The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1680: Looking forward to weight loss recipe

Gu Xiaowan pulled Fang Peiya in and squeezed her hand to signal her not to be sad.

When the princess Lihua on the side saw Gu Xiaowan's actions, she discovered that the eye-catching lady in this room was familiar, but she didn't know where she had seen it, so she couldn't help but ask: "This is."

"Don't you recognize it?" Tan Yushu was overjoyed when Princess Lihua asked who Fang Peiya was, and asked back.

Princess Lihua was taken aback: "I only think she is familiar, but I don't remember where I saw it!"

"She is Fang Peiya, the prostitute of Fang Zhengxing!" Tan Yushu took Fang Peiya to the princess and said in surprise.

"What? Fang Peiya? That was the chubby little girl before?" Princess Lihua almost blurted out. When she saw Fang Peiya again, her eyes were full of surprises: "Why are you so thin? You This is much better than before!"

Fang Peiya was boasted by Princess Lihua, her face turned red all of a sudden, she hurriedly stood still, and helped her to help Princess Lihua: "Fang Peiya, courtier, see Princess Lihua!"

"Please get up, please get up!" Seeing this, the princess Lihua hurriedly stepped forward to help Fang Peiya, and said with a smile: "I really didn't expect you to lose weight now, what good way do you have? ?"

The princess Lihua knew Fang Peiya before, and she also met her, a little girl who is so fat, because she is different from other girls, so she will look at her every time. With two eyes, I remembered it in my heart.

See you now, it's impossible to say no surprise.

Today’s Fang Peiya wears a light pink quilted long skirt, with snow-white plum blossoms embroidered on the skirt, a light pink brocade belt of the same color as the dress wraps her waist, three thousand green silks. It became a wishful sideburn, and a plum hairpin was inserted on his head. Although simple, it looked fresh and elegant.

She wore plain clothes today because her mother is still lingering on the sick bed. She can’t wear too gorgeous clothes, but because today is a happy event, she can’t wear white clothes, so she wore a light pink dress. It's simple, simple and elegant, but with a small face even more petite.

Even some of the people who came to the banquet did not see who this person was.

Even Princess Mingdu didn't take a close look.

Ordinary dresses and plain colors are unobtrusive. Princess Mingdu’s eyes are still on Gu Xiaowan and Princess Lihua today, so there has been no trace of Fang Peiya. If you see No matter which girl it was, she didn't have any doubts.

The eldest princess Lihua asked, but Fang Peiya was not in a hurry to answer. Instead, she looked at Gu Xiaowan, smiled and covered her mouth and said: "If the eldest-in-law asks a question, I have to ask sister Xiaowan. I can lose weight. It's all the credit of Xiaowan's sister!"

"What? Xiaowan taught you?" When Princess Lihua heard it, her face was unbelievable. She looked at Gu Xiaowan, followed by ecstasy: "Xiaowan, what is in your mind, why are so many weird things? It’s a gadget! It’s estimated that only you can make these dolls of a thousand taels of silver, and only you dare to sell them. Besides, Peiya has been fat for many years. How did you make her in such a short period of time? Lost so much?"

Princess Lihua is not a person who does not care about other people's moods. At the moment, she will say a fat word when she sees Peiya lose weight.

But even when he said the fat word, he glanced at Fang Peiya apologetically, which was really heartwarming.

Gu Xiaowan looked at the princess with such excitement, where is the dignity and nobility of the princess in Su Ri Li, smiled and said, "You are so thin, what do you want this recipe for?"

"Hey, don’t you know, the queen kept saying that I was too skinny, and forced me to eat those big supplements all day long. Am I not afraid of getting fat? So I seldom eat, but I want to eat too. If I can eat it without getting fat, of course I can feast on it!" Princess Lihua is a foodie. This was discovered when Gu Xiaowan was grilling skewers in the palace.

Seeing that Princess Lihua wanted it, Gu Xiaowan covered her mouth and smiled: "Then you can find the right person, but Peiya's health regimen is not suitable for you. If you want to eat more without gaining weight, there is no way. , Just exercise more!"

"Sports?" Princess Lihua was taken aback: "What is sports?"

"If you walk more in the palace every day, it means exercise. After the food is eaten into our stomachs, what we absorb will become the nutrients our body needs. If we eat more, we don’t exercise. Then those nutrients will become meat and grow on us. When the accumulation is too much, then we will become fat!" Gu Xiaowan said concisely, and she saw Princess Lihua nodding her head in admiration, looking at Gu Xiaowan, a pair of you It makes sense.

"When I make a prescription, you will follow the method on the prescription, but I still want to say that although you love to eat, you must not be greedy and avoid night food. Eat more during the day and add enough If you exercise more, there is generally no problem!"

Princess Lihua nodded her head and promised: "Yeah, I will do what you gave me!"

Everyone was laughing, and Codan brought tea. Because this banquet was very simple, it was to invite the young ladies who had given gifts to gather together, and then give them some gifts in return. So, it didn’t take long, and it was embarrassing right now. It was past noon.

Everyone was full, and Gu Xiaowan suggested drinking tea. This is the aged Pu'er she bought at Tianming Pavilion, which is the most digestive.

Gu Xiaowan invited everyone to the teahouse, saying that it was a teahouse, but it was just a teahouse that Gu Xiaowan opened up in the next room. Qin Yizhi loves to drink tea. If Su Ri Li is in the daytime, he will stay here for a while. Time, it's just that the Lanxue tea that the two people especially love to drink is gone, and they can only use other tea to relieve their greed.

"This is Pu'er from Tianming Pavilion for 30 years. Try it." Gu Xiaowan made a cup of tea like running clouds and flowing water, as if in a teahouse, and gave everyone a small cup in front of everyone. Also warm.

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