saw the emperor with his hands behind his back and strode towards this side.

It turned out that Shu Tianci said that he wanted Gu Xiaowan to cook something for him, so he waited, reading a book in the hall, but, with the fragrance from the pavilion, he immediately lost his interest in reading. .

After a glance, I saw Gu Xiaowan and Grandpa Qi talking and laughing in the pavilion, and they were very busy. Shu Tianci was tickled by seeing their happy appearance, and he didn't even read books. Then, he strode out of the palace and walked towards the pavilion.

A group of court ladies and eunuchs followed, Shu Tianci waved his hand and said, "You don't need to follow up!"

Every day, so many court ladies and eunuchs follow by his side, it is annoying to look at them.

Seeing the emperor coming, Father Qi hurriedly went forward to greet: "The emperor"

Gu Xiaowan heard the sound and looked up. Seeing that the emperor had come up, she just wanted to put down the things in her hand, got up and bowed, and Shu Tianci waved her hand and said, "You don't have to be polite, you are busy with you!"

When he arrived in the pavilion, the scent of the ingredients came out, and Shen Tianci took a long breath, only to feel that the fragrance was even in his stomach.

Seeing Shu Tianci sitting directly, watching this novel method, and then looking at it, the barbed wire is rising from the barbed wire, the fragrant barbecue is flowing with oil, I can't help but feel a little curious: "This method is unique, what is it called?"

When Gu Xiaowan saw him in great interest, she was thankful that she had made the right bet this time.

Just looking at this has already made him interested, that is, when he will eat it later, he will definitely fall in love with this baked thing.

You know that barbecue is the favorite of all Chinese people in the 21st century.

If it is paired with cold beer at this moment, the taste is really wonderful.

Gu Xiaowan just thought about it and missed it a little. Fortunately, this time she also had a good taste. She said: "If you return to the emperor, this is grilled on a charcoal fire with a barbed wire, and the girl named it the fire food, you What do you think?"

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