The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1696: Stupidity

Gu Xiaowan reached out and took the lotus cake in Gu Xintao's hand and looked at it.

Gu Xintao said hopefully: "Xiao Wan, try it, it's delicious!"

Gu Xiaowan chuckled softly: "Really?"

"Of course, Xiaowan, you let this person get out of the way, I still have a lot of hibiscus cakes here!" Gu Xintao pointed to Kou Hai and said, "My sister is out, don't you let me in!"

Kou Hai didn't move, he still pressed the board firmly, just not letting Gu Xintao in.

Gu Xiaowan looked at a piece of wood that Kou Hai didn't know where she had found. At this moment, she was sealing the gate of the yard, preventing Gu Xintao from getting close.

It's also embarrassing him. Men and women can't understand how to teach and accept. This Gu Xintao is unscrupulous in order to achieve the goal. It is all clouds in her eyes whether men and women are giving or accepting.

"No, I have a distinguished guest here today. Sister should go back first. I don't like this lotus cake anymore. Sister should leave it to you and auntie to eat!" After speaking, Gu Xiaowan didn't even look at it, she just took it in her hand. The hibiscus cake was put back into Gu Xintao's hand again.

"Xiaowan, this is the hibiscus cake I brought you from my hometown. It is a piece of my sister's heart!" Gu Xintao saw that Gu Xiaowan didn't eat it, her angry face turned green, but when she thought of the purpose of her trip, she came. For the one who had a good relationship with her, the fire in this heart suffocated twice or suffocated.

"Miss Gu, you have forgotten that, my sister is now the second-grade Anping princess, and she has an unparalleled identity. This hibiscus cake of unknown origin, you are not afraid of eating my sister’s stomach. ?"

Tan Yushu didn't like Gu Xintao even more. Seeing her fawning on her sister, she thought of the harm she had done to her sister in the past. She really didn't like such a person.

Moreover, looking at her flattery and flattery now, who knows what nasty thoughts are in her heart.

Gu Xintao had never seen Tan Yushu, and naturally didn’t know her status was incomparable, but when she saw her calling Gu Xiaowan’s sister to the left, she thought that this person had come to flatter Gu Xiaowan’s identity, and she couldn’t help but feel unhappy: "Who are you? I'm talking to my sister, where's your turn to interrupt."

Gu Xintao stared at Tan Yushu.

Seeing Ah Qing next to him, he immediately opened his mouth and angrily said: "Presumptuous, this is the princess who protects the country. He has an incomparable status and is in front of you. How can you let a pariah yell here! Don't kneel! under!"

"A Qing, presumptuous!"

When Tan Yushu heard it, he immediately scolded him, and saw A Qing glanced quickly, and immediately knelt down, begging for mercy: "The princess's mercy, the princess's mercy!"

And Gu Xintao originally wanted to yell at him, but when A Qing introduced that this person turned out to be Princess Huguo, her scared face turned green.

This person turned out to be the Lord Huguo!

There are also three princesses in the whole Qing Dynasty. Only one has real royal blood, that is, the princess of Mingdu, the other two are Gu Xiaowan, and the other is the granddaughter Tan Yushu of General Huqi. He grew up in a military camp, and was then held by the Queen Mother. He grew up with the princess Lihua. The relationship between the two is like relatives and sisters, which is extraordinary.

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