The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1675: Lost three hundred thousand taels

In this world, only the Jin side has the ability to engrave his name in Huaxin, but if you don't know this matter, if you don't look carefully, you will think it is Huaxin.

All the flower centers are beautiful stamens, and the center stamens are arranged neatly one after another, as if written in gold.

The stamens are inherently subtle, and it’s not easy to carve flowers on a thin hairpin. It’s not easy to carve the stamens inside to make the shape of the flowers more beautiful. The inside is lined up in gold letters. In this world, only the gold side really has this ability!

I heard that the hairpin was made by Jin Yi side, and now I saw it clearly, and after confirming that it was made by Jin Yi side, Shu Min's face changed drastically.

"Oh my god, this golden-side ordinary hairpin, at the time, it seemed to have sold for two thousand taels of silver" Miss You suddenly said in surprise, Shu Min turned her head and slashed the woman who was talking.

Seeing Princess Mingdu staring at herself, knowing that she had said something wrong, she covered her lips in horror, her face full of horror, and squeezed into the crowd, trying to cover her body.

It's just that everyone in the room heard what she said just now and understood.

But if she didn't say much about her words just now, everyone knows that this golden side thing has a price and no market, and it is even more popular than the Lanyue Pavilion doll.

Especially a few years ago, after Jin Yiren retired, he never showed up in front of others again, but, I don't know where Gu Xiaowan came from so many golden hairpins!

Gu Xiaowan's hairpin was given to her by Qin Yizhi!

She said that she was going to hold a thank-you banquet, and when she was annoyed by what to give to these ladies, Qin Yizhi gave her more than 20 hairpins.

Gu Xiaowan also heard about the craftsmanship of this golden side. When she saw this hairpin, she was stunned. How could she be able to give such a valuable thing!

Qin Yizhi shook his head: "In this world, people's hearts are the most unpredictable, but sometimes, the easiest to test is also their hearts, as long as the value you give them makes them feel that they can change their hearts!"

Qin Yizhi wanted to buy some people's hearts for Gu Xiaowan by sending these things.

And the hearts of those who win with money, although they can't believe it the most, can sometimes be used as a knife.

Gu Xiaowan looked at Shu Min’s face and looked ugly as if he had eaten hundreds of flies, and the people who followed her were as white as a piece of paper. Everyone’s body trembled, like sifting chaff. general.

Seeing that Shu Min did not answer, the eldest princess said angrily: "This hairpin is only two thousand taels of silver, but Min'er just agreed to give me one hundred, converted into silver, there are two hundred thousand taels of silver, Min Son, you just promised to give me this as money! You can't speak for nothing, are you?"

The eldest princess is so cruel, and in a short time, three hundred thousand taels of silver were chopped off from Shu Min.

Three hundred thousand taels is equivalent to half a year's tax bill.

Everyone was so frightened that they didn't even dare to show the atmosphere. They all looked at the ugly face of the Mingdu Princess in horror, for fear that the Mingdu Princess would get irritated in the next second.

Although this Princess Mingdu was arrogant and domineering, he touched her **** at the moment, and was angry and wanted to kill someone, but she knew that she could not offend the person in front of her.

If it is offended, all of the hard work that father has done for so many years will be destroyed.

She still can't offend the person in front of her!

She is a princess, she is the princess, she is still inferior to her!

Just wait for one day, when her identity leapt to become the most noble woman in the world, then she

Shu Min drooped her brows slightly, thinking about taking out three hundred thousand taels of silver, just as if she had eaten her flesh alive.

"Not so much! The princess!" Shu Min tried his best to resist the violent anger in her heart, and worked hard to squeeze a decent smile: "The princess just wait, tomorrow, this silver will be sent to the palace. !"

After finishing speaking, he helped his body and said, "Princess, Min'er will leave now!"

Go back, go back, the province is an eye-catching sight here, besides, you have to go back to buy money, these three hundred thousand taels of money, it will not necessarily be bought out for a while.

"Go! Min'er's face is not so good today, so you have to rest well when you go back!" The princess said pityingly.

Listening to the tone, there is concern in it, but in this bright eye, where there is half pity, it is proud and pleasant.

Shu Min walked away, his angry body was tense and tight, like a full bow. I don't know who it is later, and I will be scolded by this person!

After getting on the carriage, Shu Min kicked the dwarf in the carriage with an angry kick. The cold tea was splashed everywhere, tea cups and kettles were kicked everywhere, rolling in thick. Rolled twice on the red-gold Persian carpet, no one was broken!

Caiyue saw it and knelt down with a plop.

And Su Qianyue didn't dare to say a word more, hanging her hands, standing aside with her veil twisted, thinking about how to say a word to Shu Min.

"Lihua, Gu Xiaowan, you two get together to play with me!" Suddenly, Shu Min roared ferociously as if he had guessed the relationship here.

When Su Qianyue heard this, she seemed to have guessed Gu Xiaowan and the princess, they both deliberately led the Princess Mingdu into the set!

Shu Min was annoyed to death, picked up a tea cup on the ground, and threw it away fiercely. He saw the tea cup hit the door frame and cracked with a bang, and the broken tea cup fell to the moon. On her head, there were still some fragments of the tea cup that had cut Caiyue's scalp and shed blood stains. She did not dare to wipe it with her hands.

Kneeling on the ground motionless, not even daring to make a sound.

"Sister Min, don't be angry! Let's think about the three hundred thousand taels of silver now, what should we do!" Seeing that she finally knew what she should say, she hurried forward to Shumin Shumin The undulating chest comforted with distress: "Sister Min, don't be angry, what can you do if you are angry!"

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