The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1641: Bai Piao Piao

Xiang Yuanlin said, he was about to go with Guo Jin, but Jingniang's words stopped Xiang Yuanlin: "Master, if such a big thing has happened, should we go and tell Shi Ziye? Come on? This yard is so hidden, how could others find us?"

"You and you adulterers and adulterers, it is reasonable to cheat. I tell you that when people are doing things, the sky is watching. If you do shameless things, you must think about all these things that will be discovered by others!" Guo Jin Roared.

I was thinking that Jingniang would blush or something, but I knew that Jingniang drew out her ears, then stood up, came to the hysterical Guo Jin, and said proudly: "Mrs. Guo, don't forget, I But the grandpa rewarded the master, and now I’m just the master’s person, we are not shameless, I was the master who brought home the master rightfully!”

"I don't admit it!" Guo Jin roared.

"I can't help but you don't admit it. If you don't admit it, then you can go to Shi Ziye to judge! Sorry, now I have no time to accompany you, we have to go to Shi Ziye!" After finishing, Jingniang pulled forward. Yuan Lin left.

Xiang Yuanlin knew that this matter must be reported to Shu Lin as soon as possible, and followed Jingniang to leave. Before leaving, he explained to Guo Jin in a low voice: "Ajin, you should go back first. I'm going to find Shi Ziye and wait for it. Later, I will explain to you!"

After that, regardless of whether Guo Jin agrees or not, he followed Jingniang and left.

From behind, Guo Jin watched Xiang Yuanlin follow him, yelling hysterically, but Xiang Yuanlin still didn't look back, nor did he look back.

Guo Jin was angry, roared, and watched his man go with other women.

Until their figure disappeared outside the courtyard, Guo Jin's angry face just now suddenly showed a sly smile.

The gloomy squat makes people shudder.

Xiang Yuanlin, your wings are hard and you are about to fly.

The Guo family is not thin to you. If your wings become hard, you will betray the Guo family. Okay, you can blame me for being unrighteous.

For more than ten years, he is still a deputy commander. If he can't climb up, then come down!

Xiang Yuanlin originally followed Jingniang to find Shu Lin, but he never came back.

You Qian's death, and the death of the three people who had never met before, was not the death of the people from Beijing, because the exposure of the identity of the two caused another storm.

And then, a secret story came out, but the whole You family was plunged into a precarious situation.

Someone went to the Five Cities Soldiers and Mars and sued You Qian for insulting the Liang family girl and hanging herself.

This will start from a few months ago.

The name of the dead girl was Bai Piaopiao, she had no father and no mother, she couldn't resist her shoulders, and she couldn't lift her hands. All the valuable things in the family were cheated away by the clan. The maid beside him walked and scattered. In the end, there was only one wife, the Bai family, who was born to the Bai family and was still with her.

Once, when the white girl went to the street to play, she ran into You Qian who was idle.

You Qian fell in love with Bai Piao Piao, who looked like a fairy, thinking that she was a fairy from all over the world.

Later, he resorted to some insidious tricks to seduce Bai Piao Piao, but when he knew that Piao Piao could not get the bait, he scolded You Qian. Later, when Na You saw that he couldn't make it, he took a group of people and surrounded Bai Jia Xiao. The courtyard, **** Mother White, and defiled the white girl.

The white girl was so embarrassed that she hanged herself afterwards.

It's just that no one knows about this matter because the You family has suppressed it.

I don't know that Mother Bai, who had been deported at the time, returned again and reported the matter to the Five Cities Soldier Ma Si.

It's just that this time not only Yu Qian is involved, but one person is involved.

Bai Piaopiao is not from the capital. She came to the capital not long ago, and the person who brought her to the capital was You Fangqin, the eldest son of the second room in the You family.

You Fangqin likes that girl. Knowing that it is impossible for this humble girl to enter the gate of You’s house, he arranged a separate courtyard and played with Jinwu Zangjiao, waiting for the date when he married his wife. Then bring this charming white girl into the door to be a concubine.

How did you know that this Jinwu Cangjiao didn't hide it well, but it was discovered by You Qian, and he got into a life lawsuit.

"Then why didn't you come to report to the official? After You Qian died, why didn't you stand up and tell the truth?" Su Mang's eyebrows were wide and his eyes were open, which was even more shocking.

When the white mother saw Su Mang like this, she was so frightened that she shook her whole body, and her voice immediately went vacant: "The Cao Min Cao Min dare not, my lady was insulted by that beast. The Cao Min wanted to kill him, eat his meat, and strip him. His muscles. But I didn’t expect that he was really dead. Cao Min Cao Min was afraid that he would cause trouble to his upper body, so he dared not report it!"

"After your girl died, did You Fangqin ever find you?" Su Mang asked.

The white mother thought for a while and nodded: "I found me and said he was sorry for my girl, and said that he wanted to give my girl a status, but how did she know that she was defiled by the brute. She also said, if he didn't bring it If my girl enters the capital, my girl will not die. He wants to avenge the girl, but the most important affection of your family is that there can be no carnage. Therefore, although he hates it in his heart, he will not take it. How about the beast? After giving me a sum of money, let me leave the capital and enjoy my old age!"

"Then why are you here now?"

Mother Bai's eyes flashed, thinking of what someone said to herself before she came, as long as she told the truth, she would be prosperous and prosperous for a lifetime, so she said according to the words that the person taught her: "The dead are the greatest. The family is not thin, and the grassroots is not thin, but my girl is not that lucky. You family is a family of courtesy, righteousness, benevolence and filial piety, and Young Master You is a good person. I will help him find the murderer and share his worries!"

Su Mang's eyes flashed after hearing this, but he didn't say a word again, making people go down.

This mother Bai, where did she come to help You Fangqin find out the real murderer, it seemed she was here to send him to death!

The Jinxiu Cloth Village in Beijing is also busy at the moment like a spinning top.

It was said that Concubine You Gui in the palace took a look at a piece of material, the gray one was like ripples of water, so Jinxiu Cloth Shop could find one.

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