The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1670: Gag your mouth

Everyone was inexplicable. Some people from the Mingdu princess hope that the princess Lihua will report what happened today. It is best to let the emperor know and the queen mother. Just look at the Anping princess who despised the emperor's grace. This thank you banquet has just been held, how long the seat of the princess can sit.

Since Su Qianyue was punished by the princess Lihua, the smile on Shu Min's face has deepened. She pinched Su Qianyue, whose expression had returned to normal, and the two of them even picked up the fruit wine in front of them and drank them. A cup.

Shu Min's face was obviously with a smile that was determined to win, and Su Qianyue, where there was a panic just now, at this moment, she has restored the appearance of the charming lady in the past.

This is just a move by Shu Min.

She just wanted to see, the attitude of Princess Lihua, she didn't expect that she actually tried it out.

However, she knew that although the princess Lihua spoke to Su Qianyue for the sake of Gu Xiaowan, it was still unclear who she was reprimanding around the corner!

She only knew that Princess Lihua was very angry, especially angry.

After Shu Tianci had ascended to that throne since he was a child, he was very sensitive to the mighty grace of God, and to those who despised the emperor's grace, that was to despise Shu Tianci.

Seeing the princess Lihua who has been sullenly eating since just now, Shu Min was secretly proud, looked at the opposite Gu Xiaowan, and sneered sternly in her heart.

Gu Xiaowan, just see how long you can sit in the position of the princess, and how long you can live in the clear garden.

Maybe, tomorrow's sun may be invisible.

Thinking of this, Shu Min was particularly happy, and she put all the unhappiness behind her head, drank two more glasses of fruit wine, only felt that her face blushed, and she didn't even listen to what the Princess Lihua Station said to her. It's clear.

"I heard from the emperor that he rewarded you with a jade ruyi a few days ago! I don't know where it is now?" Princess Lihua finally felt that she was full. The food at Jinfulou has long been heard to be delicious. The name has moved the capital, but she is the eldest princess, so she can't go out of the palace casually, after all, she can eat it.

This taste is better than the taste of the cook in the Imperial Dining Room.

The unhappiness gathered in my heart just now, because I had eaten delicious food at this moment, all of it disappeared. I wiped my mouth at this moment and asked Shu Min quietly.

Shu Min drank a lot of fruit wine, his mind was a little groggy. Hearing the words where is the imperial gift jade ruyi, he raised a red face and said with a little drunkenness: "That Jade Ruyi was bestowed to me by the emperor's elder brother. How can such a precious thing be taken out casually? I will cherish it in the storeroom!"

"Oh" the princess said, and then her complexion changed: "The emperor's brother personally gifted the thing, you didn't take it out and put it out, and you even hid it. You are complaining about the jade given by the emperor. Ruyi is not good enough to compare to the other objects in your house?"

Shu Min was slightly drunk and hazy. When she heard these words, she felt as if she was struck by lightning, as if she was being held down by something. Then she understood what the princess Lihua meant. This is turning around the corner and throwing the blame on Gu Xiaowan for being unable to stay at the Imperial Mansion.

She also got the gift of the gods, so why did you keep it in the warehouse and use other things? Is it because you think the gift of gods is not comparable to other things?

Blame Gu Xiaowan's guilt on him, and immediately, Shu Min's mind became sober after drinking two glasses of fruit wine.

She looked at the blushing princess Lihua, just waiting for Gu Xiaowan to be unlucky, the beautiful mood of drinking a few more glasses of fruit wine was messed up.

Shu Min couldn't say a word, but fortunately, she blushed to death, as if she didn't hear anything.

The princess Lihua didn't speak and was not annoyed when she saw that she was drunk too much.

Although Shu Min had shown a fierce and fierce light at that moment, Gu Xiaowan and Princess Lihua could see clearly.

After dinner, even if the banquet is over, Gu Xiaowan only has two programs in the invitation, one is for viewing the maple leaves and the other is for rice. Therefore, watching such a thin banquet, no one said anything.

After eating enough, they are going to leave.

Gu Xiaowan ordered someone to bring a gift, one in a brocade box, without knowing what was inside, and a small doll in a big box.

This is what Gu Xiaoyi and aunt robbed this time. Fortunately, there were some extra dolls before, so I didn't know that the construction period was delayed because they couldn't buy white jade cotton and they couldn't make things.

The young ladies were not very old, and after seeing those beautiful dolls, they went forward to get them one after another.

"Wow, I want this, I want this, this is so beautiful!"

"I want that, that doll with big eyes!"

In a blink of an eye, I saw a box of dolls that I brought over was cleaned up.

Gu Xiaowan prepared these dolls according to their heads. There were already a few more dolls in the family, so they didn't decrease because of the arrival of Princess Mingdu, Su Qianyue and Princess Lihua.

Su Qianyue saw that everyone was looting the doll, and she saw that the doll was cute and tight, and she wanted to go forward and get one. But just when she left, Shu Min discovered her movements and hurriedly pulled her over. Gouged hard: "Why are you going!"

Only then did Su Qianyue understand that she almost did something wrong just now, so she hurriedly stopped, stood behind Shu Min, and looked at the dolls.

That doll is really beautiful!

Same as Lanyue Pavilion!

Su Qianyue watched enviously at those people who took one in their hands. Her heart was itchy and she wanted one too. This Moon Pavilion doll is very expensive. Some are larger, and cost thousands of taels of silver. It costs a thousand taels of silver for one of its current size.

The expensive ones are dying and often sold out. Su Qianyue became more anxious, and pulled Shumin's sleeves and said: "Sister Min, playing idols is for holding the moon pavilion, I want one too!"

"Sneezing" Shu Min immediately sneered: "Who told you that it was from Lanyue Pavilion? Lanyue Pavilion only sells one item. Look, there are so many varieties. Who said it is Lanyue Pavilion? Of!"

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