The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1699: The storm before the banquet

Gu Xiaowan listened to Tan Yushu's words, and she was a little stunned when she saw her smile: "What do you mean?"

"Sister, don't you understand? They are looking at you!"

"Look at me?" Gu Xiaowan looked back.

Those noble ladies were still together and were pointing at Gu Xiaowan. The more they pointed, the more satisfied they were. Even looking at Gu Xiaowan's back was as satisfied as looking at her daughter-in-law.

Seeing Gu Xiaowan suddenly turned her head to look at them, she couldn't help but felt a little embarrassed. However, after all, he was a person who had seen the world, and a few smiles were quickly pulled from the corner of his mouth to Gu Xiaowan's smile.

Only then did Gu Xiaowan understand what Tan Yushu said.

These people are here to see their wives!

Seeing Gu Xiaowan frowned, Tan Yushu said with a smile: "Every year the palace or other big families hold a banquet, saying that it is a banquet, but in fact, it is a birthday party for the unmarried young lady and the queen mother. It’s no exception. Sister, just wait. Once the Empress Dowager’s birthday is over, your threshold to clear the garden will be trampled by the Iceman."

Gu Xiaowan couldn't laugh or cry: "Yu Shu, you don't know, I already have a sweetheart!"

Tan Yushu laughed and said: "I know, but they don't know. You haven't been married. How can others be willing to give up? Think about your current status, power and status, and what you are behind. Jinfulou and Lanyue Pavilion are all profitable businesses. You are a lively golden bodhisattva. How could they let you go!"

A joke that Tan Yushu said would really become a proverb after the new year. The iceman who went to Qingyuan to talk about matchmaking really almost broke the threshold of Qingyuan.

Of course, this is something later.

On the birthday of the empress dowager, as long as it is a female Jun above the fifth grade, officials and their family members above the third grade, all are invited to attend the birthday banquet.

Therefore, before Gu Xiaowan and Tan Yushu had spoken for a while, they heard people coming over one after another.

The chanting eunuch’s shrill voice kept chanting: "Master Fang Zheng Xingfang sent a pair of Nanhai Night Pearls."

Gu Xiaowan looked around quickly and saw that Fang Zhengxing had come alone.

He has a wife and a prostitute. In principle, he shouldn't be attending the banquet alone, but now he is busy trying to give the name of a sweet wife, how can he think of the current Mrs. Fang!

If you don't remember your wife Lu Wenxin, naturally you don't remember Fang Peiya.

I heard that he never brought Fang Peiya to any party, because Fang Peiya's ugly figure made him shame.

On the birthday of the empress dowager, those concubines and concubines were not allowed to attend, so Fang Zhengxing came alone.

Tan Yushu also saw Fang Zhengxing. After taking a look, he and Gu Xiaowan looked at each other, and they saw expectations in each other's eyes.

"Master Su Pei Ansu gave two Ruyi jade handles."

As the **** chanted, Gu Xiaowan looked towards the gate, and she saw Su Ziyue standing in the gate and looking inward in a light purple dress, as if she was looking for something.

Before Gu Xiaowan looked away, she saw Su Ziyue's face suddenly changed.

The anxiety just now has turned into joy and some shame.

Gu Xiaowan was curious about this person's change, and she turned her head away, and heard a familiar voice shouting: "Princess Lord"

Gu Xiaowan looked back and saw Lin Jingru dressed in a green turquoise jacket, a green grass-colored pleated skirt, and her eyebrows were lightly sweeping, and her eyebrows were picturesque. At this moment, with a decent smile on the corner of her mouth, please greet Gu Xiaowan and Tan Yushu.

Seeing this, Gu Xiaowan hurriedly stepped forward and gently supported her: "Don't be polite!"

This girl has a long face like spring flowers, but she doesn't give people the feeling of coquetry and lofty. She has a plain temperament, tepid, not overly flattering, and not overly alienated.

Gu Xiaowan's temperament has always been this way. Seeing a congenial person, it feels like seeing a friend.

The three of them had the same temperament, and they were talking about it in a short while, and they didn't even notice the figure walking by.

The "Princess" saw someone interrupt the conversation between the three of them, and when he turned his head, he saw Su Ziyue standing in front of the three of them, looking at Gu Xiaowan with scorching eyes. Gu Xiaowan frowned slightly invisible, and did not intend to speak.

When Su Ziyue saw Gu Xiaowan, there was a flash of surprise in her eyes. How long did she disappear this time, only to see that her stature seems to have grown a bit taller, and she still looks like a fairy in the painting. At this moment, after applying Fendai, his complexion is even more gorgeous.

Wearing a lotus-colored clothes on that exquisite body, it looks more and more like a pure lotus in the lotus, which makes people admire.

It's just that the faint estrangement in those eyes makes people only dare to look far away, not to blaspheme.

As soon as he entered the hall, he was looking for Gu Xiaowan everywhere.

The Empress Dowager ordered the Princess Anping to live in the palace ahead of time, and the news that she would come to attend the birthday banquet for the second time had already spread throughout the capital, as long as it was in the official residences who knew about it.

The empress dowager’s move was announced in the Qing Dynasty that this woman is very fond of the Ai family.

I thought that Gu Xiaowan, who was the lord of Anping County before, won the title of Anping County lord after entering the palace, and when she held a thank-you banquet, the princess Lihua, who was still following the empress dowager to the Buddha, could leave the palace to attend the banquet in advance. If it is not instructed by the empress mother, no one can believe it.

The empress dowager valued Gu Xiaowan so much that the entire capital was in an uproar.

Although I look down on Gu Xiaowan's identity as a peasant girl and think that a country girl has lost their face on the same level as her own, but the queen mother, the emperor, and the princess Lihua all love this girl so much that they can't offend this girl.

Therefore, someone in the family kept telling the young ladies and sons not to show their disgust at the Queen Mother’s birthday banquet.

The empress dowager likes it, they don’t like it, isn’t this accusing the empress dowager?

So, yesterday, even Su Qianyue was killed by Madam Su. But Madam Su did not remind Su Ziyue.

Su Ziyue looked at Gu Xiaowan, only feeling that the touch of love in his heart was even worse.

Now, as soon as I came in, I found the charming figure, and some people around me started talking about the Anping Princess, and that said, it seemed that there was an inexplicable intention.

After Su Zi read the two sentences, he felt as if someone was fighting for something he liked. Coupled with the longing for days, he didn’t know why, and he didn’t care about men’s and women’s defenses, so he came directly to Gu Xiaowan’s side. .

The Queen Mother’s birthday did not set up men’s and women’s seats, but set up a dining table on a family basis in accordance with the identity of a capital official. When that time comes, it is enough to pass by the ranks.

Therefore, Su Ziyue went directly to Gu Xiaowan's side, her eyes burning, as if she had something to say.

Gu Xiaowan frowned slightly, she was already unhappy.

Some people in the hall saw the movement here, and they all turned their heads to look at them. When they saw Su Ziyue approaching Gu Xiaowan to speak, everyone felt strange.

And Su Qianyue was standing behind Madam Su, her eyes staring at Gu Xiaowan sullenly. When she saw her brother's behavior, her face paled for a while, she looked at the entrance of the hall even more fearfully. ,

But Mrs. Su's demeanor was calm and calm at the moment, as if there was still a little bit of expectation.

When Mrs. Gui met Su Ziyue and went directly to Gu Xiaowan, she couldn't help but asked curiously: "Master Su knows Princess Anping?"

Madam Su stiffened her back, smiled, and said with a slightly triumphant tone: "Yes!"

She looked in the direction of Su Ziyue and saw that Su Ziyue was still arching her hands, standing facing Gu Xiaowan, her eyes didn't blink, and Madam Su didn't understand that obsessive look.

Gu Xiaowan's current identity and the industry behind it, I don't know why, Madam Su's previous prejudice against Gu Xiaowan suddenly disappeared.

Although this girl came from the countryside, she has earned so much fame and fame for herself with her own hands. Not to mention that she still has so many industries. Nowadays, no one in the capital circle says that Gu Xiaowan is very powerful. Thanks to the scheming and methods, I am afraid that no young lady in the capital can match it.

There is fame, wealth, appearance, body, and figure, first-class good, temperament and temperament, there is nothing to say, if such a woman can really marry to Su Mansion, Madam Su also has a vague expectation in her heart. .

Seeing Mrs. Noble's almost jealous eyes around, Mrs. Su was faintly proud. However, Mrs. Su hadn't been happy for long. The eunuch's chanting made her look embarrassed.

"The king of Ming is here, the youngest son is here, and the lord of Mingdu is here!"

Su Qianyue shook involuntarily when she heard the four words for Princess Mingdu. The color of joy on Madam Su's face also disappeared in an instant.

"Mother, I'm looking for Sister Min!" Su Qianyue said hurriedly when she saw Shu Min coming.

Before leaving, she gave Gu Xiaowan a vicious look, and she had already forgotten what she said yesterday.

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