The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1628: Just called barbecue

Gu Xiaowan didn't directly say that it was barbecue, because the name was nice and easy to remember, but after all, the person in front of me was the eldest of the ninety-five years, and he loved arty. If you tell him the easy-to-understand word barbecue, you must dislike it!

However, Gu Xiaowan was wrong this time.

After Shu Tianci silently recanted the food of fire several times, he felt that it was not open enough, and said in disapproval: "Although the food of fire is also very good, I think the name barbecue is more appropriate!"

As soon as Su Tianci's words fell, Gu Xiaowan's oily right hand paused. She looked up suspiciously at Shu Tianci, who had raised her sleeves, and wanted to give it a leap. In an instant, there was a thought, could this Shu Tianci It's also from the 21st century. Otherwise, the first time he saw barbecue, he would be able to take out the two names of barbecue. Could it be said that the name of the barbecue came from this person?

Later, when I saw him so excitedly asking about the appearance of this and that, Gu Xiaowan secretly slandered herself, thinking she was thinking too much!

"Well, it smells so good! I've never smelled such a good smell! Fragrant, too smelling!" Shu Tianci exaggerated, and the whole person leaned in front of the charcoal fire, smelling the chicken that was already smelting oil. The wings drooled.

Seeing that his hair was about to fall on the wire fence, Gu Xiaowan grabbed it quickly and said nervously, "The emperor, be careful!"

After finishing speaking, he grabbed Shu Tianci's hair aside, but fortunately it didn't burn it. Otherwise, if the emperor's hair was burned, it would really be a serious crime to damage the dragon's body!

Shu Tianci raised his head and saw Gu Xiaowan's hand, which was as white as the white jade bracelet on her wrist, and her fingers were holding her long hair like ink, black and white, like the clear black and white on a chessboard.

Shu Tianci stared at her hand with an inexplicable expression on his face.

The father-in-law Qi on the side was also a little stunned, staring at Gu Xiaowan's hand with worry in his eyes.

Only then did Gu Xiaowan react. Her hand was holding a brush just now, brushing the oil, brushing the material, and taking the skewers. The key is that her hand is still sprinkled with salt!

Before that, she even cut the meat and touched the meat!

Gu Xiaowan could smell a strange smell on her hands!

My goodness!

Her hands are dirty, but she touched the emperor’s hair and soiled the emperor’s hair. What is this?

Does this insult Tianyan?

That's the crime of beheading!

Gu Xiaowan's heart was like a small deer bumping, and her heartbeat was thunderous. The father-in-law Qi also tensed, thinking about the way to deal with it, and planned to later if the emperor blamed him, he would help Anping. The county owner can block it!

But where do I know, Shu Tianci didn't take this matter to heart at all. He turned his head, put his hair behind his head, and shouted, "Daddy Qi, tie the hair for me!"

Father Qi heard the emperor's voice and hurriedly sighed, and he stepped forward to tie Shu Tianci's extra hair with a hairband he was carrying with him. It's done now, all the hair is combed in the back of his head obediently, and I am not afraid of lowering my head. All of Shu Tianci's interest was attracted by the food in front of him. Gu Xiaowan was rude just now, and he didn't care about it at all.

Gu Xiaowan let out a long sigh of relief when he saw that he did not pursue it, and sighed secretly.

And the father-in-law Qi on the side secretly breathed a sigh of relief when things were so suppressed.

Rarely, the emperor is still so easy to talk today.

If this is normal, if someone else’s hand touches the emperor’s hair, then it’s a kick!

It seems that the emperor's treatment of this Anping county head is somewhat different from other people!

The keen father-in-law Qi thought, and looked at the Anping county lord who was concentrating on baking things, thinking in his heart, it seems that there will be another lord in the palace soon.

Just take a look at the grandeur of the county lord of Anping, and think about her full of superb talents, and her elegant face. I am afraid that few men in the world can resist such a woman!

Qi Gonggong smiled secretly in his heart and involuntarily took a step or two back, trying to hide himself as much as possible.

The chicken wings are grilled, the color is golden and bright, and they are placed in a white and jade porcelain plate.

Shu Tianci moved, instead of going to watch Gu Xiaowan's cooking, she turned around, looked at the golden and fragrant grilled chicken wings, swallowed and swallowed, "Is this food edible?"

That delicious appearance, like a child!

"Okay, it's cooked! But" Gu Xiaowan didn't finish her words, when she saw Shu Tianci directly picked up the chicken wings and delivered them to her lips, Gu Xiaowan hurriedly stopped: "The emperor, it's hot, be careful!"

Fortunately, Gu Xiaowan stopped it in time. Otherwise, if Shu Tianci ate such a hot thing directly in his mouth, he would have to burn it out!

Waiting until it was almost gone, Shu Tianci hurriedly picked up a bunch of chicken wings and ate them directly.

The plump chicken, the golden brown crispy skin that was roasted, and the fragrant flavor of the seasoning, it was spicy and numb, as if dancing in his mouth, he had never tasted such a taste.

"It's delicious, delicious! It's so delicious!" Shu Tianci took a bite of the chicken, gave a thumbs up excitedly, and extended a thumb to Xiaowan: "Like, like!"

With a bite of chicken in his mouth, I couldn't stop at all.

He eats faster than Gu Xiaowan can bake things. After eating, he looks at what Gu Xiaowan is holding. If he can’t wait, he will take the skewers and grill them on the fire, and let him wait. Grandpa Qi is coming here.

The three people surrounded the charcoal fire, talking and laughing. Fortunately, Gu Xiaowan prepared a lot of things. Shu Tianci was almost full and there was a lot left. Shu Tianci touched his stomach and said contentedly: "You It's all baked, I appreciate you!"

Father Qi smelled the scent, and he didn't know how many saliva he had swallowed for a long time. He got the emperor's imperial decree. Now he couldn't hold back his saliva, he directly took a roasted skewers and ate it with his mouth.

Although he was grinning with teeth, he was still reluctant to vomit when he bit in.

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