The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1642: Finally found

After receiving this information, Jinxiu Cloth Village immediately told the young master Shen Wenjun. After listening to the description, they all determined that the grey cloth that the imperial concubine saw should be an orphan sold from Jinxiu Cloth Village.

That is the person Shen Wenjun has been looking for.

The material actually appeared in the palace, which means that the two girls who bought the material were not ordinary people.

Rich is expensive!

Shen Wenjun suddenly understood why he had searched for so long and never found that girl. It turned out that the girl's identity must be very noble!

Otherwise, they will not enter and leave the palace at will.

Zhi Shu didn't say much about living too much, only that the imperial concubine saw a piece of cloth in the palace and asked Jinfu Cloth Village to find a better one.

Shen Wenjun knew that he couldn't ask much, and only agreed, but he hesitated: "This material is an orphan. In the past, there was only this horse in the world. If you want the same horse, it might be difficult. No If, the Caomin goes to find a good material!"

The Zhishu also knew the good material from Fairview Cloth Village, and there was only this one in the entire Qing Dynasty. No matter what he thought in his heart, he agreed, and asked to come and get it next time he went out of the palace.

Shen Wenjun got the order, but he didn't want the deposit that Zhishu handed over.

"Girl, this piece of material is worth a thousand dollars, and Caomin gave it to the girl!" Shen Wenjun said.

Then Zhishu was taken aback, the material was worth a thousand dollars, but he didn't want it? Because things are expensive, you have to pay some generous deposits when you return, and Fairview Cloth Shop will look for the cloth. Now, he actually said that he doesn't need money?

Give it away for free?

"Shen Gongzi meant," Zhi Shu asked with some doubts while holding the money bag in his hand.

"Cao Min wants to ask the girl one thing. This material will be given to the girl for nothing!" Shen Wenjun said interestingly.

Not to give it to the imperial concubine, but to give it to Zhishu.

Zhi Shu also understood the meaning, and couldn't help shrinking the money bag he took out, and his tone became a little better: "What do you want to ask?"

"Do you dare to ask the girl who is wearing that gray material?" Shen Wenjun forced his inner excitement and asked faintly.

"What are you asking about this?" Zhi Shu frowned and asked vigilantly.

"My gray fabric has been left in the shop for a long time and cannot be sold. It is because I can't figure out how to wear it out of its brilliance, so it has been covered in dust in the shop. This time I saw it and liked it. He must have made an excellent dress, and the Caomin wanted to know what method he used to make a piece of such a gray material make a style that the concubine and empresses would praise." Shen Wenjun Asked respectfully.

When I heard the book, I realized it suddenly. No wonder, businessmen are naturally pursuing financial resources. They asked for the finishing touch. If they have the same type in the future, they will naturally sell much better.

Then I saw the heavy bag of silver in my hand. It was only a deposit, and there was a large sum of money left. If all the silver was given to me, then

Zhi Shu smiled. The arrogant face just now became more docile. He smiled and said, "I was lucky enough to meet. The gray material was embroidered with big red hibiscus flowers, gray and red. The collision made the clothes more noble and dignified. My wife said that she liked it at a glance. I didn’t expect that clothes made of such dull materials would be so dignified and noble, and no matter how old they are All women wear it!"

"That's really going to be like that embroidered lady asking for advice!" Shen Wenjun arched his hands and said with a smile: "I don't know which noble person in the palace is wearing this dress?"

Thinking that the man was currently named Anping County lord, Zhi Shu thought of the disgusting appearance of the empress, he couldn't help saying: "The nobleman can't talk about it, but it's just a country girl, and occasionally the emperor’s blue eyes treated each other, so he was named Nobles!"

Shen Wenjun wanted to ask anything else, he saw that Zhishu got up and said, "It's getting late, I'm going back to the palace."

Shen Wenjun saw that she was going to leave, so he couldn't stop him, so he made a color. Laiqing on the side took another purse and handed it to Zhishu: "This aunt, this is a gift from my son!"

Zhi Shu took it, and gently turned it upside down, becoming more happy in his heart.

This time, I made the money I want to make for a lifetime!

When Zhi Shu went out, even his walking pace was a little trembling.

Shen Wenjun recalled the few words Zhi Shu just said, but he was a little confused.

The country village girl, who got the emperor's blue eyes, was named a nobleman?

While Shen Wenjun was still guessing who else in the capital was a noble person with such an identity, Uncle Liao on the side was already excited and said: "My son, the noble person that the aunt just said should be the current Anping County Lord, she It was from the countryside. Because of her merits in controlling drought, the emperor specially appointed her the head of Anping County! And I heard that the head of Anping County is only 16 years old this year. She has two younger brothers, a younger sister, and the age of that younger sister. But twelve or thirteen years old!"

That's it!

"Are you sure you are right?" Shen Wenjun was still a little nervous, for fear of making a mistake again.

"It should be correct. In terms of age, those two are about the same age as the two Anping County Master and Sisters!" Liao Shu said firmly.

Shen Wenjun nodded, his eyes flashed with excitement.

After searching for months, there was no news at all. This time, I finally found a little eyebrow.

After Gu Xiaowan heard that Mother Bai had gone to the Five Cities Soldiers and Ma Si to sue You Qian for insulting her young lady, and that Bai Dao floated and died, Gu Xiaowan was also very curious.

"This mother Bai always felt that what she said was completely different from her purpose. She said she was trying to find the real murderer for the You family and share the worries for Youfang's diligence. But no matter how I listen, I feel that this mother Bai is no silver here. Three hundred taels. That Bai Piaopiao was brought back by You Fangqin. Youqian bullied others. You Fangqin would definitely put this account on Youqian, and naturally had the motive to kill Yuqian for that Bai The girl takes revenge and hate! But why does Mother Bai say that You Fangqin is a good person who values ​​love and righteousness, and that she wants to help the government find the real culprit?" Gu Xiaowan said to herself, looking at Tan Yushu, she asked her questions in her heart. Asked it out.

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