The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1697: Queen Mother's Birthday

When she heard that the little girl standing in front of her turned out to be Princess Huguo, Gu Xintao immediately panicked, and knelt down with a "plop": "Punch Huguo, I'm sorry, it is the people who have no eyes."

Tan Yushu saw this person knelt on the ground and shrank, and knew that this person was Gu Xiaowan’s cousin. Although he didn't like this person very much in his heart, because of her identity, Tan Yushu would not take him seriously, so he said:" Get up quickly."

Gu Xintao heard this and wanted to get up, but due to the two battles of fright, her legs were as weak as rotten noodles. She was so frightened that she trembled and didn't stand up. She knelt down again with a "wow!" With a timid look, Tan Yu pulled a trace of helplessness in writing, and looked at Gu Xiaowan.

Gu Xiaowan shook her head at her, beckoning her to leave it alone, and then she saw Gu Xiaowan stepping forward to help Gu Xintao up and said: "The princess asks you to get up, so you can get up. If you are fine in the future, you don't need to come to my yard. "

Is Gu Xiaowan banning her feet?

Let her not come!

Gu Xintao didn't show up on her face, but she hated to death in her heart.

In the face of Huguo Princess, she couldn't say a few words, after all, the status of Huguo Princess was unparalleled, so how could she be an ordinary citizen.

Ah Zuo went up and held Gu Xintao with an arm, and dragged her away like an eagle picking up a chicken.

Gu Xintao left, and everyone was back to the peace they were just now.

Tan Yushu saw that this person had come to Qingyuan in this way, and said, "Sister, how did she find the capital?"

Gu Xiaowan shook her head, she really didn't know.

"I only know that my uncle and big brother are still taking part in the imperial examinations in Ruixian County. I don't know why they came back."

"Sister, I don't know if I should say it inappropriately!" Tan Yushu hesitated.

Gu Xiaowan looked at her and motioned her to continue: "You said, there is something between our sisters, but it doesn't hurt to say it!"

"Sister, I always feel that Gu Xintao came here prepared! The empress dowager is about to celebrate her birthday. If she is coming because of her brother's imperial examination, then how can she know that her brother will be elected? If you don't have the promotion, what will they do? Stay in the capital? Where do they live? Do you plan to stay in your Qingyuan for the rest of your life?" Tan Yushu asked suspiciously.

This is not a family of people. It always feels weird to live together. Besides, she also knows that this Gu family's big room has done a lot of things that have hurt Gu Xiaowan.

Can a weasel become a chicken overnight?

Can't change!

Some people have bad hearts, but they will always be bad!

Gu Xiaowan shook her head and sneered: "Stay in Qingyuan for the rest of your life? Then you can see if she has that fate and stay on!" If Gu Xintao doesn’t use any tricks, she can keep them staying for some more time, but if they have a little nine in their hearts, then Gu Xiaowan doesn’t mind, give them an extra ride .

Tan Yushu's words made Gu Xiaowan more mindful. After Tan Yushu was gone, Gu Xiaowan directly asked Ahmad to go to Rui County to investigate Gu Xintao's situation.

Her brother was still taking part in the imperial examination in Ruixian County, why did she come first?

Since then, Gu Xiaowan has become more vigilant towards Gu Xintao and Sun Xi'e. Relying on Gu Xintao's arrogant temperament, it certainly wasn't as simple as coming to find a place to stay temporarily.

Gu Xintao and her daughter stayed behind and were arranged in a very secluded courtyard far away from the courtyard where Gu Xiaowan lived. There was a well and a kitchen in the courtyard. Every day, Kou Hai went to buy food for two more people. Dan took the meals they were going to eat today and gave them all the rest.

Gu Xintao didn't expect Gu Xiaowan to be so cruel, saying that there was no servant, but really not.

Moreover, Gu Xintao and Sun Xi'e couldn't get close to the big yard where Gu Xiaowan and the others lived.

The maids and minions in the yard seemed to have eyes. As long as they were a little closer, they would be spotted, and then quietly came to them, warned them that they had broken the rules, and invited them back.

Gu Xintao tried to get close to Gu Xiaowan many times, but every time she ended up without a problem. Gu Xintao was furious. Seeing that the deadline set by the Mingdu princess was getting closer and closer, she didn't catch Gu Xiaowan's handle at all, but she was anxious to death.

Ahmad took the order, but it took a lot of time to go back and forth to the capital, so before the news from Gu Xintao, the birthday of the empress dowager had already arrived.

Gu Xiaowan helped the princess Lihua get three hundred thousand taels of silver, and the empress mother was overjoyed. So he made a decree, let Gu Xiaowan and Tan Yushu enter the palace in advance, accompany the princess Lihua in the palace, and directly attend the Queen Mother's birthday in the palace the next day.

Gu Xiaowan was the first folk woman who was personally invited by the empress dowager to pass her birthday on the first day. Even Princess Mingdu has never received such courtesy.

After the news spread throughout the capital, everyone was in an uproar.

One after another guessed, Gu Xiaowan's identity with the empress dowager.

The empress dowager will only let Tan Yushu stay for one night in her birthday, after all, Tan Yushu grew up at the feet of the empress dowager.

Gu Xiaowan didn't know anything about her relationship, but the empress dowager loved her so much, so the Anping princess immediately became the first hot topic in the Qing Dynasty.

The birthday of the empress dowager finally began on a sunny day,

Gu Xiaowan and Tan Yushu dressed up and went to the banquet of the empress dowager.

Elder Lihua mainly accompanied the empress dowager out, so Gu Xiaowan and Tan Yunshu first came to the hall and waited. The two of them arrived not early. Before they entered the hall, they saw that there were already many people in the hall, either standing in twos or threes, or sitting in their own positions in twos and threes, or talking or talking, quietly. Quietly waiting for the arrival of the emperor and empress dowager. The **** who chanted sang "Huguo County Lord, Anping County Lord is here!"

Immediately, all eyes in the hall looked at Gu Xiaowan.

I saw the county lord Huguo and an elegantly dressed woman come here.

I saw that woman wore a lotus-colored gauze skirt and mopped the floor, wearing a snow-white fox fur jacket, and the snow-white water color made the girl's face even more picturesque.

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