The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1674: Priceless hairpin

"Min'er, Xiao Wan said it was hers, and she has verified it on the spot. Do you have any questions?" The princess smiled happily, her face couldn't stop the smile.

When Gu Xiaowan gave her the doll, she told the princess that Lanyuege was her.

Just like the look of some ladies here, after she heard about it, she couldn't believe it.

Lanyue Pavilion is a gold-absorbing pavilion. If the Lanyue Pavilion came from Li Fan, anyone would believe it. Therefore, no one took the matter of Yueyue Pavilion at heart.

However, when she was later told that this Lanyue Pavilion was actually made by Gu Xiaowan, and this superbly crafted doll was completed by the two sisters from design to completion, the princess was still shocked.


These two people, from painters to embroidery, are the best of the highest varieties, and none of them can't do it for more than ten years. Until Gu Xiaowan said, all of this was because the family was poor at the time, and only relying on one craft. When she was able to support her family, the princess believed it!

For the confident and strong woman in front of this, what she wants to accomplish, who can't do it!

"No problem, I just don't know. When will Luanyue Pavilion order a hundred dolls?" Shu Min gritted his teeth and looked at Gu Xiaowan, looking fiercely, wishing to eat Gu Xiaowan alive on the spot!

"Princess Mingdu, there are rules for Lanyue Pavilion. If you want to order a hundred dolls, Lanyue Pavilion will pick it up, but you must pay the full amount in advance!" Gu Xiaowan said quietly about Lanyue Pavilion's rules.

"What? Pay the full amount?" When Shu Min heard it, his teeth grinded and squeaked, "You mean that my palace will give you one hundred thousand taels of silver before you make a doll?"

"Yes, this has always been the rules of Lanyue Pavilion, Xiao Wan can't break the rules of Lanyue Pavilion! Princess Mingdu, I hope you are considerate!" Gu Xiaowan said embarrassingly.

Shu Min who heard this statement wanted to have a seizure, but couldn't.

Can't you break the rules of the Moon Tower?

You Gu Xiaowan is the treasurer of Lanyue Pavilion, this rule is made by you, now you will break the rule of Lanyue Pavilion!

Shu Min felt the pain in the heart, liver, spleen, lungs and kidneys, and gritted his teeth: "Okay, it's a hundred thousand taels of silver. Since you have agreed to the princess, you will not disappoint the princess!"

Gu Xiaowan smiled: "Then Lanyue Pavilion would like to thank Princess Mingdu!"

One hundred thousand taels of silver arrived in the account of the Lunar Pavilion. Whether to do it or not to do it depends entirely on the words of the princess.

Caiyue on the side heard it and was shocked.

Princess Lihua was overjoyed, seeing that Shu Min was really deceived, she was very happy, Gu Xiaowan made a lot of money for herself!

The princess looked at Gu Xiaowan, and the smile in her eyes deepened.

Gu Xiaowan also lowered her head and smiled, but ice flashed across her eyes.

A mere one hundred thousand taels of silver, how can that be enough!

Uncle Li and the people of Jinfulou have suffered so much in the Wucheng Bingmasi, this is a mere one hundred thousand taels of silver, and they want to pass the test, how can it be!

Then, I only heard Gu Xiaowan speak quietly: "Princess, Xiaowan has one more thing to tell!"

Seeing Gu Xiaowan's serious look, the eldest princess got one hundred thousand taels of silver, and seeing Shu Min's shriveled face, she was extremely happy, and smiled and asked, "Oh, what's the matter?"

"If you go back to the princess, this hairpin is very hard to find. If not, let the princess Mingdu give all the money to the princess?"

The hairpin is only a little-known hairpin, and it is only a thousand taels of silver to kill.

The doll was made by Gu Xiaowan herself. I was afraid that it would not cost much. Using my own things as a gift in return looks like it is very valuable, but in fact, for Gu Xiaowan herself, it does not need to spend much money!

However, this other gift-Chaizi, was not made by her. You have to buy it!

If you take a doll worth a thousand taels of silver, you will never give back a hairpin of a thousand taels of silver!

These young ladies give gifts. I'm afraid that few people will give things worth a thousand taels. Would Gu Xiaowan still give such expensive gifts eagerly?

She is either mentally ill or sick!

Shu Min thought of this, before the princess answered, and without thinking about it, she agreed: "Okay, tomorrow I will have someone give the princess silver!"

Only a thousand taels of silver, she still gave it away!

"Then thank you Min'er!" The princess said with a smile and covering her lips.

Shu Min murmured: "The princess is polite!"

It seemed that everything had calmed down, and then I heard Gu Xiaowan speak quietly: "Princess, before Xiaowan came to Beijing, she had heard that this Daqing is a master of jewelry, and only has the gold side! I heard that this gold A hairpin made on one side costs a thousand taels of silver for an ordinary one, but is it true?"

"It's true!" The eldest princess nodded when she saw the Jin side. "In the capital, things on the side of the gold side are priceless! My mother's queen dressing table still holds a lot of things made by the side of the gold side. !"

The eight-treasure nine-tailed phoenix hairpin worn by the empress dowager was made by the golden hand gold side. This is the only one in the world, and it is of great value.

Gu Xiaowan nodded faintly: "In response to my gift to the ladies, this hairpin is made by the golden side!"

When everyone heard it, Lao Yuan's eyes were staring, and some hurriedly took the hairpin to look at it, where there was just contempt.

When Shu Min heard this, her legs softened and she almost fell back.

If it weren't for Caiyue to follow behind and see the young lady strangely, I'm afraid that this time Shu Min will surely fall down and make a fool of herself.

"What are you talking about?" Shu Min looked at the little-known hairpin that Princess Lihua was playing with in disbelief, with an obvious tremor in her voice.

"Nuo, this was done by Jin Shoujin!" Gu Xiaowan handed Chaizi to Shu Min, letting her see clearly.

The eldest princess took one and glanced at it, and her face was incredulous.

After carefully looking at the hairpin in his hand, he said faintly: "I thought that Jin Shou Jin had already quit washing his hands long ago. Unexpectedly, he still kept so many jewellery, but it made you want to The county lord of Anping found so many roots!"

I saw the heart of the blooming exuberant hibiscus with a little beard, like a flower heart, but if you look at it confidently, it is not a flower heart at all, but a word-gold!

Jinyi’s masterpiece Juhuo####Dear friends, it’s the weekend today, I wish you all a nice weekend, plus one more on the weekend, and the monthly pass will be thrown over.

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