The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1681: Your father, please give his life

The princess Lihua drank a cup and said, shook her head: "The tea in this palace is the same as the tea outside the palace! Except for the tea you drank in the palace of the imperial brother last time, no matter how good the tea is, there is no taste! "

Gu Xiaowan thought she was talking about paying tribute to the palace, and didn't ask anything.

Yes, everyone in this world has their own preferences. After drinking one of them, the other is not good.

For example, she is used to drinking the mellow Lanxue tea, and then drinking other tea leaves will not taste much.

Gu Xiaowan smiled and said: "This aged Pu'er tea tastes mellow, sticky, sweet and slippery. If you drink some half an hour after a meal, it can remove excess oil from the body. In addition, it can be cured after long-term drinking of Pu'er tea. To protect the stomach and nourish the stomach, the world also calls Pu'er tea for weight loss, beauty tea, and longevity tea."

After drinking a cup, Fang Peiya nodded and said, "Princess, the slimming prescription Xiaowan Sister Xiaowan has formulated for me also drinks Pu'er half an hour after meals every day."

"In Pu'er, I heard the imperial doctor said that it can protect the stomach, but it is the first time I heard that it can lose weight. Xiaowan, where did you learn these things!" Princess Lihua looked at Gu Xiaowan in surprise , Full of curiosity.

"My father taught me a lot when I was young!" Gu Xiaowan pushed all this to Gu Chuanfu, and everyone nodded. Knowing that Gu Xiaowan had lost her father when she was a child, she felt emotional, so she couldn't say anything.

Knowing that this Pu'er tea can digest and lose weight, Princess Lihua said that the tea tastes average. After drinking two pots of tea in a row, she went to the latrine after a while. After she came back, she pulled Gu Xiaowan and said that she felt something inside her belly. It's a lot empty.

Gu Xiaowan saw that it was getting late, leaving everyone to stay for dinner. There was a lot of food at noon. In the evening, Gu Xiaowan asked Gu Fangxi to prepare some light meals, which made everyone very happy.

Princess Lihua was going to go back to the palace, so this dinner was quickly consumed. After she ran out, Princess Lihua went away in a carriage. Before she left, she whispered something in the ears of Gu Xiaowan and Tan Yushu. Tan Yushu's face immediately changed, and she looked at Gu Xiaowan, who frowned slightly, as if she had already known this.

"Sister" Tan Yushu was a little uncomfortable, watching Gu Xiaowan said distressedly, Gu Xiaowan squeezed her hand, and turned her head to look at Fang Peiya who came out later: "I'll talk about it later!"

The carriage went far, and then Fang Peiya also wanted to leave: "Sister, Yushu, I will also go back first."

Tan Yushu hurriedly stopped her: "Peiya, don't leave!"

Fang Peiya looked at Tan Yushu, who looked a little green in doubt, and felt tight: "What's the matter?"

Tan Yushu's face was a little gloomy, and Gu Xiaowan's face on the side was also very bad. Fang Peiya's heart was stunned: "Did something happen?"

"It's not convenient to talk here, let's go in and talk." When the eldest princess was talking with Tan Yushu just now, she avoided Fang Peiya, but did not avoid Gu Xiaowan. Gu Xiaowan also heard the news in Lin Jingru just now, and Princess Lihua Bian said it again, it seemed that Fang Zhengxing was so impatient!

Anxiously followed them into the house, Fang Peiya felt anxious but comforted herself. Mother's body was already well, and she had lost weight. Other things were not a big deal to her. Thinking of this, Fang Peiya opened her mouth: "Sister, Yushu, did something happen? And, it should be about me, it doesn't matter, you say, I have experienced such cruel things, other things, I have I won't care!"

Although a little nervous, for Fang Peiya now, what happened to her mother almost dying is nothing else.

Tan Yushu looked at his good sister, as if they had grown up in an instant, and felt very sad. During this period, she has always been in the Lu Mansion, she has to take care of her mother to lose weight, physical health, and psychological comfort. During this period, Fang Peiya thinks enough. She didn't need to be sad about other things.

"The princess Lihua told us just now that your father wants to marry Huang Ruye, and has already handed a paper to the emperor, saying that he is going to give Huang Ruye the title of the second-grade madam!" Tan Yushu looked at Fang Peiya's face, a little unbearable Said.

Gu Xiaowan also nodded: "Miss Lin told me too. She said that your father wanted to ask Huang Ruye's Zhezi to go out from her father!"

The two couldn't bear it, but after finishing speaking, they didn't unexpectedly see the indignation and sadness on Fang Peiya's face, so she faintly sighed, indicating that she knew.

Her face was plain and she couldn't see the joy, anger, sorrow, and joy.

Tan Yushu and Gu Xiaowan looked at each other, feeling unbearable. They wanted to be comforted but didn't know where to start: "Peiya, if you want to cry, just cry! Master Fang."

"Yushu, my tears were already drained when I knew that my mother was almost killed. Now, knowing that my mother is fine, I will only be happy, and everything else will not let me I'm sad, even if he takes a wife, he has nothing to do with me!"

Fang Peiya took a long breath and said decisively: "I will go back and tell my grandfather, what should I do to see my mother? Sister, you are right, a man's heart is not on your body, you are a living He wouldn't even bother if he died! My mother had been in my maternal grandfather's house for so long. Except for the last time when he came to see my mother, she never asked about my mother's condition. No, even if you ask someone to do it."

In Fang Peiya's words, there was still a touch of sadness. After all, it was her father who said he didn't care anymore, but in her heart, it is inevitable that she still cares!

Fang Peiya's voice was a little choked, she looked up, as if trying to hold back the tears with all her strength, but the tears still ran across her cheeks.

She shed a line of tears, then wiped away the tears, and said to Gu Xiaowan embarrassingly: "Sister, I'm so sorry, today is your good day, look at me and I am sorry!"

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