The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1671: Princess in trouble

When Su Qianyue heard this, she nodded and said yes.

Lanyue Pavilion has such a rule that there is only one copy of everything sold, and there is never a second one. Once you have a genuine product, the others are all fakes.


Su Qianyue looked at the dolls that the ladies were fighting for, still feeling a little bit sad.

Although it's not for holding the moon pavilion, it is so exquisite that it is much better than the ordinary embroidery workshop.

Gu Xiaowan brought four dolls and handed them to Princess Lihua: "Princess, can you pick one?"

The princess Lihua looked at this beautiful doll, and she was very happy in her heart. It happened to recall that Xiaowan had sent two to her. This time she picked a doll she didn't have, and said with a smile: "This doll is true. Cute! I like it!"

After she picked one, Shu Min looked disgusted and didn't pick it, so she took one casually, with a disgusting look, just because the princess Lihua also took it, she had to take it.

It's just a fake, and it's worthy of such a stir?

Lin Jingru always stood quietly, Gu Xiaowan took the last two to her side and asked her, "Which one do you like?"

No matter how strict the tutor is, Lin Jingru has no immunity to such a beautiful doll. With a smile on her face, she picked one of them with a smile, and immediately helped her to thank: "Thank you Anping Princess!"

Gu Xiaowan looked at Lin Jingru, smiled, and then gave the last one to Su Qianyue.

Su Qianyue didn't expect that she also had a doll, and her happy cheeks were flushed. After she got her hand, she looked over and over again, and she was extremely happy.

Shu Min glanced at her and saw her unpromising appearance, then looked at the doll in her hand, and suddenly sneered at Gu Xiaowan: "Princess Anping, where did you buy the doll to fool this palace?"

Gu Xiaowan looked at Shu Min indifferently, and saw that the other ladies were holding the things in their hands and looking at the two in surprise!


"Princess Mingdu, fooling? What do you mean?" Gu Xiaowan didn't understand what Shu Min meant, but she knew that if this person is not going crazy today, she can't let go of the evil in her heart!

"What do you mean? You give us a doll that you don’t know where you bought, just as a gift?" Shu Min sneered holding the doll and a wooden box in his hand: "A doll, a hairpin, why, dozens Two silvers are about to send us? The things I gave you are worth a hundred taels. Even if you don't return my hundred taels, you should be a lot more? Would you just take such shabby things as a gift? The whole Qing Dynasty , I’ve never thought of it to be so shabby in Europe before, and I actually took a doll and took the root hairpin as a gift!" Shu Min sneered in her heart. She took a look at the hairpin in that box just now. The ordinary ones are like things bought from a small stall. A few silvers are passed away. Let’s look at the other ladies. When he took out the things in his hands, he was slightly surprised.

So, immediately you look at me, I look at you, whispering.

"Look, I am so ordinary, I seem to have seen this on the head of the sweeping maid at my house last time!"

"Me too. I gave a ginseng. Although it is not a hundred years old, it is worth hundreds of taels. Tsk, if it weren’t for Princess Mingdu’s sharp eyes, we would really be fooled by her. ."

"In the entire Qing Dynasty, no one has ever given something like this, the rules of giving a gift in return, doesn't she understand?"

"What does she know, she is from the countryside, no one has ever disciplined her!"

"Presumptuous!" When the princess Lihua heard these words, her expression suddenly changed, and she said in a majestic anger: "No discipline? Who said this sentence, stand up for this palace!"

When everyone saw the princess Lihua getting angry, they felt that her back was cold again. The fingers flicked, and they all pointed at one of the women. They saw that the woman had been scared and looked pale, as if she was coated with flour. : "The Princess"

"Stand up!" The eldest princess really opened her eyes this time. She also said that she would come to support Gu Xiaowan today, but even if she came, this group of people would come to ridicule Gu Xiaowan from time to time. , What if she does not come today?

Shu Min united with these forces, shouldn't Gu Xiaowan be trampled under her feet?

The girl was pale in fright, and tremblingly, she carried two legs that were about to become soft noodles, and came to the princess, her eyes shrinking like a wounded rabbit, she faced harshly. The look of fear when the hunter.

The princess Lihua didn't want to punish anyone, but seeing that this person's mouth was too broken, and she insulted the princess casually, that would really despise the emperor's grace!

"It turned out to be the second girl from the Ministry of Rites, and you are right. After all, the lord of Anping is from the countryside. However, she is now the lord of the princess and is a member of my royal family. You have always emphasized her rural identity. , Is making fun of the royal family, and accepting a country girl as the princess, but not you as the princess?"

The eldest princess said such things lightly. Huang Yuxiang, who was already like rotten noodles, couldn't hold it anymore. She knelt on the ground with a plop: "Princess, the courtier doesn't mean that, the courtier doesn't mean that. !"

The eldest princess took a look, and then said: "Since you think this thing is not good, then my palace will ask you for it. This doll and hairpin are very fond of my palace, so have you given it to this palace?"

When Huang Yuxiang heard this, he nodded hurriedly and agreed: "Well, if the princess likes it, the courtier will give it to the princess!"

After seeing that Huang Yuxiang had given away the things, he stood aside pale as if he had recovered his life.

I thought to myself, Gu Xiaowan must not be offended. The princess probably prevented it from being a wedding banquet this time. If it was a person who despised God in the past, Princess Lihua would never be merciless.

Thinking of this, she felt a chill in her back. She quickly glanced at the princess Lihua, who had been standing quietly on the side. Her graceful figure was like a beautiful white moonlight in the sky, her body, her hands and feet. In between, it seemed like she came from the countryside and didn't understand anything.

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